ClOnEs!: [uh...other pictures but in URL form]
tH3y w3R3 0n DruGs!!!!: [Issac Allen Fox Anderson]
ii've liiv3d for ____ y3@rs: [10]
L@sT i Ch3cK3d I w@s @: [boy]
i'm B3tt3r 0ff wItH: [Into modest Girls]
I aM rEaL!: [Biological Son]
y@Y StR@wB3rRi3s!:
Cool Weather
Music expect Country and Rap
Hot cranberry Juice
eW! L3m0Ns!:
Hot weather
Homosexual, Emo, Incest life styles
Being sick
Country and Rap Music
Mii Gr3@t Liif3:[I can't give you the lfe story but I can condense it. I along with my twin were born two weeks late. I was born healthy and strong unlike my twin sister who died at birth. (twin to twin transfer)Other than being a late bloomer (walking and talking) when I was about three years old I ended up with a rare illness that nearly took my life. It was Kawasaki diease. That illness plagued me with high fevers, upset stomach and a strawberry red tongue. Near the vurge of death I was saved. A doctor who seen this illness five times saved me. Ever since then I made it my obligation to pay back the doctor by being a doctor himself.
While my step father is having a fling with mom and my eldest sister, My other sibling are going incestious I am been getting close a different family. That family has power. The Mayor's family has a daughter I am very fond of. She has a very unusal name. Don't cross the line with her you'll regret it.
What a book nerd. I am a child prodigy though some things he avoid learning. I'm can be calm and cool till he's horriably irritated or upset (which is easily done). I loves to pester my older siblings. But with the recent events I been gloomy and distant.]
I pUlL tH3 sTriiNgS:[Brother number 4]
BuT I'm C0nTrOlL3D By:[xdivision_whitey]