just the other day, some girl in the cafeteria asked me why i was reading a "black" book (a strong right arm, a story about one of the first females into negro baseball,)
when im white. I said back, well, by saying that, you pretty much said i cant read the bible because im jewish. (im not by the way) your right! she yelled back at me, you cant read the bible if you're jewish! i just shook my head and thought, what an idiotic person...i said, well, if a jewish person read the bible...would they blow up?
she didnt answer and walked away. then i came up with what i felt about racism... theres white people...then colored people... and together, we're all just one big painting. the white people, would be the canvas, and the coloreds would make the beautiful picture. so white people without coloreds, equal a blank and ugly canvas...and coloreds alone....is just paint right? i thought about this for some time and decided, well, it makes perfect sense to think such a way. so, if someone of a different race than you doesnt like you and points it out bluntly (sneers, flips ya off,) just explain this, and see if they can come up with anything logical to say back.
ukame uchiha Community Member |