It's almost that time of year again, yes, the time when I have to buy you gifts :B . Some of you might receive your gifts a little bit late (2 or 3 days after Xmas). So here's the list :
[]Blaze-kun (50k Limit)
[]timesoul (50k Limit)
[]Daisuke_Hiwatari (50k Limit)
[]iiroko (50k Limit)
[]Eduard-kun (15k Limit)
[]BlueCatastrophe (10k Limit)
[]Kelenkarie Rukika (15k Limit)
[X]Mr Copyright (20k Limit)
[]thedragonchampion111 (15k Limit)
[]Tasho Kwazo
[]omghuh (50k Limit)
[]TrixBunny Ninna
[]emo cookies 11 (10k Limit)
[]luckynumberslevin (10k Limit)
5k Gifts from here on down 'cause I don't think I'll have enough gold sorry... D:
[]BlueCatastrophe (5k)
[]abbi_87 (5k)
[]Eat.Your.Feet (5k)
Anywayz... if you don't see your name on this list it's probably because you don't go on as much or we don't talk as much and you will probably be removed from my friendlist. Oh yeah, just post the item that you want me to get you for christmas and I might get you that item. There's a limit next to your username, don't pass it. If you don't post what you want I'll just give you some item.

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