Love in Music
While listening to my Mp3 player this evening, I had a brain fart, And got some random inspiration. I started writing, and have a good base for a fiction story. Now, I'm not going to tell you about it yet, But, I will give you an excerpt. Please give me opinions like...
- Does it sound interesting? - Would you be interested in reading this story if you opened up a book, and this excerpt was the forward? - Is there any vocabulary or phrases that you think would enhance the section?
Or whatever. ^_^ Enjoy:
Love in Music
She quickly drew in her breath as her back pounded the wall. Spreading out arms and hands, she attempted to scratch the surface as to hold on to it. It would be an anchor; an anchor to keep her thoughts below the heavens. "…This…This is…real?" In her heart, it was of a ascertain volume and tone, but filtered through feeble lips that quivered with doubts, it was a mere whisper. Yet, it beckoned the unthinkable. "Say it." The idea was louder, but it was not yet loud enough for the demanding voice, "This is real…" "Don’t deny me! I’m here! You know me!" The voice echoed through every pore until the young women’s skin held goose bumps. It was him. "This is real!" She finally admitted. Her thoughts began to pour fluently out of her mouth. Without control, she lamented as if a rant of a mad women: "Who is to say miracles don’t happen? That this world is not filled with unexplained phenomena undefined by earthly logic? There is magic in this world, but facts work as a safety blanket of ignorance—I’m not crazy…You live not within my heart, or abound my mind, but in my music. I’m sure of it!"