A Whole Bunch Of Stuff About Midsummer's
So know how I was telling you guys about our awesome tree?? Well, we were going to have a backdrop behind it so it could be that tall but come to find out that the backdrop was going to be close to $1000 so we cannot afford it so he had to make our tree 8 ft tall instead...so at rehersal last night E.R.m and M.O'C. m dismantled our tree that we worked so hard on!! It was hard to watch them take it apart...it only took them like 5 minutes to rip all the chicken wire off when it took like half an hour to do it! AH! So so sad..... crying .....it mad me every sad. But in other news...we had to pull down so flats for people to paint and well these things were huge! To get them across the stage we had to tilt them because they kept banging into the cutains!! Thats how f-en tall they were....and they were up on a shelf so we had R.L.m on a ladder S.G.f on a amp and me down of the floor ready to catch the god damn thing when S.G.f got it off the shelf. AH!-again! But because they are so tall they are gonna look killer and all the actors were like those are so cool when we were moving them out into the room....these flats hadn't been used for like 2 years....from when I was in 7th grade and I'm in 10th now so they haven't been useed in a while and they were COVERED in dust! COVERED! AH! But I got congradulated by "Ethan" that we were doing a good job so that made it all worth while.......
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