yay, a dragon!!! maybe it looks a bit too much like a horse....
another sketch i did at school. yesterday. i'm quite surprised it turned out as good as it is, because i haven't been drawing dragons for years.
i didn't sleep for 24 hours, and i'm never doing it again. we have this word in norwegian, mørketid, i don't know what it means in english (the most similar word i found was polar night) but it means that we don't have sun for a couple of months, so it's only daylight for a couple of hours every day. it's very beautiful right before it gets dark, because the mountains and everything is covered in snow so it's all white and the sky above the mountains is red and the rest of the sky is almost white (or dark. it depends). right now it gets dark about 2.30 pm, so when i went to bed this morning it was dark, and when i woke up it was dark. i haven't seen daylight for 22 hours, and it will be dark until 9 or 10 tomorrow. i'm glad i don't live even more to the north...