Nickname: The Mistress Of The Blood
Race: Fallen Angel (Watcher bloodline)
Age: Looks 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Height and Weight: 5"2'/150
Preferred Weapons: Twin Jitte swords, Gunsen, and two Tantos hidden on her body.
General Physical Description:
Jira is a rather small skinny girl for her anchent age. her long Blood red hair lay on her sholders traveling down her back and ending just below her butt, that she normaly wears in a ponytail. Her skin is fair, unblemished and perfect but rather pail like milk. her legs are longer then normal and her skin as smooth as silk. she has perfect facial features and her nose is lightly sprinkled with frekles.
General Personality Description:
she is a girl that stands out in a crowd just by the presence she gives off. she is quiet, not that she is shy, she just only choices to talk when it is nessasry. As a Fallen Angel she has a very high blood lust and loves to feed on human blood everyonce in a while. She trusts only the people in her life that have earned her trust, which is very hard and takes saving her life to do so. Her heart is as cold as ice, and just as hard. she cares for noone but herself, but fears the day when someone will melt her cold heart. Her nickname is The Mistress of The Blood for a very good reason because of the unwavering lust for blood, and the savage way she killes her enemies, not leaving the body intack and leaving the area covered the her victumes blood.
Biography (optional):
Jira Jaide was born of the very old bloodline of the Fallen Angels, one that most people has never heard of. The Watchers where the very angels that watched over the humans on the earth. The were not to interfear with the humans, they where not to touch, No meddling, and no direct contact. But they came to earth anyway, they mated with the human women, they also instructed them in the forbidden and arcane arts of botany, astrology, and astronomy. Further, they showed them how to make magic and weapons, and how to use cosmetics.
God was very upset and his displeasure increased considerably when the offspring of these matings were born into the world. They turned out not to be angles, but monsters who became great giants that killed and ate any unlucky humans that they caught. And should there be no humans about, they killed and ate each other. So he casted the angels down to the earth locking them in a earth made prison and years later they where taken down into hell.
Satan gladly took in these fallen angels creating them lustful for pleasure as well as blood. He also gave them the power to be able to influence humens with the seven deadly sins to spread evil around the world.
Jira is third generation blood line of the Fallen Watcher Angels, but her powers didn't dwindly because of there mating within there breed. She Grew up in the City of New York City, New York a city fill with very powerful sin and very powerful demons. He father was killed by saint Hunter, these fowel humans set out on a holy quest to ride the world of all demon kind. So now she continues her quest to travel around the world spreading sin, and changing any dark human into evil minions to do the same.
-Hair Color: Red
-Left eye Color: Amber
-Right eye Color: Amber
-Skin Color / Condition: pale and white
-Hair Style (Choppy, Wild, spikey) Long, and Choppy, pulled into a ponytail
-Ears (pointed, pierced, ripped) average, pierced
-Mouth (Long, thin lips, pierced) average, pierced
-Nose (Curved, defined, long) defined, pierced
-Body Art (Tattoos markings, other pierceings)
Jira being a fallen angel is blessed with wings that have the strangth to carry her waight so that she can fly. Her bloodline was given the power over all seven deadly sins as well as to infect any living creature with them as well as a small amount of control of fire that seems to fuel her temper. She has really good sences that helps her find any sorce of purety or evil. In order to stay at her top strangth she feeds of blood not just human blood but any blood, she likes to feed on powerful demons wheather they let her or not. She is also able to feed of negative or evil energy to stay strong.
Jira only has one major weakness, because of her bloodline being that from fallen heavenly creatures she does not fear holy objects such as crosses, holy water, or churches. The only thing that can defete her is a holy vergin's touch, as soon as one touches her bear skin it drains the energy from her body making her very week and almost unable to move. The only thing that can do this to her besides a vergin is the touch of a pure heavenly angel.
Default clothing:
Jira loves dark clothes, they always seem to match her mood and her soul. she wares short skimpy goth clothes that has men and women turning there heads to looked at her with lust, envy or discust. she doesn't care what people think of her and how she dresses, she wares what she wants when she wants too.