The One-Tailed Shukaku (一尾の守鶴 Ichibi no Shukaku?, English TV "Shukaku the Sand Spirit" wink has been in the possession of Sunagakure for many years, being sealed into two previous citizens before being sealed in Gaara. Chiyo sealed it into Gaara under the Fourth Kazekage's orders, and Gaara's mother was used as a sacrifice for the sealing process. Shukaku is intelligent but also incoherent, giving him the demeanor of a drunkard; this fits well with the typical depictions of tanuki in Japanese folklore. Like other tailed beasts, its innate rage and bloodlust influence its behavior, and it relishes in the opportunity to kill anyone in sight.
As a host of Shukaku, Gaara has the ability to move and levitate sand at will. He is also given constant protection by his sand, as it surrounds him to block any and all damage regardless of his will. As a symbol of the beast sealed within him, Gaara has Shukaku's characteristic rings around his eyes. Although they are a part of his physical appearance, their presence is further amplified by his lifelong insomnia; should he fall asleep, Shukaku will supplant his personality and take control of his body. If need be, Gaara can bring out Shukaku in battle to deal with more powerful opponents; Gaara first creates a life-sized replica of Shukaku from sand that he is merged with at its forehead. He then forces himself to sleep to release the demon at its full power. Once released Shukaku takes control of the sand-body to do with as he please until Gaara awakens, suppressing its spirit once more.
In Part II, Deidara of Akatsuki is assigned to capture Shukaku. After defeating Gaara in combat and taking him to Akatsuki's lair, Shukaku is forcefully extracted from Gaara's body. Gaara is killed in the process, though he is later revived by Chiyo to make up for the fact that she sealed Shukaku into his body in the first place. Gaara's ability to manipulate sand still appears to be intact, though to what degree he can use it remains unclear.