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Leave me soe love!
Chapter 20 [I AM SO CREATIVE]
EXCUSE TYPOS..ima lazy whore...they will be fixed for final...

Chapter 20. I’ve been meaning to write this for a long long time. Damn school for being stressful XD;; but mah friend keeps wanting to write it cuz’ I’m using two of her Ocs ^^
So here’s chapter 20 Khaos~~~
***just to let you readers know Jun and Judai are NOT and did not do it in begging of chapter. Savign that moment for later.
Also some more notes Haru is OBVIOUSLY based off Haru Sohma, hence the moment he hs.
-yes Jun lived in france…in my story. He lived there till he was 13, kay?
-~ this symbol here means Jun’s speaking in French, okay? He’ll do it every now and then.
-There’s a cameo of my OC(original character) in this chapter. Who does she sound like? Hmmm…? XD Find out later…way later.
-I’m only incorporating a little Japanese in because I want to give the feel of the Japanese culture.
-I reference to one of my favorite books, Twilight in the beginning…although bella and Edward don’t go that far kissing wise. XD
-They’re on Christmas break. T started to follow the chapters…so chapter 19 was when they went on break, the 19th of December. This chapter is 20th of December, surprising as I type this it’s close to the 20th xD.
DISCLAIMER: blah blah blah…I don’t own this..blah blah
Manjyome lay exposed under red and white patterned sheets sprawled across his light ivory skin, wrapping around his waist, as the sheets were giving him a hug. His short jet black hair stuck to his face as if he walked in from the rain. Judai had his head laying in the middle of Manjyome’s torso, with Manjyome’s jacket rested lightly on Judai’s shoulders like a pair of folded black wings. Manjyome’s gave a small groan and opened his eyes. He looked down at Judai resting on his torso. He smiled and pulled Judai up more, lifting his chin up and lowered his head putting his lips to his, nibbling on his lower lip. Judai let out a small, but cute moan, but still hung limply in Manjyome’s arms. Mnajyome began to kiss along Judai jaw bone, nibbling on it as he made his way to Judai’s ear. Manjyome started to make love to his ear as much as he would to Judai’s lips. Judai gave a small giggle. “Manjyome-san, it’s…too early”. Manjyome gave a low chuckle as made his way down Judai’s neck delicately giving it small kisses, burying his face within his brown locks. “Mhmm, but I guess we can gave an exception, “Judai muttered nuzzling Manjyome’s cheek with his nose and kissing him on the corner of the mouth. “You gotta,” Manjyome pulled away and put his lips again to Judai’s and paused to take a breath, “do better,” their lips touched again, “than that.” Manjyome finished.
“Oh be quiet mr. Conceited,” Judai said leaned back on his hands.
“You are so asking for it.”
“Maybe,” Judai looked to the right and back at Manjyome “maybe I’m not.”
“Stop being so coy,”
“Oh, we’re roleplaying now?” Judai smirked.
“Yes,” Manjyome crawled across the ebd, so he was over Judai, looking down at him, “I’m Edward and you are Bella Swan…”
Judai fell back, “please Edward, “ he said in a girlish tone, “make me a vampire.”
“Of course,” Manjyome lowered his head, burying it once again in Judai’s chocolate waves. Judai clutched onto Manjyome short jet black hair, running his fingers throughout his messy hair, opening and closing his eyes.
The door opened to Judai’s room, Yuki stepped in wearing a dark blue sweater and black jeans, “Hey you two-“ he paused wide eyed.
Manjyome and Judai looked up and quickly sat up side to side. Manjyoem sat there in his pants eyes closed, “sorry about that.” He muttered.
Judai bowed his head, “I’m sorry Yuki.”
Yuki gave a chuckle, “no need to be sorry you two.” He smiled, “breakfast will served shortly.”
Uo stopped at the top of the stairs, “morningya love birds” she waved, “go ahead and help yourselves downstairs.”
Yuki sighed, rolling his eyes, “oh there she goes….”
“Is she waking Haru up?” Judai asked.
“What do you think?”
Uo walked out holding Haru in her arms, “watch this Manjyome-kun,” she smiled suspiciously. She walked into the bathroom and large splash, followed by a long string of swear words and splashing.
Uo skipped out smiling, “hurry up or the food will get cold you three.”
Yuki walked off shaking his head muttering under his breath.
Manjyome turned to Judai, “your mother is ******** insane, you realize that, right?”
Judai shrugged, “yeah, but that’s why we love Uo.” the jacket slid off his shoulders.
“So, this happens all the time?” Manjyome asked slipping on his purple turtle neck
Judai picked up a dark brown shirt, sniffed it and wiggled his nose as if he had smelled something horrid and threw the shirt back without looking
“Ugh!” Manjyome failed his arms, “gag me!” he threw the shirt against the wall, “don’t you ever have your laundry cleaned?”
“I don’t live here, so these clothes have been dirty since I left home.” Judai said sniffing a dark grey shirt and slipped it over his head and slipped on a red jacket.
“You disgust me.” Manjyome got up pulling on his coat.
Judai sat there whimpering, “oh c’mon, I’m a teenage boy!”
“yeah, and what am I?”
Judai lifted an eyebrow at him, “some of us aren’t rich like you to have servants do your laundry.”
Manjyome silently mocked Judai as he walked out the door.
“Mature as ever, “Judai said following.
“Yo udon’t even know what that means,” Manjyome said to him walking down the stairs.
“Sure I do!” Judai smiled, “it means you are a young adult.”
Manjyome stumbled, catching on the railing.
“Oh my God! You okay Manjyome-san?” Judai said hurridly.
“Yeah…yeah…” he sighed shaking his head. “Just surprised at how idiotic you are,” he smacked him over the ehad.
“You’re mean Manjyome-san da!” Judai whined rubbing his head.
“Stop being cute,” Manjyome said soflty pressing his lips to his, lightly touching Judai’s cheek, deepening the kiss.
“Do it somewhere else where no one else will have to swallow their vomit ya damn bitches.” Muttered Haru Pushing past Manjyome and Judai.
Judai put his finger to Manjyome’s lips, “please don’t be mean to Haru, I’m asking you please?”
Manjyome sighed, “alright, since YOU asked.” He smiled taking Judai’s hand and headed down the stairs.
Manjyome and Judai entered the kitchen and Manjyome recoiled at the sudden brightness meeting his eyes. “Holy yellow Batman…” he said rubbing his eyes.
Uo turned to him smiling, in a light yellow apron, “morning Manjyome-kun, hopefully you like eggs and toast.”
Mnjyome blinked, still taken aback from the bright kitchen, but managed to find himself into a chair. He leaned over next to Judai, “why is some as…uhh…”
“Goth like?” Judai half asked.
“Uo’s very odd like I said.”
Haru sat across from glaring with deep indigo eyes, as if he want to drown him in a pool red wine.
Manjyome looked away, “obviously…” He said finally.
Uo took a chair and put it between Manjyome and Judai and settled in the chair looking at Manjyome, “so, since we got in so late yesterday, I want to know the basics about you.”
Manjyome blinked, “okay, go ahead…” he said slowly.
“How old are you?”
“You’re kidding….”Yuki said putting down his newspaper, “you look like you’re older.”
Manjyome shrugged, “makes me all the better,” he smirked.
Uo smiled, “where were you born?”
“Manjyome smirked, “I’ve never told anyone this but,” he paused to take a drink of orange juice, “France.”
“Figured a rich b***h like you was from there,” Haru muttered.
Uo shot a glare at Haru, “Haru, must you?”
Haru rolled his eyes getting up from the table and walked to the fridge and opened it, as if was an escape from the returning memory.
“Anyways,” Uo sighed, “so why aren’t spending the holidays with your family?”
Judai shook his head and Uo raised her eyebrow in a puzzled manner.
Manjyome turned away, “why don’t we start breakfast?” he muttered under his breath.
Uo nodded sadly, “I’m-“
Judai shook his head.
Haru closed the refrirador door and looked at Manjyome and shook his head wand walked back and sat down. “why should I be worrying about someone like him? People like him are nothing but a waste…” he thought to himself.
Haru put his elbow on the table and lay his head on it, crosslegged, “pft, knowing how Uo cooks, we’ll be eating shitty kiddy cereal again.”
Just as Haru had finished, a alarm went off.
“Oh no!” Uo rushed over picking up the frying pan and threw into the sink, in fear of being burnt. Another alarm went off, coming from the counter. “Not the toat too!” she wailed scurrying to the toaster oven and picking the pan up by the tip and it also clattered into the sink. Uo exhaled a few breaths, collapsing to the floor.her dark chocolate hair feel in her eyes, acting as a mask, “I can’t do anything right! I always screw up something when a special guest comes over.” She muttered into her faded jeans.
Haru rolled his eyes, “aren’t I psychic?” he threw his hands up.
“Haru,” Yuki said sternly, “shut up for once”
He shot a glare at his older brother, “like you have roo mto talk,” he hissed and curled his fingers for air quotes, “mr. I’m the best doctor there is o I’m going to talk in a language no understands and makes no one like me”
“Well, aren’t we being mature?”
“At least I don’t overdo so people want to stab me in the neck!”
“At least I don’t dwell in the past and be a b***h about it!”
Haru stood there without saying anything, he eyes started to darken and a shadow loomed over his face. He turned on his heel to walk towards the door.
Uo got up immediately and stood in front of it, “Haru, you’re not going out while you’re like this. You know it’s bad for you to go out while you’re in this mode.”
“Move out of the way b***h.” He hissed.
Manjyome stood there shocked, “what’s going on?” he whispered to Judai.
“I’ll explain later…”Judai whispered back.
“Let me go….It’s better for me to be out there than inside.”
“Why is that?”
“I don’t want to be around that filth,” he spat pointing back at Manjyome and Judai.
“Haru, calm down.” Uo snapped, “learn to controlyour anger. Turn around and sit down. Now.”
“Why the hell should I?”
“Because I’m your mother, that’s why.”
“No, you’re someone that got knocked up at age 14, my mother would’ve finished highschool.”
Uo closed her eys, “you feel better?”
Haru’s eyes softened, “yeah…”
Uo smiled fakely, “now let’s get some ‘shitty kiddy cereal’ and eat it on the couch.” She turned to everyone else, “that sound good?”
Manjyome nodded slowly worry hanging in his eyes.
“Hai!”Judai punched the air smiling.
Yuki nodded.
Uo sat on the couch wearing a black baby doll shirt with “Nirvana: Eclipse Tour 1989” written in white print. She had her hair styled in a messy ponytail and rose, butterflie, jewled, plain and chandlier Phantom of the Opera earrings were on her ears as well as a snow flae earring on her eyebrow. She sat there picking up coca puffs without milk into her mouth. Judai sat on Manjyome laps, both wearing their usual clothes sharing a bowl of fruit loops. Yuki sat next to them just enjoying a cup of coffee. Haru sat on the floor wearing a men’s black tank top, with black jeans, blackshoes and black gloves that ran up to his elbows. He wore a silver hoop in his lip and two on his eyebrow. On his ears he wore black hops and white, black and silver studs. On his neck was a studded collar with small chains hanging down, and small stars were hangs from the links. A silver and black lined cross hung from the middle. Two black, silver studded belts hung loosely around his small waist, acting like large hoops for a waist. Everyone had their eyes fixed on the screen. A woman in a dark blue suit and winter accessories stood holding a microphone, “it looks like in downtown Tokyo we have a protest and I have the elader of…” she paused, “what did you call it?” she put the microphone down on lower level and the camera moved to reveal a girl with long brown hair and red strands and choclate eyes, wearing a red jacket, hat, scarf and mittens and white shirt and stockings and black boots. “My army of Otakus!” she squealed.
All Yukis, except Uo sprayed their food and drinks. “PURIN?!?!”
Manjyome blinked, and carefully wiped off the mushy colors off his face, “I don’t need to feel any gayer…”
“So, Yuki-san, can you tell us why you gathered thes epeople?”
Purin nodded, “to stop those people from taking Ouran Host Club off the air!” she punched the air and turned to the crowd, “we shall not let out fangirlism and…also fanboyism be taken from us! We need the randomness, right?!”
“HAIIIIIIII!!!!” came from the crowd.
“Then let’s tear down the building! Follow me my otakus!” Purin yelled, “WE. ARE. OTAKUS!!!” she yelled, pointing to a large building and ran towards it with a huge crowd following her.
The reporter dodged the crowd, “well it looks like a riot is about to start for these crazy…uhm…Otakus, I think is the right word.”
All Yukis and Manjyome, ecept Uo sat there open mouth. Food dribbled out of Haru’s mouth, “I can’t believe….”
“She started a riot…”
“Oh my God…my reputation…”Yuki buried his ehad into his hands.
“GO GET THEM PURIN!” Uo said jumping on the back of the couch, “show those assholes who’s boss!”
All yukis and Manjyome turned her slowly, staring at her.
Uo blinked, “what?”
All sighed, “you’re amazing Uo…”Yuki sighed running his hand down his face.
“Hey, look!” Judai pointed at th tv, “who’s that shrimp?”
A short boy, looking to be about ten years old ran up to the reporter. He had bright blue hair and dark blue eyes and wore dark clothing. He had dual piercings and wore a gold cross choker.“Excuse Miss, but did you see where that girl went?” he quickly asked.
She nodded, “she went that way.” She pointed at the building.
“Yeah, thanks.” He bowed and ran off.
“We’ll be back shortly and we’ll give up updates on this crazy riot, now we go back to Rino for the Weather….”
“It’s RISO! RI-SO! NOT THAT-“ the man paused and cleared his throat, “Gome!” he blushed bowing.
Haru lay on his stomach, tossing fruit loops in his mouth, “Psh, no wonder why she got it wrong. He’s bald, fat and is probably going to de alone.”
Uo sighed, “well I’ve got to head to work.” She stood up, “bye all of you.” She kissed Yuki on the cheek, then Judai and walked over to Haru and kissed him on the cheek quickly“Gah, Uo! You know I hate when you do that!” Haru pouted
“I know,” she smiled, “that’s why I do it.” She walked over to a gold coat rack and took off a black coat, “now Haru, I need you to watch over Judai and Manjyome-kun, I want you to take them out. Can you do that for me?” she put on a black hat.
Haru let out a deep sigh.
“Please Haru, for me?”
Uo smiled, “thank you so much.” She put on a black scarf, “Ooh!” she clapped and ran over to Manjyome and kissed on the cheek, “bye Manjyome-kun, Judai, Haru and Yuki!” she waved as she ran out.
Manjyome sat there stunned, and touched where she kissed him, he blinked feeling warmth spread through his face.
Haru walkd by shaking his head, “don’t why she would-“
Yuki held his hand up, “Haru whatever you’re going to say stop.” Yuki snapped getting up and walking into the kitchen, setting his mug in the sink and walked back into the living room, “well I’m off to work as well. See all you better.” He pulld on a gray coat, “Haru, be respectful.”
Haru rolled his eyes looking at his star tattoo on his hand.
“Haru!”Yuki said loudly.
“Okay ,okay! Fine, good fricking damn.” He said irritably, “you’ve become so much of a p***k since you became an intern.”
“Well at least I don’t make other bleed, I heal their wounds” he snapped and walked out.
Manjyome bit his lip and let out a laugh.
Haru whipped his head around, “what? You think that’s funny?”
Manjyome rolled his eyes, “yeah, actually I do.”
“What the hell gives you a right to laugh?”
“One,” Manjyome smirked, placing his hand ginerly on his chest, “myself, two God and three myself.”
“You said yourself twice.”
“Good! Now let’s learn our Abc’s.” Manjyome said sarcastically keeping eye contact.
“You think you’re so smart don’t you rainbow b***h?”
“Yeah, duh, I’m me.”
“You’re such a conceited little p***k.”
Manjyome laughed, “ you sir, are a cactus.”
“The hell?!”
“The littlest things people say to you, stick in you hurting you and them as well. They build up and up and you refuse to receive and nourishment, until one day you’re just nothing but a immature brat.”
“Manjyome-san…”Judai tugged on his arm, “stop.”
“Shut up you, this is between me and him.”
Manjyome stood up, “No, it’s between us,” he said quietly and walked off hand and hand with Judai.
Manjyome threw himself on the bed, sinking into the assorted sheets, closing his eyes. “Why does he act like that?”
Judai walked around the room, lost in another world.
“Judai?”” Manjyoem sat up, “Yo slacker ya in ther?!” Manjyome said loudly, getting nothing from Judai. He sighed and pickd up a pillow and threw it at Judai.
Judai shook his head, “Manjyome-san, what is it?” he said somewhat startled.
“I’ve been calling you.”
“Oh, I’m sorry...I was just…thinking…”Judai said slowly.
Manjyome rested his weight on his hands, “about what?”
Judai turned away, “nthing in particular.”
“Wow,” manjyome curled his finger to his lips, “you know a big word, I’m shocked.”
Judai whpped around pouting, “you’re mean Manjyome-san! I’m not that stupid!”
Manjyome stood up and swiftly walked towards Judai, curled his hands around his waist, pulling him in, “oh really? Then explain to me what frenching means,” he smirked nuzzling Judai’s jaw bone with his nose.
Judai loked up in thought, “doesn’t it meaning the act of speaking French?”
Jun gave a soft chuckle, “idiot,” he wrapped his arms around Judai’s head, close to his face, “this is frenching…”he said putting his lips to Judai’s, slipping his tongue in Judai’s mouth. Judai fell limp in Manjyome’s clutch, he was his prisoner of love.
Jun took his lips off, breathing heavily, “that…is frenching.”
Judai was caught in a pink daze, “I like frenching….” He sighed burying his fac into Manjyome’s chest.
Manjyome rested his head on Judai’s head, holding him close deep in thought, “ I feel so warm here with his family. They accept as I am…well except for that little p***k Haru. don’t know what the hell his problem is…”
Judai looked up grabbing the sides of Manjyome’s face and pulled it down, and got on the tips of his toes and gave a quick peck to Manjyome.
Manjyome turned Judai around and wrapped his arms around, ~Before I met you, I don’t know where I’d be. I love you~
Judai blinked, “huh?”
“N-nothing…”Manjyome blushed, “I was just reciting something read to me as a child.”
Judai gave a smll laugh, “you’re interesting Manjyome-san…” he walked around, “and you blush too easily,” he added.
Manjyome blushed again, on cue, “I do not!”
Judai pointed, laughing, “you’re doing so right now.”
“Am not! A man never blushes!” Manjyome pouted.
Judai stood in front of Manjyome, “where does the man part come in?”
Manjyome stared at Judai half annoyed but half amusd, “you’re asking for it.”
“Yes, I was…I did ask a question.”
Manjyome smirked, pushing Judai on the bed, burying his face into Judai’s neck, causing Judai to let out tiny moans and squeals.
“Yo! Gay pheasants! Get down here! We’re leaving!”
Manjyome stood up quckly, charging at the door, but he felt himself be stopped. He looked behind himself to see Judai shaking his ehad, “please don’t start a fight with Haru, he’s really a good person…”
“I’d love to see where this ‘good person’ comes in to paly…”Manjyome sighed.
“He’ll soften up, really and truly.” Judai nodded, “he ahs…trouble trusting people.”
“Just please give him time?”
Manjyome nodded.
“Yay!” Judai threw his arms around his partner.
“But, only for you.” Manjyome added.
“You two coming down or what?! I’ll be happy w leave without you two!” Haru yelled from downstairs.
Manjyome and Judai walked down the snow sprinkled sidewalk, where small shops stood with red, silver, green and Gold decorations. Judai slipped his fingers in between Manjyome’s as he was weaving cloth. He lay his head on his partner’s as they walked.
“Oi!” Manjyome yelped, pushing Judai off, “your head is heavy….surprising…”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” judai whined.
“Exactly what it means heavy headed,”Manjyome said opening one eye, leaving Judai behind. As he was walking away he was muttering to himself, “5….4….3…2….1….”
“MANJYOME-SAN!” Judai yelled.
Manjyome smirked so Judai couldn’t see, “took him quicker thnan I thought…maybe I’m-Oof!” He flailed his arms, falling into a pile of snow. He lifted his face out of the snow and slowly turned around, “Judai..”he he growled.
Judai smiled, “you called me smart! Arigato!” he smiled hugging Manjyome around the waist.
Manjyome sat there, looking dead behind the snowy mask, “why me?” he whined.
“Oh!” Judai perked up and started to laugh.
“You look funny Manjyome-san…you you…look like a pissed off Santa gone gothic…”he fell back laughing.
“Ho ho ho…”Manjyome sighed, “my face is really cold.”
“Here,” Judai got on top of Manjyome, “let me warm you up,” he cooed, as he was kissing and licking Manjyome’s face.
“Oi…Judai…” the snow started to turn to water, dribbling down his face. Soon the snow had all melted.
Judai nuzzled Manjyome’s cheek with his and opened his eyes, “ooh!” he jumped up, kicking Manjyome in the face.
“JESUS CHRIST!” Manjyome grabbed his nose.
A woman in a long black gown and white trim glared at him, “don’t use the Lord’s name in vain you damned sinner.”
“What the ******** hell?” Manjyome yelled through his hand, “gives a right to sy that?!”
“The Lord.”
“Well go to hell!”
“You will be, good luck sinner.” She said walking away.
Manjyome stood up brushing the snow off of himself, “Christ…” he muttered, looking around, “Judai?” his eyes fell on Judai plasterd to a window of a pastery shop. Manjyome laughed to himself, walking up behind Judai wrapping his arms around him. “See anything you want?”
Judai slowly nodded his head, “that…” he pointed to a cake with white frosting adorned with blueberries and strawberries. Judai’s head fell back, looking up at Manjyome, “it reminds me of you and me,” he smiled.
Manjyome turned and started to walk through the door without saying anything. Judai stood there confused., “Manjyome-san?” he cocked his ehad to the side.
Haru leaned against a snow sprinkled bike rack, staring at Judai, “what is that pale faced ******** up to?” he muttered under his breath. Haru breathed out quick breaths through his nose. His stilled face softened, as his eyes were lured by a beautiful damsel. His eyes followed, a tall woman, about 5’9, with long silky blonde hair that rain to her butt. Her wintery blue eyes twinkled under the afternoon winter sky. She wore a long lavender coat, lined with white faux fur. She wore a small white brimmed hat, that casted a dark shadow over her eyes. She glanced over at Haru, who had been staring at her since she had turned around the corner at the end. “ Oh God, does he know who I am?” she thought to herself, taking a step back.
Haru blinked, “she’s so beautiful…why do I feel the need…”
“Thanks lady!” a man dressed in black ran by, snatching the woman Haru had been staring at’s white purse and bolted down the street.
“What the hell?!” the girl yelled.
Haru ran down the street after the guy on impulse, “what the hell am I doing? Whatever…I didn’t want to look after them anyways…” he stopped and looked around and started running again, “this may be my shot to get a chance to talk to that girl
Manjyome walked out of the pastry shop, holding a pink box, and opened it up for Judai to see, “satisfied?”
“Hai!” Judai lept on him, kissing him on the cheek.
“Where did your PMSing brother go?”
Judai looked left and right, “Ha-kun?”
Manjyome carefully looked around, “damn it, I knew he’d ditch us.”
“Ha, isn’t like that…although he’s troublesm.. he’s still Haru.”
“Whatever, I still don’t trust the guy…let’s just go find him”Manjyome said walking eyeclosed around the corner. He felt a large force ram into him, causing him to fall and something heavy fall on him. He felt hair in his mouth, “ugh!” he spit out long strands of blonde hair. The person who had landed on him, pushed on him getting up, “Aye! Gomenasai!” she bounced up, bowing her head reapetedly. She had large golden eyes, like a hawk, and long silky blonde hair. She wore a long, woolen yellow duster, with white sweater and pants to match. Around her neck she wore a white and yellow striped muffler, “Please forgive me, I wasn’ watchin’ where I was goin’. I’ll be much more careful next time,” she bowed again. She held her hand out to Manjyome.
Manjyome sat there stunned and took her hand, “thanks…”
“I hope I didn’t hurt you dat much, I hope we can meet again…uhm….?”
“Manjyome.” Manjyome pointed to Judai, “and this is…uhm…”
“Manjyome-san,” she smiled “and Judai”, she turned to leave, “well Ja ne!” she nodded and ran off.
“Strange girl…”
“She seems really sweet though, “Judai smiled.
Jun waved his hand, “yeah, yeah whatever…she seems TOO nice and she seems like an airhead like some people I know.” He shot a look at Judai.
“Manjyome-san!” he whined.
“Oi…” he screwed his finger in his ear, “one of these days, I’m going to go deaf, then I’m going to sue you.”
“Nyuuu!” Judai squeaked.
“Judai!” Manjyome snapped.
“Gome….”Judai said quietly.
Manjyome sighed grabbing Judai’s hand, “Come on.”
“Hai!” Judai said following, “you know…that girl looks kinda familiar...”
“Have you met her before?”
Judai shook his head, “no…but somehow she looks familiar…”
“Well, don’t stress about something that isn’t important, kay?”
Judai nodded.
Haru sighed as he picked up the white purse, laying next to the unconcious man in black ,”a**,” he spat standing up and walking out of the alley way, the same way he ran. He looked up and saw the beautiful angel that he had left. Haru felt his whole face flush up, as he was standing in the pits of hell, but this burning didn’t cause him pain nor distraught nor anger. But, something else that he couldn’t understand or grasp. First place to search is the ashes of the home, the hell he has called home for many years. A new light, a new warmth, a new life.
“Are you just going to stand there gaping all day?”
Haru shook his head, “oh…I…um…” he felt his body being taken over, as if he was a marionette.
“Well, spit it out, I don’t have all day,” she snapped.
“Uh..here,” he brought his hand up quickly and too far up, hitting the woman in the face.
“Ow!” she yelped. She turned her head, rubbing her face, “be careful you punk1”
Haru’s eyes widened, “holy s**t…You’re…” he felt his mouth go dry.
“Oh God…”she breathed quickly grabbing her hat, but dropping it due to many facors playing against her.
“Look it’s Layla Hamilton!” one voice cried.
“Mommy! Mommy! Can we get an autograph?” a small girl asked, holding her mother’s hand.
“Oh my God! Layla is so gorgeous!”
“I can’t believe she’s here!”
Layla looks back and forth, overwhelmed by the crowd.
Haru narrowed his eyes, grabbing her hand, “Come on!” he yelled dragging her through the crowd.
“What the hell are you doing?!” she yelled.
“I don’t know!” Haru replied back.
“Hey! He’s kidnapping Layla Hamilton!”
“After them!”
“I want her autograph!”
Haru and Layla both looked back and Haru pulled her closer, running slightly faster. Haru stopped at an intersection, looking both ways.
“Hey, Judai…isn’t that Haru with…”Jun stopped midsentence,
“Layla Hamilton!” Judai cheered
Haru whipped around, “damnit! You had to say her name!”
“There! Right there!”
“Let’s get them!”
“Follow you idiots or get taken by the mob!” Haru yelled running down the street.
“s**t!” Manjyome picked Judai in his arms bridal style and ran as fast as he could.
“Judai, for once, can’t you shut your ******** mouth, just ONCE?!” Haru yelled.
“I’m sorry!”
“Don’t yell at him! It’s not his fault!” Manjyome yelled.
“Oh surprise, surprise gay lord defends his mistress!”
“Shut up prickly assed b***h!”
“Oh ho, I’m so hurt…didn’t your mother teach you any better?”
Manjyome lowered his head and pushed himself to run ahead, keeping his face hidden. Judai looked over Manjyome’s shoulder, shaking his head.
“At least it got them away from me…” Haru muttered.
Layla shook her head,s till running.
A short brunette girl dressed in red and white, running next to a blue haired boy caught up to Haru. “Haku!” she chirped.
“Awh…s**t..I know that voice…” Haru irritably thought to himself He turned slowly to his right, “Purin what the hell are you doing here?!”
“Being chased by a mob!” she smiled.
“Yeah…we kinda…caused a riot at the studio for Ouran Host Club….”
“Oh my God eating crumpets at noon…” the short blue haired drooled staring at Layla.
Layla rolled her eyes, “great another horny preteen….” She muttered to himself.
“Who’s the shrimp?!” Haru yelped.
“Oh this is ….uhm….”
“Right, TK,” Purin smiled.
Haru rolled his eyes, “we’re close to home…so let’s run there…”Haru ran around the corner and he, Layla and TK pressed themselves against the wall. Purin, on the otherhand, ran ahead but was pulled back immediately by Haru, “don’t be such an idiot,” he hissed.
Purin nodded.
The crowd rnan by. Haru and everyone else let out a sigh, “thank God.”
Layla straightened up and started to walk away putting her hat on.
“Wait…”Haru took a step towards her, don’t you think it dangerous to go out there, while the mob is running around…it’d be nice if you could stay…um…” he blushed.
“Are you asking me out?”
Haru shook his head, “no, no course’ not…why would I ask you out?” he gulped, realizing what he had said, “I mean is…I didn’t mean for that to come out bad…really…I mean um…”
“Don’t hurt yourself, I’ll come. But, only because I don’t want to be chased all afternoon.”
Haru smiled, “I’m glad…I mean um…”
“Just shut up and lead me to your house…” she snapped.
Haru nodded and started to walk, but walked as if his legs were made of rubber.
Purin smiled walking next to her new companion, “Yk, you also want to come?”
He blushed, “sure, why not,” he smiled nervously.
“Manjyome-san!!!” A voice screamed
Haru looked back at Purin who also looked startled. Both nodded and started to run, with Layla and Tk, having no choice but to follow.
Haru stopped, starign at a car crash scene, pulling him into the horrific sight. He looked around and saw Manjyome over Judai, pressing down on him with a maddened expression on his face.
“Please, Manjome-san! Snap out of it! You’re hurting me!”
“God no! Not until I see her again! You too kher away from me!” He screamed, his eyes growing wider.
“Whoa re you talking about?!”
People around stopped and just stared, not moving.
Manjyome started to cackle, “you very well know who!” He yelled, punching Judai.
Judai wicned, “No! I don’t! Manjyome-san please!” he cried, tears streaming down his fac, “this isn’t you!”
Manjyome smirked, placing his hands around judai’s neck and started to squeeze, “you’ll die like she did, getting what you deserve!”
Haru stood there stunned, “He’s like me…but worse…I upset him…somehow…” Haru muttered, not moving.
“Stop gaping and help your brother!” Layla yelled.
Haru didn’t move.
“Judai…” she buried her face into TK, who was also caught in the horrific trance.
“For Christ’s sake..” Layla stormed over.
Haru shook his head and pulled out his ell and dialed a number, “Yuki..” he said shakily, “please…come to our street…Manjyome’s having a break…down…”
“Man…jou…me…pl…ease..”Judai gasped, “it’s me…Ju…dai…”
“Ju…dai?” Manjyome let his grip off.
Layla stopped where she was.
Judai sat up, “Manjyome?”
“What have I done?” Manjyome started to shake, pulling himself into a ball, “I don’t remember! God!” He placed his arms over his head, rocking back nd forth. “I don’t want to remember! Please don’t return!” he screamed, “I don’t want to see her again!” He cleneched eyes shut as he was ringing out water out of a cloth. Tears streamed down his face, mixing with other bodily fluids,
Judai looked up, “Yuki?” he asked quietly.
Yuki held his finger up, and bent down next to Majyome and pulled out a sringe and placed a hand on Manjyome and stuck into his arm.
“Please, no…no…” he opened his eyes, “why? Why?” he eyes started to droop. “Don’t…go…”he muttered, his vision fading as he fell into a pile of snow.

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