Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Half demon/ half human

Weapons: She has her sword which she calls Luna. Her jewelery is magically enhanced. She also has some blades hidden.
History: When she was little she did not know her father was a demon. She was trained to fight as well as heal for this reason. As well trained to controle the demon within her. Back at her home before it was destroyed she was a mercenary. All her family is gone. She was one of three children and morns the lost of them. She had had a sister named Genki and a brother name Kin. When her home was destroyed by was her siblings disapeared. Up until the point that the entire world she lived on was destroyed. All of her jewlery where gifts from those she had saved in the past.
Personality: She is fairly level headed it is hard to make her mad. Beware if you suceed though because thats when her demon half comes out. She enjoys making others happy and can seem a bit naive. She is extremely smart for her home. She is used to smiling at the sight of danger. Her smile can sometimes be a threat.
Attacks: Lunar slash.
Anything else you'd like to add: She does not use magic often but if she does it is usually to enhance her power. She has a little healing magic but she does not use it often. She has excepted her demon half but refuses to let it hurt innocents it is always with her. She calls her demon side Demonica.
Things she is bad at: She has a hard time killing things that look human even if its a demon. As a mercenary she was usually hired to kill demons that where animalistic in detail. She is also not a very good cook.
Abilitys: When she starts to fight her eyes change to red and she receives fangs. This is due to her opening up the 'channel' for the energy to flow into her. The energy comes from her other side. The demon side.
Element: Energy
Limit Break: Awakening: When she awakens as she calls it. This happens when she has no choice it is when the demon side takes control and kills what it pleases. This last for a day. Usually it wont do anything to bad. Just scare people and murder demons. The other part of her does not want to anger the good side. When this happens her hair changes to a dark blood red. Her clouths change colors as well. The hood that is usually red becomes black, all the green becomes a dark purple, the tan becomes a dark blue, the bands on her legs become red. Her sword also changes the leather grip becomes black and the green stone turns red.
Home world: Different dimension of earth. Not a nowaday earth but a earth none the less.