Valence is an adventurous and independent cat that rarely needs any help and hurts himself often in his insanely planned 'missions'. He prefers to fly at noon, when the light is the most beautiful in his forest. Not roleplayed.

Secret Santa! Thanks, Crystal <333

Kaiden is a creature often found in his lonesome, a philosopher and deep thinker that has feelings he cannot express. He wishes to one day find a way to have more bun-nies somehow be able to understand him. Roleplayed.

Hyde is cheerful while hiding his curiousity, sometimes self criticizing his mistakes. He tends to look chipper on the outside while only a seldom few understand the real him, which tends to be afraid of many things. Despite this, Hyde remains very strong and courageous. Roleplayed.

Xanthos is scarred on the inside and the outside. He prefers to be alone, and when approached, reflexively lashes out in self defense and tends to drive other away. Xanthos does not understand many aspects of himself, but he does understand that he would not like others to be as hurt as he was, and therefore makes sure that they do not make the mistake of befriending someone that cannot make them happy. He has a strength, but prefers not to use it. Roleplayed.

Iris works extremely hard at whatever he does, and his zealous personality tends to cheer others on, as well. He has a lot of faith in himself and the camaraderie between him and his friends, though when he makes a mistake it may discourage him quite a bit. He has courage to try new things and tends to make most of his masterpieces in such a way; Iris simply wants to be good at as many things as he can, and help his friends and fellows with their goals, as well. Roleplayed.

Nereus loves solitude and peace, but has a very fiery personality. He thinks well of his friends and is balanced in all aspects of life, though sometimes he may tend to unknowingly offend a few others in his quest to find the answers. Though thinking is a hobby, he is not very articulate with his thoughts and his attempts at sympathy are usually failed, resulting in a small group of friends that, while he cherishes with his entire heart, he wishes would grow. Nereus wants to explore all aspects of life, and as such may prove to act rather strangely, but his friends do understand this much about him and stay with him despite. Roleplayed.

Not roleplayed yet 0_o



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