A boy: "I'm going to punish you! See the best of Judo"
A boy(flying): "This is going to be fun! Ordinary man and
superman's power in a Man-to-man fight. You are a daredevil boy".
From Metropolis
We humans have relentlessly pursued material happiness in pursuit of our needs, without any hesitation whatsoever. Now may be our last chance to stop, take a look around, and think about what we are doing.
From "Save Our Mother Earth"
Having the latest technology at our disposal also means having "power" at our disposal. And when we have access to that kind of "power," humans often tend to become "arrogant," mistakenly thinking that "they are better than other people simply because they are more powerful." When we have developed spiritually to the point where we realize that power is not to be used to control others, but instead to help the weak, then we may finally be able to truly say that scientific progress is equal to true "advancement."