My favorite song from the movie. o_o "THIS IS HALLOWEEN~! THIS IS HALLOWEEN~!"
I recognized it, too. Kingdom Hearts players/fans'll will probably recognize it, as well, if they've been to Halloweenteen (I love Sora's outfit in it, but Oogie Boogie was super-annoying the first time you had to fight him in the torture chamber). Or if you've already seen the movie. o.o;
I finished the Gravitation and Saiyuki manga series yesterday. *sobs* Well, Saiyuki has two more seasons, and more Gravitation chapters are being published right now in Japan, so... :3
But, crap. The ending of Gravitation could've been better. It was cute. And I hate how the art in it has changed throughout the volumes. I LIKE the fact that I can see the difference, but it kind of annoyed me, you know? Here's how it basically was:
Decent/"Out there" surprised (V. 1-5) -- HAWT heart (V. 6-10) -- Cute gonk (V. 11-12)
See? I liked the art best at six through ten, but it suddenly turned freakishly adorable. Adorable's good, but not in a shounen-ai series (other than the uke, maybe). The only Gaian buddy of mine that I know reads the series is Taki (you know who you are~ ;3), so perhaps she noticed, as well. =D
And had anyone seen Spanglish before? We watched it a few days ago on DVD (I didn't see all of it; I ran upstairs at around the middle to watch VH1's Best Week Ever). I swear, it gave me a tingly feeling, and I felt like crying after most of the parts. I particularly like the, "Raising your kids is sanity. And being that sane... can drive you nuts" quote. o_o Dunno why. I like inspirational quotes like that.
I watched The Aviator as well about, like, four hours ago. Poor Howard Hughes. D': He didn't have a great life. Sure he achieved a lot, but everyone thought he was a weirdo. But Leo did a great job acting out the OCD scenes. As creepy as it was. ._.
Community Member
It was at Yaktafu's house. surprised
It was good.
Never seen the Aviator.
I kind of wanted to though. 3nodding