Lacey walked into her cabin and slid down against the closed door. Work was kinda rough for a kid. She put the pot on over the fire to boil, and changed into her night clothes. They needed a wash. She reached under her bed, and retrived a dusty sack that would fit in an outstretched palm. She loosened the string, dropped in the coins, and stowed it away again. Maybe she could buy some food later. Her pot started to boil over, and she didn't notice until hot water burned her foot.
Lacey tried every possible position to get comfortable. None made her feel any better. She sat up and opened the window. The cool air felt so refreshing. She put on a 'robe'(it was a very roughly made one) and went outside. The wind blew her hair and clothes back in a slight draft. Something was different about tonight. Something felt. . . brighter? It was an uplifting mood. Until something rustled in the bushes. Lacey crept over and pulled them away. It was only a raccon. Before she closed her door, she took one last look at the night sky. It seemed so magical.
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Current Story: Surprises (Aka: Lacey's Story)
Sorry for my supa short entries, I get writers block super fast, and I have a REALLY busy schedule right now. Please, please, please comment!!! And enjoy!
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Sora x Kairi - My twisted reality
I have a secret I'm afraid to tell. . .
. . . because I won't lose you as well.