FFFFFRight now I am so ******** stressed because I have to finish my Who Am I book, (for school), and I am not even close to finshing it and I have to present it on wednesday and I don't even know all of the criteria for it, I origanialy have off on tuesday but I might go to school on tuesday because I need to finish my book, and get all the info for it. I can't believe that I'm not even done yet, I'm so ******** far behind on the project, and the thing is that if I don't finish it most likely have to go to summer school and make a completely new one, and that will be ******** hell, because the building is so ******** hot and the heat in my school isn't even on, so imagine in the summer. Well right now I typed up this entry because I needed to blow off some steam, and it kinda help, so besides all of that my day is just ******** dandy scream .
EDIT: I don't even think I can go to school tommorrow because of a ******** doctors appointment, holy ******** great.