I got this from kawaiibunnychan....
Please copy the quiz into ur comment then answer, ok?? ^_^
Ok, here we go!
What would you do if I...
1- I committed suicide
2- I said I liked you
3- I kissed you
4- I lived next door to you
5- I started smoking
6- I stole something
7- I was hospitalized
8- I ran away from home
9- I got into a fight and you weren't there
10- I got raped
11- I ate a mango
What do you think about my
1- Personality
2- Eyes
3- Face
4- Hair
5- Clothes
6- Mannerisms
1- Who are you(lolz, be creative!)?
2- Are we friends?
3- How long have we known each other? Or do I even know you at all?
4- How have I affected you?
5- What do you think of me?
6- What's the fondest memory you have of me?
7- How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
8- Do you love me?
9- Have I ever hurt you?
10- Would you hug me? Kiss me? Hold me?
11- Would you be with me when im scared?
12- Emotionally, what stands out?
13- Am I loveable?
14- What are some good traits about me?
15- What are some not-so-great traits about me?
16- Describe me in one word.
17- Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
18- On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?
19- What was your first impression of me?
20- Do you still think that way about me now?
21- What about me makes you happy?
22- What about me makes you sad?
23- What reminds you of me?
24- Would you laugh with me, even if you had no idea what I was laughing about?
25- What's something you would change about me?
26- Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
27- Do you think I would kill someone?
28- Did you think this quiz was a waste of time?
29- Are you going to put this in your journal and see what I say about you?
30- How would you feel if we were the only two people in the world?
XD yays...
lolz...I changed a few things...including the mango question... xd
haha...it was soo serious, I had to throw something random in there...
I'm so glad it's Saturday...^__^ It was nice to get up late and goof around all day!!
I've been making a Gentleman's Alliance vid...it's HaineXShizumasa ^__^
It's so much fun!! I've never made a video before!
...ah, but it's a lotta work too....
Ciao! wink

Okorimakuri-kun X3
Community Member
1- I committed suicide- I would CRY CRY CRY and commit suicide too D;
2- I said I liked you- as a friend thats okay but more then that... um... no o-o
3- I kissed you- on the cheek would be fine but nothing more or i would freak outO_o
4- I lived next door to you- SQEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL and visit you every single day ^_^
5- I started smoking- slap you across the face and ask you if your trying to kill yourself!
6- I stole something- slapp you again and bring it back to the store for you D<
8- I ran away from home- i would follow you >D
9- I got into a fight and you weren't there- slap and kick the perosn who you fightededed with
10- I got raped- help you in any way i could
11- I ate a mango- um... O_o i would stare at you very ackwardly
What do you think about my
1- Personality- your a nice person that can be told anything ^_^
2- Eyes- theyre pretty ^_^
3- Face- better then mine ^_^
4- Hair- nice but dark ^_^;;
5- Clothes-like everyday clothes and wouldnt complain?
6- Mannerisms- wha?
1- Who are you(lolz, be creative!)?- I AM NYANKO AINO! PROTECTER OF KONOHA!!!
2- Are we friends?- of course!!!!
3- How long have we known each other? Or do I even know you at all?- um... for like ever?
4- How have I affected you?- you havent?
5- What do you think of me?- a very kind person that can be looked up to
6- What's the fondest memory you have of me?- to many to count
7- How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?- BFF YO!!!
8- Do you love me?- ash a friend of course ^_^
9- Have I ever hurt you?- no o-o
10- Would you hug me? Kiss me? Hold me?- i would hug you and hold you as a friend!!!
11- Would you be with me when im scared?-YEP!
12- Emotionally, what stands out?- i dont think anythign but your happiness!!
13- Am I loveable?- OF COURSE!!!
14- What are some good traits about me?- i dunno crying ?
15- What are some not-so-great traits about me?- i dunno o-o
16- Describe me in one word.- intelligent
17- Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.- TENTEN OR LEADER-SAMA
18- On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?-10!!! ^_^
19- What was your first impression of me?- i dunno?
20- Do you still think that way about me now?- sure?
21- What about me makes you happy?-Everyhting ^_^
22- What about me makes you sad?- when your sad crying
23- What reminds you of me?- trees!!!
24- Would you laugh with me, even if you had no idea what I was laughing about?-no o-o
25- What's something you would change about me?- NOTHIGN AT ALL
26- Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?- nope
27- Do you think I would kill someone?- NO!!!! you wouldnt would you???
28- Did you think this quiz was a waste of time?- no! it gets you to know people more~!!
29- Are you going to put this in your journal and see what I say about you?- already did ^_^
30- How would you feel if we were the only two people in the world?- i would feel great but most of the time lonely crying