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Two by Fate
Current chapters of Aero Luna's story
Chapter 9 The Search
“What are you doing up this early.” Tornado asked groggily siting up in his bed.

“Flora and I have to go gather herbs.” Aero answered fastening her sash as she slipped on her shoes. “You can go back to sleep.”

“No. I’ll come too.”

There was a soft knock on the door. Aero walked over softly to answer it as the colorful light of the sunrise showed through the shutters of the windows. As she opened the door the sunrise showed in it’s full glory beyond the dense trees.

“Sorry Tornado. Did I wake you?” Flora asked as she entered the small house.

“No. Aero did.” He smiled teasingly from his makeshift bed.

“It’s not my fault you’re a light sleeper.” Aero threw his cloak at his face and went to grab a basket from the table.

Flora laughed, “you two seem to be getting along pretty well.”

“He’s always teasing me.” Aero shut the door behind them as Flora led the way to the forest.

“Well, you always get back at me later.”

“I guess that’s true.” She laughed.

“Let’s split up so we can get this done faster.” Flora offered.

“Okay.” Aero answered, “I’ll show Tornado a few of the common herb places.”

“Oh yeah Tornado has a lot to learn now.” She laughed. “Good luck.” Flora was heading down the path when the deep red of a rose caught her eye. She had never noticed the bush covered with dark red blooming roses. From where she stood the sweet intoxicating smell could reach her. It grew in strength with every step she took seeming to pull her in with every step she took. She cupped a bloom in her hand kneeling down to enjoy the velvet scent. A soft wind blew and a small tingling noise sounded from inside the bush. Pushing the bloom aside she saw a ring dangling on a thorny vine. Carefully avoiding the thorns she reached in and slipped the ring odd the vine and slid in on her finger. Embossed on the ring was a carving of a butterfly which, like the ring, was made of amethyst. Petals flew around her turning black. She stood startled as the black petals formed butterflies that swarmed the small clearing.

“My princess.” She turned at the voice and found herself face to face with the most handsome boy she had ever seen. His light eyes shone through his choppy black hair. He pulled her towards him. “I’ve finally found you.” His voice was as soft and beautiful as his face.

She heard running footsteps behind her. “Flora!” Aero Shouted.

“Let her go!”

Flora turned stepping away from the boy but the black butterflies obstructed her view. She turned back as the boy turned away with a sad look. The swarm hid them entirely and thinned flying off into the forest.

“They’re gone!” Aero exclaimed horrified.

Tornado grabbed one of the butterflies but it dispersed into a dark mist and reformed fluttering off swiftly.

“Damn it.” He stopped turning back to Aero who ran to his side looking fearfully at the retreating butterflies. “We have to go after them.”

Aero nodded spreading her light brown wings.

“Your wings . . .” Tornado paused.


“Ah nevermind. We have to hurry.” With a burst of air he launched himself up past the trees.

The morning sun blazed overhead. “I don’t even see any butterflies.” Aero remarked.

“We must have lost them.”

“What do we do?” She cried.

“Let’s land.” Tornado offered dipping down to circle, “I need to think of a plan.”

Aero followed and landed resting her aching wings.

“Aero.” Tornado called from where he sat staring into space.

“What is it?”

“Did anything about him stand out to you?”

“Um . . . well his clothes were really different and his wings were a lot darker than any I’ve seen.”

“That’s what I was thinking.” He drew an arrow pointing the way they had been flying. Then he found a stick and jammed it in the end. “Alright. We’ve been heading south. Do you know any of the major cities or anything.”

“No not really. I know there’s a Palace in the northeast but that doesn’t help much.”

“I’m not so sure . . .” Tornado though for a moment. “I think we should see if Lucidia has any ideas.”

“We’re going back?”

“I think it’s best. For all we know we could be going the wrong way.”

“Yeah. I just hope Flora’s okay.”

“We’ll find her.” Tornado launched himself back into the air. Aero followed glancing back at the forest that seemed to never end and the distant mountains that faded against the sky.

As the tiny village came into view Tornado dove. As he landed he kept his momentum as he ran to the house. Aero circled briefly overhead before dropping down to the earth. “Lucidia!” Tornado yelled as he burst through the door.

“What is it?” She turned startled, “What’s wrong?”

“It’s Flora.” Aero cried running to her, “She’s been kidnapped!”


“We tried to follow but we lost them.” Tornado added, “we need your help.”
“What do you need?” She asked eagerly.

“He was wearing royal clothes unlike any either of us have seen and his wings were faery but they were dark.” Tornado explained, “When we were following them we were going south but Aero says the Palace is in the northeast so he can’t be a prince or anything.”

“No he is.” Lucidia answered. “The prince is dark but he isn’t exactly welcomed in the main palace. There is a summer palace in the southeast. He must have been heading there.”

“We’ll go get her back.” Tornado told her confidently.

“You can go after her and make sure she’s okay but I doubt you’ll be able to bring her back.”

“Why not?” Aero asked, “She doesn’t belong to him.”

Lucidia shook her head. “Either way we don’t have much time. Hurry and get your stuff together.”

The two flew once more over the vast forest. “It’s just past those mountains.” Tornado remarked as he stuffed the hand-drawn map back into his pocket. “We’ve come a long way do you want to rest a bit before we go over?”

“No. We’re already so close.”

“Aero, you shouldn’t push yourself so hard.”

“I’m fine.” She sped up as the mountains got closer. The air grew thinner as they flew through the high notch in the mountains. Tornado could see Aero struggling ahead of him. He flew up beside her.

“Aero, let’s land. We can go on foot for a while if you don’t want to stop. You need to rest your wings we’ve been flying for hours.”

Aero began to protest but the burning in her aching wings and lungs forced her to consent. They circled down and landed with unsteady feet. Aero stumbled to her knees panting for air. Tornado pulled a canteen from his travel bag and gave it to Aero.

“Here.” She took it gratefully and drank it with shaking hands.

“Thank you.” She handed it back as she forced herself to stand though she shook violently. “Let’s go.” She stumbled forward.

Tornado sighed and walked after her. “You shouldn’t push yourself like this.”

“The sun is going to set soon so we don’t really have a choice.”

“It won’t do any good if you can barely walk. We won’t be able to leave until tomorrow anyway.” Tornado tried to persuade her. “ We should probably set up for the night while it’s still light.”

“Not yet.” Aero protested, “we can stop when we’re in view of the town.”

“Aero don’t be so stubborn.”

“How can I not be.” Aero turned to face him. “I have to find Flora and make sure she’s okay. She’s like a sister to me, Tornado. How can I just stay here and be calm after seeing her kidnapped?”

“I’m not calm either, Aero.” Tornado countered. “I may not know as well as you do but I’m worried about her too. But I’m also worried about you. You’re ready to push yourself to the end. You’re too stubborn! It won’t do Flora any good if you can barely stand when we find her.”

“But what if she’s scared or that boy is cruel to her or something happened to her or-”

“Aero.” Tornado interrupted. “Flora’s stronger than that. She wouldn’t let anything happen.”

“You’re right. But I still worry about her.”

“We’ll head down a little further before we set up camp. We have to stop!” He explained before she could protest, “once we get her back we have to travel the whole way home. We are going to need our energy.”

“I know that but still . . .”

“We won’t be able to rest after we find her if we’re being followed.”

“That’s true.” Aero sighed. “I’m just worried.”

“I know. We’ll get her back but we need a plan.” He began walking again. “For now we’ll set up camp a little ways down.”

“When we see the town with the palace.” Aero argued catching up to him.

Tornado sighed and looked ahead. “Stubborn.”

“Be realistic. How are you supposed to make a plan without seeing a the town?”

“I can generalize what it will be like. It can’t be too different from Avalon. Besides you’re one to talk about being realistic. You’re about to collapse but you keep forcing yourself forward.”

“I’m fine.” Aero crossed her arms stomping ahead.

“You’re a bad liar.” Tornado mumbled catching up to her.

They came up to a rocky slope leading down to the steep edge of the mountain.

“I don’t care how stubborn you are but, please, don’t rush down.” Tornado requested worriedly as she began to walk forward.

“I’ll be careful.” She knelt down turning backwards as she climbed down the large rocks. Tornado followed and jumped down the last rock before helping Aero down.

“There’s a path weaving across the mountain here. It will be a lot easier if we follow it.” Tornado offered.

“It’ll also be longer.”

“Aero.” He warned as she cut across the path heading straight down the mountain.

“It’s not as steep as it looks.” She assured him using the tree branches to steady her as she continued onward.

Tornado shook his head as he walked on the weaving path. “Fine. I bet there’s a good reason for the path.”

“Yeah. Probably for carts and carriages.”

“Just be careful.” Tornado pleaded.

The ground slipped beneath Aero’s feet sending her forward as she fell sliding down the mountain.

“Aero!” Tornado shouted running down the path.

She grabbed at low tree branches trying to stop as she dug her feet into the dirt. She wrapped herself around a small tree as Tornado flew to her side.

“You idiot what if you’d hit your head on a rock!” He yelled pulled her up sweeping her hair from her face as he sighed. “I’m sorry. Are you okay? You’re shaking.” She shook her head. “What’s wrong.”

“I keep messing.” She explained with shaky breath, “I keep getting hurt and I’m to weak to fly or even walk down this mountain. We would already be there if I wasn’t so weak. It’s all my fault!”

“You’re wrong.” Tornado argued. “Look at me.” He held her face before his. “You’re not weak. You’re stubborn and push yourself to the end. You’re exhausted not weak, you hear me? You’ve never had to fly this far or walk on a steep mountain. As far as you know you’ve only been in small villages and forests. This is a world different from the ones you’ve lived in. Aero, you’re one of the strongest people I know so don’t you dare call yourself weak.”

Her eyes watered and she looked down as he let her go. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” He grabbed her hand and led her down the path. “Let’s find some place to stay.” She nodded and followed not arguing. The sun set beyond the horizon of the forest and stars began to shine overhead. Tornado lit a small flame in his hand lighting the path before them. Tornado wrapped his fingers a little tighter leading Aero beside him. Aero felt herself flush a bit and looked towards Tornado who kept his eyes locked ahead.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“I’m fine.” She looked ahead.

He stopped moving the flame to reveal the space below. “We’re past the steep part but it’s too dark to see where the town is. I think we should stop here.”

Tornado began kicking the space in the ground to reveal the soft dirt. He looked around for loose wood.

“Is something wrong?” Aero asked confused.

Tornado let go of her hand and left the flame suspended in the air. “Stay here. I’ll get some wood.”

He faded into the darkness of the trees before a burst of light formed a silhouette moving through the trees. The light faded as the silhouette rose. Tornado’s face came into focus as the flame shone on his features. He arranged the wood and let the flame descend on the pile.

“There.” The small fire lit up the area as he reached into his travel bag. “I didn’t really pack for this situation but I have our cloaks.” He passed her cloak before pulling out his own. “I know it’s not much and it probably won’t be very comfortable but it’s better than sleeping in the dirt. Luckily, I did pack some food for dinner.” He unpacked a loaf of bread and a jar of sweet spread. “I guess this isn’t much either.”

“No. It’s good you were able to think ahead this fat.” Aero spread out her cloak to sit and eat.

Aero lay curled up by the fire sound asleep. Tornado threw another log onto the fire before falling asleep on his cloak. A twig snapped nearby and Tornado snapped his eyes open instinctively. He sat up listening for the noise again as he reached into his travel bag feeling for his kamas. He looked around in the darkness of the forest. The moon shone forming a silhouette amidst the trees.

“Who’s there?” Tornado asked quietly with a firm voice. He lit a flame in his hand holding it out towards the figure.

“Ah. Black wings? Could it be?” A man’s voice came from the figure as he swept his hand out in front of his. Tornado’s flame dies in his hand.

“What do you mean by ‘Black wings?’” Tornado asked shifting his wings behind him.

The man laughed. “You don’t know much of the darkness do you?” Tornado gripped his kamas tighter while stepping before Aero as the figure came closer. “Than it is my duty to teach you.”

Darkness streamed across the ground forming many strange symbols and lines against the dark shadows of the ground.

“What-what are you doing?” Tornado asked looking fearfully at the marks. He glanced back at Aero still sound asleep.

“You don’t need to worry about her.” The man spoke and darkness appeared before him. The darkness formed a creature with sharp bat-like wings and shining red eyes. Tornado slashed out at the creature as it flew towards Aero and it burst into smoke.

He coughed as he asked, “what was that?”

“You really don’t know anything.” He formed another and sent it over to Aero. “Really I just trying to guard her for you.”

“What?” The symbols swallowed them both and they were sent into darkness. When the light returned it shone only on Tornado blinding his sight of where he was. A hand extended out of the darkness and from the fingers darkness danced hot like fire reaching for Tornado’s chest. When he tried to pull away he couldn’t move. He was suspended in the air by chains that extended into the darkness that surrounded him.

“What-what are you doing?”

“I’m going to have you learn of the darkness.” The man spoke as he struck the darkness forward. “Even if it means resorting to this ancient technique. This is one of the many things you will learn in time. For now I need to test you and see what you are truly capable of.” Tornado screamed as the technique began to take effect.

Tornado sat up with a shock. He gripped his shirt at his chest. “A dream?” The sky was above him was just beginning to light up. Aero still lay huddled under her cloak by the dying fire. Beside her sat a small creature with gleaming red eyes. It showed it’s tiny sharp teeth in an eerie smile. Tornado recoiled as it suddenly dispersed into smoke rising with the smoke of the fire. He draped his cloak over her as he walked through the trees to a small cliff to get a view of the landscape. The forest stretched on to the horizon but to the south a lake lay amidst the trees. Beside it a clearing of tended farmland was visible. Rising above the trees was a large stone building. “We made it.” Tornado whispered in awe.

Ahhh Longest chapter ever!! ~ Aero Luna

User Comments: [3] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Feb 10, 2008 @ 03:39am
That's gonna be a b***h to make it manga.... 0_0

AWESOME JOB!!!! Who's the man? Torandos pappy? xd

commentCommented on: Mon Feb 25, 2008 @ 10:11pm
if it is his pappy, that means....*gasp* DARK LORD!!!!!!!!! heart eek mrgreen 4laugh wahmbulance heart blaugh domokun

Community Member
Ember To Ash
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Mar 27, 2008 @ 12:50am
1. Rook would kidnap Flora -,-
2. Yay Aero! ^^
3. You have lotsa spelling mistakes @.@ you put fat for far (Aero was speaking) and a couple other I forget now.

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