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the lost posts of...Celeste?!?
speaking of Nara's stories...I went back reading [this other character that I created in relation to him who I referred to in the previous entry as] "Nara's mirror's" posts and I found Celeste's posts since she came from the same IFF as "Nara's mirror"

and I just realized I made her from Falena...so I'm trying to rewrite her into the Falena IFF just so I could bring myself to post regularily over there...meanwhile I'll share ALL of Celeste's post on here...cuz the IFF she took apart in is sort of dead now and the foreseer of it said himself he would restart it -hence making these posts null...BLAH talk2hand

oh yeah...I've also included the posts of Sorimachi-who isn't my chara by the way he was another author's character who was intereacting with Celeste

[[ah yeah...and again...this takes place in the Suikoden world-an RPG- do not worry much of the place names]] xp

Name: Celeste
Time: Saturday, Day 21, 12:05 AM
Location: 'outside' Mt. Rakutei, Matilda Knightdom
Events: in the distance..

There is a slight breeze as numerous rabbits scurry about the plains. Running here and there, looking for food...playing amoung themselves. A happy little scene if one steps back to take a look. A large shadow flies overhead..the rabbits look up and scatter about in fear, on instinct, for it was one of their many predator's the griffon.
It starts to descend and gracefully comes closer and closer to the ground. It finally lands with a soft thud onto the grass and after a brief stretching of it's wings it tucks them back to it's side.
The Griffon then kneels down onto the grass and sits there as a small girl slides off it's back.
She is a very short and small girl with long silverish white hair and a long white dress that goes down to her knees. Her face is paler than most; at a glance she would probably be mistaken as a small ghost.
Her feet land on the grass as gently as the griffon's did and yet...more cautiously.
She brushes back some hair from her face and scratches the Griffon's beak, making it coo. She looks up toward the great Mountain standing before her and let's out a sigh.

"hm...I was hoping to be able to get up there and see what was up there. I heard the people in town say there was a dragon up here a while ago. The fog was too thick but surely it would've chased us if it was still there..."

The Griffon suddenly raises it's head and let's out a cry. The girl turns her head in the direction it's head was turned and sees the town she had just passed by letting off a lot of smoke. ...what happened...? something attacked the village??

The Griffon opened it's wings and quickly batted them down lifting itself into the air. Then, gently grabbing the girl in it's front claws headed towards Highway village.


Name: Celeste
Time: Saturday, Day 21, 12:30pm
Location: arriving at Highway village
Events: revitalization

It was a cloudless day, with mild temperatures and a moderate breeze of wind coming from the south. The grass was as green as it could be and the trees stood as tall as they could.

That was what the town looked like just a few hours ago...but this was now...the grass was burned and cut into clumps here and there. The trees were mostly knocked down barely able to hold it's own flailing branches. The sky was filled with smoke from the burning rubble......the burning rubble of the buildings. Roofs had caved in, debri was everywhere, all was quiet except for the crying of a child somewhere amoung the rubble..crying out to no one in particular...
The white hair girl comes soaring in from overhead and signals the griffon carrying her to drop her off down near the one lone building that was most intact..the inn.

There is a constant wave of chattering in the room as people share each others stories of what they saw and what they heard. Children cry on and off while their mothers hold them in their arms and try to soothe them. The injured are in the back room where a few of the townspeople try and ease their pain. The bickering becomes louder and louder, almost unbearably loud then all fall silent as the door to the inn creaks open and a short girl in all white walks in.
"..........what the.......what a weird child.....who could she be??" some the the people start the whisper amoung themselves while others stare at her. Then as quickly as the silence of the room fell upon them, the loud discussing and chatter returned.

The girl glanced around the room at people crowded at the inn. She spotted the innkeeper still sitting at her desk and headed towards her.
"ah...so it's you...did you find your way to Mt. Rakutei? You didn't get lost and came back here out of hope did you?" the innkeeper said to her in a caring tone. The girl looked at her with a thoughtful expression and cocked her head to one side.

"hm? what happened here? ah...there was some battle out near the entrance of the village, it was the SV organization I believe...what bad luck we have." the innkeeper was interrupted midsentence by a sudden outburst from the villagers

"Shut yer yap!!! They have ears everywhere! They'll come back and get you if ya ain't careful!!!"

The small girls attention was momentarily shifted to the villagers than she turns back to the innkeeper to let her finish her sentence. "Good thing you were away from the village hm?"
hm yes....that was perfect timing on my part....The girl thinks to herself, then looks up to the innkeeper and finally asks "There were injured right? Where are they"

The innkeeper looks at her in surprise at her sudden question but her face relaxes back and she smiles at the girl "They're in the back dear."

The girl turns and walks to the back of the room and inspects each of the injured...touching each one gently here and there gently closing her eyes each time. By the time she reached the last person she didn't have enough energy to use her bracelet's power anymore...she looked at the man lying there unconscious. His silver-white hair matched her own. .......I can cast one more spell....for him....

By then the villagers whom were bickering amoung themselves crowded the entrance of the back room and stared at her with awe. The girl, whom was on her knees turned around and smiled at the villagers and the innkeeper. she stood up and held her right hand out I call upon the power of the rune that sleep within my right hand..give me the power to heal.....Ressurection rune! Yell!

a burst of light comes from the rune and rays of light shoot out and surround the man lying unconscious to the floor. As the spell's light fades away the girl lowers her hand slowly and watches the man regain consciousness...

She falls to the floor with a soft thud. All the villagers look at her in silence....

Name: Sorimachi
Time: Saturday, Day 21, 12:30pm
Location: Highway Village
Events: Awakenings

Sorimachi felt the pull of a faint light, as strong or stronger than the pull of darkness he had felt just a moment ago. But as Sorimachi moved slightly and slowly began to awake he realized that moment had been anything but.
He bolted upright, aware of the presences around him but as his head moved a dull ache forced him to slow and he reached his hand up to his throbbing head.
oO"By the nine hells that hurts..." Sorimachi thought to himself as he rubbed his temple slowly. He acknowledged the pain readily but ignored it. Aside from his outburst and instinctual reaction he closed off his outside reactions to pain or emotion, much as he always had.
Never let them see you bleed or suffer, and never let them know what is coming, to be a shadow is the life of the ninja...

His thoughts were slowly drawn not from his re-applied mask of neutrality, but to the people around him. They had all been silent since he moved, and looking at him. No not at him.
On the floor, resting peacefully against the bed was a young girl. Barely in her teens, and dressed all in white. A bracelet of sorts rested on one of her outstretched arms, which seemed to have been going to or been on Sorimachi's cot.
He looked briefly to the crowd as a man stepped forward and then reached a hand out to check on the girl.

"She's some kind of healer, just showed up out of the blue. Dont know what she did, but whatever it was wore her out. You know her?" the man said as he approached Sorimachi. The others in the cots had been moving about as well, and relieved family memebers were congregating around them or taking them back out into the other rooms.
Sorimachi listened to the man, but kept his focus on the young girl. He checked her pulse briefly, it was steady if a bit slow. She was just in a deep sleep. As he pulled his hand away he brushed some of the hair from her eyes, to get a better look at her face. He was surprised to see a rune on the young womans forehead, it glowed slightly when Sorimachi passed his hand over it.
"Pale Gate....On such a young child?" he muttered to himself as he brushed and tucked the hair away from her face before turning to the man.

"No, i do not know this child. What time is it?" Sorimachi said as he turned his attention to the man who fidgeted slightly under his gaze.

"Just about Mid-day. Truthfully we had a friend look you over and he said you wouldnt likely be waking for another 2-3 days. You took quite a blow to the head, its a good thing the lass came along when she did." The man said, looking to the young lady.

"...so it seems." Sorimachi said as he turned from the man to the girl. He knelt carefully and slowly picked her tender frame up in his arms. She was so fragile, and in all white looked like a little lost angel. Sorimachi turned to the man again holding her carefully across his chest.

"A room, may i have one." he said, moving across the emptied room of cots and awaited an answer by the door.

"Of course, Of course. Its on the house. Our way of apologizing for our actions. We checked you over when you were brought in, and we realized you weren't with the VS. Among other things you carried lil of superficial belongings, and most VS are guady as all hell." the man said as he stepped past Sorimachi and led the way out towards the stairs.

As he led them across the rooms, the people gathered stopped to watch for a moment, as Sorimachi carred the lil girl in his arms. There seemed to be many bandaged men and woman moving about and removing the dressings.
Sorimachi paused before the stairs.

"My belongings." he said as the man turned to him.
"Oh yes, we'll bring them up right away." the man said as he motioned to a pile of various things gathered from the wounded.
"I will return for my belongings in a moment, do not touch them in the interim" Sorimachi said as he walked past the man and up the stairs.
There was an audible sigh of relief when Sorimachi descended the stairs and the man turned to the crowd and wiped his head thoughtfully.

Sorimachi returned a few moments later, gather his things silently pausing only to unsheath his sword. The blade held a beautiful sheen and reflected the light brilliantly. He re-sheathed it and brought it and the things to his room. On the way up he asked that food be brought up for the girl when she awoke. Until then he did not want them to be disturbed.

Walking upstairs Sorimachi paused inside the doorway of the room he had placed the child in. She was sleeping peacefully still, and her hair sprayed cutely over the pillows framing her face. The bed was far too large for her demure frame, but he left it alone all the same.
He closed the door and placed his belongings in a spare chair, he would check over them again soon enough. They were merely the simple tools, they had not found any of the secrets hidden on him and his clothes, but it would pay to check just to make sure.
Sitting down in the other chair, he rested his hands across his sword, and closed his eyes.
He didnt need rest, not after his fitful sleep, but he would meditate to decide on a proper course of action.
He waited silently, as the young girl with hair so much like his, slept of things only she knew of...

Name: Celeste
Time: Saturday, Day 21, 9:30pm
Location: Highway village

There was a soft tapping on the window......no...not on the window...on the wall, outside the wall right next to where the girl lay on the bed. She slowly opened her eyes and sat up in bed. Still a bit dizzy she winced as she brought her hand up to her head from a suddden pain that went off from her head to the rest of her body.
Her eyes grew wide as she realized where she was. No longer was she lying on the cold floor of the back room of the inn on the first floor but someone, apparantly, had carefully moved her into one of the inns guest rooms. She glanced around the room and noticed the man sitting on a chair appearing to be meditating or something. It was the last unconscious man she had healed. Though she did not show it, in her mind she smiled to herself glad that she was able to conjure up enough energy to bring him back to conciousessness.

At that moment the man opened his eyes and looked towards her. His eyes were clear and kindness. She looked at him curiously but shyly...for a moment there was not a word. She heard the tapping from outside again and jerked a little glancing outside the window than back at the man...she knew he meant no harm but the silence was awful....she hated being the center of attention...that's was also the reason she ran away....she looked so strange and she was so easy to spot...the added fact that her parents wer gone...that she could no longer hide in anyones shadow...she could no longer shield herself from everyones eyes when she wanted to....that was another reason she left..to find someplace she could go to herself..to hide from the world when she wanted to...but a goal like that leaves everything else in the world as an obstacle..

The man turned away from her gaze and pretended to shift his attention to his belongings. The girl leaned her head to one side curiously and then slowly and carefully tried to get out of bed. "you should rest.." the man said to her. She knew she had to rest but....

She stopped moving and sat in bed. "thanks for...healing me" the man said to her and looked back at her with those same kind eyes. She couldn't help but smile a bit at him...he who somehow reminded her of herself. "your..welcome" She wanted to say more but she didn't know what to say...she wasn't much of a conversationalist..the soft tapping outside the building sounded again and then there was no more. A quick blur went by the window and then dissapeared again...


Name: Celeste
Time: Saturday, Day 21, 9:40pm
Location: Highway village

it was calling her...she could not ignore it, it was worried about her...it wanted to tell her something...but as long as this man was in the vicinity...it would not go away, it would not ignore the scene...the only thing she was left to do was leave.

She wanted to talk to the man some more...to just stay in his company, but alas...it just could not be. Grasping her hands together a certain way, she clenches her eyes closed and while the man's attention was diverted she used her sacred teleportation spell to teleport herself outside onto the griffon's back..

she was still limp and weak from exhaustion so her calculations were a bit off making her reappear a bit aways from the griffon
her body goes limp as she starts to fall from the sky..
the griffon spots her though and gently grabs her from midair with her claws and it flies back towards Mt. Rakutei from whence they came....


Name: Celeste
Time: Sunday, Day 22, 3 PM
Location: somewhere outside Highway village
Events: rejuvenate

The trees were all silent on this seemingly peaceful day the grass blew gently, danced lightly as the wind brushed through it as if combing it like one running their fingers through their hair.

A distant screech is heard from the sky...but it is distant and far.
She slowly opens her eyes and cautiously sits up to look around. She was sitting in a large somewhat of a makeshift nest She smiled to herself realizing that skrth must've struggled all night to make it for her.
Carefully Celeste crawled out of the nest and slowly slid down the trunk branch then the trunk of the tree.

When she finally reached the ground she stretched herself and brushed herself off then headed off to see if she could find any berries or fruit to eat.
She spotted some small wild animals and followed them but keeping a safe distance away from them, so they wouldn't be scared of her...no....so they wouldn't attack her. She was still a bit dizzy from using her bracelets power.

They led her to a berry bush and after inspecting them for a while she let hunger take over and starting eating them. When her hunger was put aside she sat down beside a tree and looked up into the sky...

"hmm...where should I go next.....Highway village is pretty much in ruins...I guess....I could try Matilda...it wouldn't hurt to check there first before attempting to cross the mountains down south....I guess.."

Celeste gets up and starts walking towards the direction where Matilda lie. She took her time though, she had all the time in the world....

O.O I gawk at the little drama between the two...
oh yeah...and it might feel a bit funny in the middle cuz I was waiting for the other author to respond but he never did xp by then the IFF slowly died off from that point...

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