/IsN'T My NaMe JuSt DaNdY?.//
{Issac Allen Fox Jodii}
/JeEz,I'm PrEtTy OlD.//
/If YoU JuSt HapPeN To SeE Me.//
{To white and to nerdy to roll with the gangster to say the least. I am very bright for my age with pretty high marks. I even skipped second grade. I am very relucant to admit defeat. I would do anything to proud someone wrong except my folks and my siblings. I am very proud and many say it's bad. Even with all of the pride, and brain I lack something my older siblings have: friendship, ambition, and patience. You do lose those when people treat you badly or aren't encourage in the right way.}
/My LiFe Is MeSsEd Up.//
{ I was not expected shoot mom didn't really know she was pregnant till labor kicked in. I was a good ten months tease. Mama's good childhood friend kept poking fun at her saying she was going to have a boucing baby boy. Ten months later from day one of the teasing I was born. Yep thats how they first learned of me. Oh just to let you I am one of the younger male Jodii children. While my other siblings did great thing in the community down to giving blood, and helping out the community I stayed in the shadows. The day my brother died and my sister got battered I was at home. I was upset enough to learn I was anemic but to hear I couldn't give blood like the rest of them made me a bit bitter. }
/I'm So SpEcIaL,CaUsE' I'vE GoT A.//
{Najila the 4 year old beagle}
/ShH!!!ThEy DoN'T KnOw!.//
{No one know this but I don't have a good sense of direction. Thats why I have Najila.}
/Oh I AlMoSt FoRgOt!.//
{If your family you can call me Izzy (add boo if mother). Fox is for the girl next door. Everyone else calls me Just Issac.}
/Oh YeA ThIs Is My TwIn.//
{Issac Allen Fox Jodii}
/JeEz,I'm PrEtTy OlD.//
/If YoU JuSt HapPeN To SeE Me.//
{To white and to nerdy to roll with the gangster to say the least. I am very bright for my age with pretty high marks. I even skipped second grade. I am very relucant to admit defeat. I would do anything to proud someone wrong except my folks and my siblings. I am very proud and many say it's bad. Even with all of the pride, and brain I lack something my older siblings have: friendship, ambition, and patience. You do lose those when people treat you badly or aren't encourage in the right way.}
/My LiFe Is MeSsEd Up.//
{ I was not expected shoot mom didn't really know she was pregnant till labor kicked in. I was a good ten months tease. Mama's good childhood friend kept poking fun at her saying she was going to have a boucing baby boy. Ten months later from day one of the teasing I was born. Yep thats how they first learned of me. Oh just to let you I am one of the younger male Jodii children. While my other siblings did great thing in the community down to giving blood, and helping out the community I stayed in the shadows. The day my brother died and my sister got battered I was at home. I was upset enough to learn I was anemic but to hear I couldn't give blood like the rest of them made me a bit bitter. }
/I'm So SpEcIaL,CaUsE' I'vE GoT A.//
{Najila the 4 year old beagle}
/ShH!!!ThEy DoN'T KnOw!.//
{No one know this but I don't have a good sense of direction. Thats why I have Najila.}
/Oh I AlMoSt FoRgOt!.//
{If your family you can call me Izzy (add boo if mother). Fox is for the girl next door. Everyone else calls me Just Issac.}
/Oh YeA ThIs Is My TwIn.//