Humm... one of those days again I guess...

-Might just be me, starting to get spoiled with all the company i get here.
-at the moment tho, i don't really feel like doing anything, at the same time i feel so restless...

-geeez... i have so much work to do... but i don't know where to start, what to do next and such...
-i guess i'm totally lacking inspiration then

-augh crying '''
.....maybe... yeah, that would be something i guess.... i could read through my novel again... -correct typos and throw around some sentences...

-might be so... kheh!
-Hastoir must be seme-ing with my mind -playing me uke on my thoughts -nooes ___8[=======]!!

-ouch... it's like now, i feel like i'm loosing my mind again O_o'
hum... it isn't late really... guess i could go to bed eitherway....

*crashing down*
-i'm so sad, i feel soo tired, so useless and so incredibly restless at the same time crying
-at the same time i don't feel like doing anything
-curse you spurs of energy hailing down on me sometimes!!

-gyuuh... i want Utoro to log onto msn soon -then i wanna chat for the rest of the night -_-....