WEll....mostly about my grade....oh well...
heart okay, my school barely has any school spirit.
heart everybody forgets to wear the school colors on spirit day
heart the colors r blue n' gold....
heart schools really voilent...hitting, screaming, punching, cussing....
heart hmmm.....smart
heart a little conceited...not our fault that the other people from the other schools in my district r ugly.
heart a little mean... sweatdrop
heart able to cuss and talk back at teachers.... xp
heart free
heart fun
heart the last time the bus driver left us on the bus....it became world war 3.....
heart yeah...and we have reeeaaaaallllllyyyyy fast runners....
heart pretttttyyy goooooddd at sports
heart fashion sense
heart tennis freAkZ
heart lot of rich peoplez....
heart hmmm. 75% of the people play maplestory.....
and yeah that's about it..... biggrin
hope u want to come to my school
and some others all go to my school.... biggrin

...fuNkY pic*random*

sad pic*sob*......
biggrin smile redface stare xd 3nodding blaugh gonk stressed sweatdrop heart domokun whee wink sad surprised eek confused cool lol mad cry evil twisted rolleyes question idea arrow neutral ninja 4laugh rofl pirate talk2hand burning_eyes cheese_whine dramallama wahmbulance emo
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