thruesday morning was like all the morning... sameold sameold, todays morning event was feild games, my cabin ((cabin 7)) and cabin 1 ((the to teenage boys cabins)) were super lazy this day, and just sat around while the lady instruter (( blaugh )) tried to us to play her game, every time she said get up we all just went "Boooooo" in a grupy and lazy voise and playfully through out insults when ever they came to thought and used play-on-words... if u guessed it, we spent that morning just siting around and talking xp lol, than came lunch and this day instead of having a cheer, we had my camper get up and read this pation we made when my cabin went on strike, it was funny as help because by this time every cabin but ours just goes on strike, lol well after that we had to a guy who brought big owls come in and tell us about them, it was kool whee than din din and than we had a tresure hunt, this was fun but had because my cabin's map had a type-o or two on it and it toke us awhile to find our stuff mad at least everyone won in the end ((BOOOOOOOOO)) xp that night Nick couldnt sleep from drinking to muck and stayed up ((and to tell the truth it was like that every night, and one time me and him had a fly swoter fight on the deck outside oour cabin and made fun of starwars at the same time whee blaugh )) but to night we found this super huge bug... ((or was it wensday night... o well)) its was gibungus and toke like 13 hits with the fly swoter, 5 seconds under heavy spray from a off can, and 3 big stomps of my foot to kill it, it was freaky >.<'' and then we went to sleep.... Friday morning was the same as always but this moring event was arts and crafts and i got to show off my skills ^_^ lol, than we had lunch, and sence everyone else had won the Spirit wagon it was our turn so during bow and arrow shooting we came up with one...
We cant get no...
Spirit Wagon!
We cant get no...
Spirit Wagon!
And we try,
And we try,
And we try,
And we try!
We just cant get no...
Spirit Wagon!
Spirit Wagon!
We cant get no...
Spirit Wagon!
And we try,
And we try,
And we try,
And we try!
We just cant get no...
Spirit Wagon!
it was the best that day by far rofl lol and we won and i got a new rubber band wrist band thingy ((now i have 6 on my wrist whee )) and some tother stuff that was kool ^_^ well after lunch me and Nick went to the Nature Hut where all the animals r kept, and i got to take lots of pics of lizerds and other creature crawling on my and stuff, i even got some ppl besides me to have a big a** spider walk on their face, its was awesome too!!! it didnt even feel it was even walking on my it was so light ^_^ well after that it was din din and than the last event of the camp, the closing Dance, i didnt even know how to do hafe the things they were doing, but i learned ^-^ it was so much fun and i got a good sleep that night.... satrday morning, leaving day was quicker than usally but the crapy thing was not olny that i wasnt going to see Nick until next year ((or Jeremy)) but my parents didnt come to pick me up until like 12, and i had to sit alone for like 3 hrs in the middle of the woods, o well the week was still super fun and im going back next year for sure ^o^ and if any one else thinks this sounds fun than try it, its a very gfun experiance and u get to help ppl out who needs it, just know u has to be 16 to start and the sooner the better. but now my fingers hurt from typing so i'll end it here saying good bye alls
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