i give u everything
and in return i get nothing.
Seeing u with her always brings me pain,
so y the hell should I stay?
I can only wait so long be4 i give up,
and i've reached that point.
But when she breaks ur heart,
dont come running
cus there'll be no1 2 run to
cus i've had enough.

And 4 no reason really,but some of my favorite lines from Paramore's song Misery Buisness.
Second chances they don't ever matter people never change.Once a WHORE you're nothing more.I'm sorry but that will never change.....
Well theres a million other girls who do it just like u.Looking innocent as possible 2 get 2 who they want and wat they like.It's easy if u do it right.Well I RUFUSE,I REFUSE,I REFUSE!!!!!!!!