It's been far too long...
Ok, it's been nearly over a year wince I've hung out with friends and done just that...hung out.
A few days ago, right after school, I met with me friends, Josh, Andrew, and (Barbara) Napperchan. We then proceeded to a chinese eatery to meet Beth, another Josh, his sister (whose name was never divulged to me), and Duncan.
For the first time, Napperchan got me to try sushi...wasn't bad. Wasn't, indifferent. Andrew tried chicken doused in Jack Daniels (whiskey). Funny funny stuff. >.<
"Jack's just not good when you gotta chew it."
After a few of them leave, we are left in a small group in the parking lot, swinging wooden swords around. >.<
We then proceeded to Frasier McEwen park, where we just hung out and talked awhile. I learned a few energy focusing moves...
Then Josh spoke of an ROTC obsatcle, we (being Napperchan, Andrew, Josh, other Josh, and I) went to check it out...
Big Josh went first. He'd go...make it look like a damn cakewalk, then turn around and say "Ok. Now you." Me and Drew just kinda fumbled our way through it...
My entire body hurt for almost a week.
Little Josh just watched. Napperchan took pictures of my pathetic attempt on my phone.
After that, a Dungeons and Dragons convo emerged...
"Josh, remember that D&D book *&^!~$%!%@#?"
"Look at him and think Jarlaxle."
"Dude, you ARE Jarlaxle."
" that a good thing?"
"Only if it's a good thing to be the COOLEST DROW EVER!"
"...Aight. ^.^"
So yeah. I remind the Joshes of Jarlaxle, and D&D character. >.<
So, we proceeded back to the cars and stayed there talking for the remainder of the night...literally. They began speaking of sex and whatnot...and they all seemed somewhat surprised to learn that "smooth cool Captain" is a virgin.
" can you NOT have gotten laid yet?!"
"He's a Christian. He's waiting for marriage."
"You're missin out, man."
"Eh...just don't see it as a necessity for a good, loving relationship."
Not saying the Christianity assumption isn't true. ^.^
It's been far too long since I've been able to hang out with friends. So now, we try to every chance we get. Tis the new Gang...but we really call ourselves "the crew."
With a Captain such as I, who's to argue? ^.^
Anyway...I'm to be waking early to go run a friggen mile with Josh...why do I let him talk me into this. >.<
More will come later of our crew's trip to Huntsville. ^.^
I Love you, Vivi.
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