Nicholas Jacobi Wallace
.G e t t i n g. .T o. .K n o w. .M e.
You may call me Nick and only Nick
I lived for how many years One-hundred and seventeen, to be precise
Yes, I am a Male
I liked to date Females
My eyes are Blue on a good day, black otherwise
As you can see, I have dark brown hair
When I'm on the scale, it says 180 lbs.
On the door way, I go up to 6'1"
I am a Vampire
I love things like
Φ Classical music
Φ A good book
Φ Rain
Φ A starry night
Φ Acting
I cannot stand
Φ Self righteousness
Φ Overly potent smells
Φ Bright lights
Φ Hypocrites
Φ Onions
A good theme song for me is Meltdown- Requiem for a Dream
I also have a deep, dark secret . . .
.M y. .P a s t. .P r e s e n t. .A n d. .F u t u r e.
People say I'm a pretty down-to-earth kind of guy. Of course, none of them have really gotten a good look at what I am. But as far as who I am, I'd say they have a pretty good inkling. I'm not a person who angers easily, nor am I the one to throw the first punch when it does get to that point. However, I've been told I am cocky, though I think it's just confidence, and I have a tendency to . . . how should I say this? persuade others into seeing things my way. I think it all balances out very nicely, to be honest.
Look into my past Where do I even begin? I don't remember the first eighteen or so years of my life because that was when I was human. Those memories have long since come and gone. The past hundred years have been . . . uneventful save for a span of ten years. I'd rather not remember them if it's all the same to you. They involve a certain someone who is . . . no longer of this world. Ever since that last day of the decade, things have been very monotonous. But if you really must know:
I have been living in the same house for as long as my memory can go back with my three brothers. We've kept a simple existence, not leaving the confines of our happy little home unless absolutely necessary. Every now and then a girl stumbles on through, but none of them seem to entertain us anymore . . . Each day has the same routine, nothing is different and it's been that way for a long time, now.
My wish is to find something new to break the boring cycle
I shall never loose control of the beast again
.M y. .D i r t y. . Li t t l e. .S e c r e t s.
I really like Not a soul as of yet . . .
My master Kaikaku
You may call me Nick and only Nick
I lived for how many years One-hundred and seventeen, to be precise
Yes, I am a Male
I liked to date Females
My eyes are Blue on a good day, black otherwise
As you can see, I have dark brown hair
When I'm on the scale, it says 180 lbs.
On the door way, I go up to 6'1"
I am a Vampire
I love things like
Φ Classical music
Φ A good book
Φ Rain
Φ A starry night
Φ Acting
I cannot stand
Φ Self righteousness
Φ Overly potent smells
Φ Bright lights
Φ Hypocrites
Φ Onions
A good theme song for me is Meltdown- Requiem for a Dream
I also have a deep, dark secret . . .
.M y. .P a s t. .P r e s e n t. .A n d. .F u t u r e.
People say I'm a pretty down-to-earth kind of guy. Of course, none of them have really gotten a good look at what I am. But as far as who I am, I'd say they have a pretty good inkling. I'm not a person who angers easily, nor am I the one to throw the first punch when it does get to that point. However, I've been told I am cocky, though I think it's just confidence, and I have a tendency to . . . how should I say this? persuade others into seeing things my way. I think it all balances out very nicely, to be honest.
Look into my past Where do I even begin? I don't remember the first eighteen or so years of my life because that was when I was human. Those memories have long since come and gone. The past hundred years have been . . . uneventful save for a span of ten years. I'd rather not remember them if it's all the same to you. They involve a certain someone who is . . . no longer of this world. Ever since that last day of the decade, things have been very monotonous. But if you really must know:
I have been living in the same house for as long as my memory can go back with my three brothers. We've kept a simple existence, not leaving the confines of our happy little home unless absolutely necessary. Every now and then a girl stumbles on through, but none of them seem to entertain us anymore . . . Each day has the same routine, nothing is different and it's been that way for a long time, now.
My wish is to find something new to break the boring cycle
I shall never loose control of the beast again
.M y. .D i r t y. . Li t t l e. .S e c r e t s.
I really like Not a soul as of yet . . .
My master Kaikaku