Character Name:
Majime Akio
Chakra Elements:
Katon, Suiton, and Doton
S Rank
Ninjutsu Techniques:
Bunshin no Jutsu - Clone Technique
Henge no Jutsu - Transformation Technique
Kai - Release
Kawarimi no Jutsu - Change of Body Stance Technique
Shunshin no Jutsu - Body Flicker Technique
Chakra Kyuuin Jutsu - Chakra Absorption Technique
Doro Gaeshi - Mud Overturn
Doryuudan - Earth Dragon Projectile
Doryuu Heki - Earth Style Wall
Doryuu Taiga - Earth Flow River
Doryuu Katsu - Earth Style Split
Retsudo Tenshou - Revolving Split Earth Palm
Kanashibari no Jutsu - Temporary Body Paralysis Technique
Baku Suishouha - Bursting Water Collision Waves
Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu - Water Clone Technique
Mizukuri no Yaiba - Sword of Draining
Mizurappa - Violent Water Wave
Suigadan - Water Fang Projectile
Suijinheki - Water Encampment Wall
Suirou no Jutsu - Water Prison Technique
Kirigakure no Jutsu - Hidden Mist Technique
Katon: Dai Endan - Fire Release: Great Fireball
Genjutsu Techniques:
Kokohi no Jutsu - False Place Technique
Kori Shinchuu no Jutsu - Sly Mind Affect Technique
Nehan Shouja no Jutsu - Temple of Nirvana Technique
Taijutsu Techniques:
Gouwan - Strong Arm
Custom Techniques:
"Mikanno Bunshin no Jutsu - Incomplete Shadow Clone Technique"
The Mikanno Bunshin is the trademark jutsu of the Majime clan. It requires less chakra than the Kage Bunshin but more than the normal Bunshin. Essentially, Mikanno Bunshin creates a copy of up to two of the user's body parts (usually hands and feet) which can be used both offensively and defensively. Once created the parts cannot move free from their point of creation but can preform their normal functions. The Majime clan were well-known for their use of this jutsu in combination with several other jutsu to create one massive attack. The strength and stamina of the parts is identical to that of the originals' and the chakra is run as though through a cut off tenketsu system. The main downside to this technique is that it can be easily foiled, however a member that knows this technique can never master the Kage Bunshin technique.
Katana, Kunai, Shuriken, Exploding Tags, Flash Bombs, Smoke Bombs

Akio is a young missing ninja, originally from Iwagakure. He has an irregular amount of chakra which is stored in a seal on his right bicep. The seal was given to him by his father on the day his mother died. Things were going as usual that day; Akio and was being trained in the art of Makanno Bunshin by his father, Hisagi and his mother, Sayame, was in the kitchen making them dinner. After dinner when the skies were dark they heard a knock at the door. Sayame answered the door and was immediately knocked unconscious to the floor. Hisagi and Akio then binded the man to the ground with hands of the Makanno Bunshin, however Akio struggled to hold the man down and his control over the Makanno Bunshin was broken, causing it to disperse and freeing his right foot, allowing the man to make his quick escape slitting Sayame's throat with his katana as he left.
That night Hisagi called Akio into the living room, where he made him sit in the center of the room with his right arm bare. He then proceeded to draw a strange seal on his right bicep in red ink. After forming a quick string of hand seals, Hisagi caused the seal to infuse itself to Akio's skin cells. When Akio asked what it was for Hisagi replied by saying "Think of it as a momento from your mother". What he didn't tell his son is that fifty percent of his mother's chakra was poured into the seal while it was being infused with his arm. The two then went on as normal, sparring and training to their heart's desire.
Exactly two years after Sayame's death, another knock arrived at the door. This time Akio answered it. In his head he knew that there was a high possibility that it may be the man from two years ago, but he answered it anyway. He was immediately lifted off the ground, a massive hand grasping his neck. When his father appeared behind the man Akio was thrown to the rear end of the house, breaking through three walls and denting the one that finally stopped him. His father created three Makanno Bunshin hands round the man's neck in an attempt to strangle him but the man simply tensed the muscles in his neck, overpowering the hands and dispersing them. He then continued to pummel Hisagi into the ground until his fists were blood-stained. When he turned to leave he felt a slight tug at his feet. Akio, tears flooding his face and blood from his forehead mingling with them, had created twenty Makanno Bunshin hands around each of the man's feet. However the blow to the head had left him disoriented and he quickly lost control of his chakra and fell to his knees, holding his face in his hands, letting the translucent pink tears empty through the space between his fingers. The man simply laughed, removed a pendant from Hisagi's neck, and left, never to be seen again.
Since that day seven years ago, Akio has been training his elemental Ninjutsu, as well as honing his skills with the Makanno Bunshin no Jutsu. He left Iwagakure about one year after his father's death, seeing no point in remaining when he has no family to reside with, and has chosen to attempt a return when he believes he is ready. He has nearly mastered his chakra control and can tap into nearly all of his mother's chakra. He has a saying: "Don't take life seriously, nobody ever makes it out alive anyways...", which he preaches nearly every battle.
Theme Song:
"Lying From You - Linkin Park"