I'm sticking all my OCs in one journal, for convenience's sake. Old => New
Name: Cori
Age: 16
Power:Cori was born as a winged child, so she has the ability to fly. She also has the ability to use the wind, but it is very draining and difficult to master. She has not yet perfected this skill, which is why she's glad to be at a school for special children. Cori is also learning how to defend herself, seeing as she hasn't had much experience in fighting yet...at least not the more "proper way".
Parents(If Super Hero): Her parents are an unknown, because she was found abandoned on the streets.
Bio:Born a mutant, she has generally been shunned by the human race. Even her own parents didn't want her; or so she has been led to believe. Ever since that horrible day, she has been living on the streets doing odd jobs for people and helping out the civilians, scraping out the means for which she can survive. Cori recently discovered Hero High, where she feels safer and more at home. They help her to get stronger in her training.
Apperence:She is a rather slim girl. Cori is also a little shorter, but she is quick. Her health and strength are coming back, now that she is under the care of the Hero High. Cori has rather long, wavy hair; and it is a very unusual shade of white. Her eyes are a very striking blue. She also has a pretty large set of white feather wings which she used to tie to her back so that no one might notice. Then she would put a sweatshirt over that, so they would hopefully be hidden. Now, she only does that when she is outside the school. Her normal garb consists of baggy khaki cargo pants, a black sleeveless top with one strap, gloves that go to her mid-upper arm and have the fingers cut out, and she will occasionally wear a pair of flat-bottomed black boots. (Cori prefers so be barefoot, seeing as she was for a lot of her life afer she grew out of her shoes, and that they weigh her down a little when she flies.)
Other: Generally shy, she take a while to gain someone else's trust. When you have her trust, she will do just about anything for her. Cori is a fierce fighter, and will stick it out to the bitter end. Her determination has no equal. What she lacks in physical strength, she makes up for in willpower.
Art of my OC:


By: Kogitsune No Yosora


(old version) OC: Zephyr
Played by:Zephyr Aryn
Real Name:Cori Aryn
Identity/Class: Mutant (human)
Age: about 16
Occupation: Hero
Affiliations: Heroes of the street
Enemies: Anyone caught breaking the law
Known Relatives: Family died tragically, trying to hide their mutant daughter from the government
Aliases: some say "Breezie" or "Zeph" as a nickname
History: Born a mutant, she has generally been shunned by the human race. Her family died trying to keep her out of the government's hands. They still keep on the lookout for her, because she is a natural curiosity. Ever since that horrible day, she has been living on the streets doing odd jobs for people and helping out the civilians, scraping out the means for which she can survive. Cori recently discovered the Heroes of the Street, where she feels safer and more at home. They help her to get stronger in her training.
Personalitity:Generally shy, she take a while to gain someone else's trust. When you have her trust, she will do just about anything for her. Cori is a fierce fighter, and will stick it out to the bitter end. Her determination has equal. What she lacks in physical strength, she makes up for in willpower.
Powers/Abilities: Cori was born as a winged child, so she has the ability to fly. She also has the ability to use the wind, but it is very draining and difficult to master. She has not yet perfected this skill, which is why she's glad to be a part of the Heroes of the street. Cori is also learning how to defend herself, seeing as she hasn't had much experience in fighting yet...at least not the more "proper way".
Apperance: She is a rather slim girl, seeing as she was not well-fed for most of her life. Cori is also a little shorter, but she is quick. Her health and strength are coming back, now that she is under the care of the heroes of the street. Cori has rather long, wavy hair; and it is a very unusual shade of white. Her eyes are a very striking blue. She also has a pretty large set of white feather wings which she used to tie to her back so that no one might notice. Then she would put a sweatshirt over that, so they would hopefully be hidden. Now, she only does that when she isn't on duty. Her normal garb consists of baggy khaki cargo pants, a black sleeveless top with one strap, gloves that go to her mid-upper arm and have the fingers cut out, and she will occasionally wear a pair of flat-bottomed black boots. (Cori prefers so be barefoot, seeing as she was for a lot of her life afer she grew out of her shoes, and that they weigh her down a little when she flies.)
character name: Everstar
age: 17
personality: She is rather shy and withdrawn, and it takes AGES to gain her trust. Once she trusts you, though, she will never allow anything bad to happen to you; even if it would kill her. Her determination is unmatched, even though her size hides it. For example, she could be described as an "attack chiuaua". Everstar can also be very sarcastic, but that is something that cannot be helped.
appearance: Everstar is part dark elf, and part halfling. Unfortunately, she just looks like a REALLY short elf. She has the height of a halfling. Being a dark elf, her skin is black as ebony, and her hair is a shocking tint of white, with a blue streak running through the very front of her long bangs on one side. Her hair goes down to the middle of her back. The bangs go down to the base of her neck, gradually getting longer until they are as long as her hair. Everstar's eyes are a shimmering crystal blue. She wears a white corset with black and blue embroidery, and a light blue empire sleeved top underneath, which doesn't cover her shoulders, but starts under them. Everstar wears a long blue skirt the color of the undershirt. Her skirt is made up of enough fabric which allows her to run freely, and ride horseback. She prefers to go barefoot, but will occasionally wear black boots if the weather or terrain calls for it.
background history: Everstar, as a dark elf, was part of the underground dwellers. (She can still see very well in both light and darkness.) Her size and the fact that she was not all dark elf was enough to get her rejected by the elvin community. She grew up in isolation. Although dark elves, or drows, are evil, she was not raised under their morals. The halfling part in her also combatted that dark part of her personality, so she is unusually sincere and kind. Everstar used to travel and do petty jobs to earn enough money to survive. That is, until she joined a group of questers.
weapon of choice: Being part elf, she has some magical skills, but has trouble controlling them. Her preferred weapon is a dagger because it is small and quick, complimenting her physical makeup.
a random phrase your character likes to say:...drat...
Reference Pics:
Kogitsune no Yosora



user name: Zephyr Aryn
character name: Liana
age: No one really knows...her species lives so long. (Looks 18ish.)
personality: She doesn't have much of a set mood....some moodswing problems.
appearance: Liana is a dragon girl. She has large, silvery dragon wings tipped with a light, silvery lavender. She has lavender eyes with no pupils. Her hair is the same silvery color, with lavender tips. She normally keeps it tied with long lavender ribbons, her hair splaying out in a spiky fashion. Liana's bangs frame her face. Tall and lean, she is also a little more muscled than a lot of girls, due her being part dragon. Her fingernails and toenails are average length, but pointed and sharp like claws. Liana's skin is a pale peach color. She wears a simple white tank top with only one strap. (or two) She also wears a short lavender skirt with somewhat baggy white pants underneath. Her pants are tucked into lavender boots with buckles on the sides. Liana wears long, fingerless white gloves that go up just past her elbows. She also has a long, simple, white, hooded cloak. (She NEVER wears the hood, though.)
background history: Due to a severe case of amnesia, she has not the slightest idea.
weapon of choice: She normally uses her claws, even though she carries a freakishly huge sword with her everywhere. It's her baby, and she hates to use it for fear it will get scratched or something.
a random phrase your character likes to say: Where is the psych ward when you need it?
By: aquatiandy

By: -]Hellboy{-

By: Samu

By: Wallop098:

By: Me

By: AndrewAnimation:


Charecter name: Misuti Riyuki Age: 16 Apperance(pic or discription): (I wasn't sure what village I wanted her at, but I guess she'll be a leaf village ninja.)

Bio: Misuti has no idea who her parents were, and neither does anyone else. She had been left on the hokage's steps as an infant, along with a card that said it was her parents' wish that she become a ninja. No one knows if she actually was born a leaf villager, but that is what she calls home now. Misuti is still learning about what it means to be a ninja, and tends to ask questions....sometimes too many. Right now Misuti is a genin, but it seems rather favorable that she will become a chuunin in the upcoming exams. Lover?(optional): none Other: Although Misuti can be a bit shy at times, she has an undying determonation. She presses on mostly for her friends, and the parents that she never knew. Misuti is very gifted when it comes to fighting with her long metal rod. She is also pretty fast and strong for her size, although she can't overcome all the obstacles with being short. (I forgot to mention that she can be rather sarcastic, although she means well. She is also terribly optimistic.) Jutsus: Air Fist Jutsu: enables Misuti to shoot blasts of wind at her adversaries, at whatever strength she chooses


Kenichi Seiji:

Mab of Queen:

Character Name: Luna Race: Moon Elf/Avariel (winged elf) Appearance: (img. by me)
 Personality: She is very cautious and determined. Luna is also terribly optimistic, and frowns upon pessimism. However, she can get a little sarcastic from time to time. It is rather difficult to get her angry, but doing so can release a terribly dangerous rage. Weapons: ebony longbow and arrows Background: As a young elf she lived in a house among the treetops. She enjoyed her longbow and practiced daily, becoming possibly the most deadly accurate shot in the realm. Additional Information: Luna is able to see in the dark and has a little skill with medicinal herbs.

immoralXcaptor TK:


Kiwi Flavored Bubbles:

Shrouded Cuteness:

1: gaian name: Zephyr Aryn 2: Name: Kiasha 3: species: black panther/girl 4: Mykizn or Scalpel?: Myzkin 5: back story: Kaisha doesn't remember much before the blast had gone off. During the fighting between the magicians and scientists, she had wanted no part. Kaisha ran away and hid by herself on the far end of Atlantis. Because of this fact, her social skills aren't always the best. Her trust needs to be gained before she'll interact with others. 6: appearance: Kaisha is one of the Myzkin, and she is a girl that is part black panther. Her hair is long and black with long bangs. It is often tousled by the wind, hiding either one or both of her eyes if it isn't tucked behind an ear. On the right side of her face is a white marking like a slash that starts under the corner of her eye and goes over her cheek to her ear. (The slash is shaped like a thick, simplistic tiger stripe: < *filled in, of course*) Kaisha's eyes are a very light crystal blue, almost to the point of being white. Her pupils are slits, seeing that her eyes are like a cat's. Her face is still human featured, save being black and having cat eyes. She wears a light blue robe with black trim, and a black sash. The robe cuts down in a relatively low "V". It is basically sleeveless, although the fabric protrudes a little over her shoulders. It also has a slit in the left side at her hip, and runs down to where the robe ends at mid-thigh. She wears short, skin-tight black shorts that cannot be seen because they are under the robe. Where the robe's left slit is, her leg is taped, and the tape goes down her thigh until it is about an inch or two lower than the robe. She also has linen strips that look like the tape around her upper body, which can be seen through the "v neck". Her whole body is black like she would be as a full fursona, except that she is only fuzzy at the tail and ears; the rest is like ebony skin. Her hands are like human hands, and so are her feet. She prefers to be barefoot, finding footwear against her natural state. 7: weapons: She tends to use her nails and body as a weapon, although she has a small hunting knife she keeps tucked in the sash around her waist. 8: extra info.: Once she accepts the trust of an individual, she sticks beside them and will defend them with an unmatched determination, like a mother defending her cubs. Her social skills will also develop during the story's progression. She can speak, it's just that she chooses not to. Also, being part panther, she is excellent at moving silently, and adept at climbing trees.



Lukas Lunn:

Mule of Toshizou:


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Ireil age: appears about 20 elf or drow: moon elf looks:
 bio: Ireil is an aspiring young mage. She also is skilled in fighting with her staff, made of a special crystal substance. She is was seeking employment for the royal guard, only to find out the royal family was attacked. Seeking to prove her worth, she went out on her own in an attempt to find the princess, after hearing the rumor she may still be alive. Although Ireil may not always look like a formiddable force, she has an unmatched determinationthat could turn some heads. magic specials: A spell to make her crstal staff glow for added light, immunity to sleep spells, and water elemental magics.
Ref. Images:

Ivy Doll:

PillsBerry Minion:

Name: Zither

Zephyr Aryn · Mon May 05, 2008 @ 04:15am · 0 Comments |