Speed Racer has the best names of any show EVER.
Here are the examples I picked out from season 1: Ace Deucie, Zoom Slick, Happy Doodle, Fireball Rust, Tung Blagart, Lightfingers Clepto, Snake Oiler, Inspector Detector, Cruncher Block, Guts Wheeler, High Octance, Miss Racingcar, Flash Marker, Skid Gill, Sooten Grines, and Scootum Rotor.
Racer X is so badass it's unreal. Not only does he drive up 80 degree angles, while driving on three wheels he goes into a power slide so that glare makes the bad guy behind him crash. After the bad guys force his three wheeled car into a wreck, he crawls out, pushes his car into the pit stop, does all the repairs, and manages to finish in second place (because he lets Speed win.)
-When talking to Lightfingers Clepto, the bad guys call him "Old c**t." That somehow got translated...
-Trying to smuggle gold across a country, Cruncher Block decides that he should build a car out of pure gold that is 200 yards long and race it into a boat.
-The phrase "she's right all right" is always hilarious.
-Members of the Acrobatic Racing Team (which resemble a cult) are named Tiger, Knuckles, Brawn, Ugly, Poison, Ender, and Snake. Who wants to be named Ugly?
-They pronounce the "ch" in chasm.
When Speed goes blind he at first races by listening to the sound of Racer X's engine and following it. Racer X than decides to pretend to break his legs, sit in the passenger seat, and tell Speed how many degrees to the left or right he should turn. I cannot make this s**t up.
The season ends at a party with a bunch of little kids running around. One little girl falls down. When Speed goes over to offer help she responds "No, I like falling down." I would write her off as the most smartass little kid in the show, but she says it so matter-of-factly that I genuinely believe that she loves falling down