Vacation was awsome. it was sunny the entire time. I swam and ate soooo much and gained back all the weight I lost (yes both pounds)
I bought a doll at newbury comix. Jess would hate it...
a zombie doll
her name is dawn. she has a cute litlle poem that comes with her:
At sun up she started to rise with rotted flesh and vacant eyes she has no thoughts, and feels no pain her sole motivation is to eat your brain
I want more dollies like her. I think my future room mates will think I am insane.
any way. I spent a total of 40 dollers on vacation so now I am broke. (btw I only spent 25 on Dawn)
so basically I spent my entire vacation in the lake and eating blueberries. it may sound boring but I had fun.
Devine Innocence · Sun Aug 14, 2005 @ 09:38pm · 2 Comments |