Lady Vampire Guardian
Community Member
Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 @ 12:54am
I never realized how good a drug music is. When I'm having a bad day I come home and listen to my music and I feel better. It is like a drug. My Asprin for the pain. I find it works. It helps me numb the day weather it was good or bad. Take for example the day before yesturday. When I got home I listened to Linkin Park and the Fray, and I felt hope for today and yesturday to turn out for the better. I don't think I'm alone in this either. Just about everyone in my personal life does it too. I will not deny the fact that I absolutely love music. So I'm positive the next bad day I have, I will come home and listen to my music. I let the music run through me, and change me. I let it caresses me, humbles me, loves me, tells me that it could always be worse, and understands me perfectly. The music knows me better than anyone else. the music gives me my wings so I can fly with the notes, the sounds, the emotions, all of it. When I listen to the music, I feel and hear it come to life and change the world. Music. It is one of the greatest things ever created. For me to live without music is to live without breathing. We all need it. It has become my beautiful escape from reality... -Butterfly