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View User's Journal

These are all my poems!!
Lifeless Love:

In all the silence of the darkness,
I can hear your voice.
I can feel you breath.
This darkness surrounds me now.
I can't excape.
And yet,
I feel no fear.
I feel you near.
But I do not run.
You wrap your cold arms around me.
You whisper in my ear with a lifeless tone,
Shivers run down my spine.
You laugh satanicly at the feel of this.
I then reply in a soft scared whisper,
This confusses you.
You reveal yourself to me.
I do not run.
I just stare.
Your cold white lifeless body.
Your white bright fangs drip with blood.
Your long sharp nails covered with blood.
I stare into you lifeless eyes.
You smile an evil smile.
I smile back.
I whisper softly,
"I am yours..."
You jump on me.
You push my head away,
Revealing my neck.
I hold my breath.
You kiss my neck softly.
I feel your fangs sink deep into my neck.
My life is flashing away.
I dig into the ground.
I wake up in your arms.
You're staring at me.
You whisper,
"I love you."
I smile and kiss you.
I am forever lifeless with you.

I Don't Wanna Live Without You:

I love to see you.
Rain falls genitally on my face,
As I remember that night,
When our eyes met,
And your love rained down on me.
I look at the moon,
Genitally peeking behind a cloud.
I smile threw my tears,
Remembering the night our lips first met.
I put out a hand to met the rain,
And remember every word you've said.
I love you more then anything.
I wish I could show you,
What you mean to me.
Would you believe me?
I can't breathe unless you're next to me.
But you may never really know,
How hard I have fallen for you...

Dream Come True:

I am amazed by you.
The way you make me feel.
The way our bodies move as one.
How you hold me close,
And never let me go.
How our lops touch for the very first time.
Our love is unlike no other.
The music plays softly as petals fall from heaven.
I dance here with my angel.
My angel who holds me tight.
As your soft wings surround me.
As we hold each other and dance.
The night slowly slips away from us.
But nothing else matters to me,
Except this moment with you.
The moonlight guides our feet,
Along the petaled ground.
The reality slowly fades,
While I walk away with you hand in hand.
Forever in love with my angel.

Love of my Life:

Love is my life,
But you don't care.
I have waited so long,
But that don't matter to you.
All my life I have waited.
I have waited for love.
I thought you would give me love,
But I was dead wrong.
You stole love from me.
You took everything from me.
You left me here with nothing.
My tears stain the cold unforgiving ground.
How could you do this to me?
My blood replaces my tear stains on the ground.
I lay there lifeless,
And watch you walk away from me,
One last time.

Worth My Time:

Are you worth waiting for?
Are you worth all this pain?
Are you worth my suffering and pain?
Are you worth my life?
Are you worth all these tears?
Are you worth all these fears?
Are you worth losing all that I know?
Are you worth losing all my friends over?
Are you worth all this bleeding?
Are you worth loving?
Are you worth pushing down on that blade?
Are you worth anything that I'm going through?
Are you worth all these lonely sad feelings I suffer from?
Do you feel like you're worth all this pain I'm going through?
All this heartache and suffering?
Do you feel happy at night when you know I can't sleep because I'll only dream of you?
Do you smile when I'm in the corner cutting and crying because of you?
Do you enjoy what you do to me?
Does it feel nice when you kiss her lips right in front of me?
Do you like the feel of her skin and the taste of my blood?
Do you know the pain you cause me?
Do you know the feeling of knifes stabbing your open flesh?
Do you see the pain you cause me to go through?
Are you worth dieing for?

My Love:

My love,
You are my life.
You are my soul.
You are the air I breathe.
You are my everything.
Every time I see your face,
My heart stops for a second.
I fall in love with every word you say.
I trust you with my heart,
And I give my life to you.
You're the one.
You're my only
One day I hope to be your wife.
I want to grow old with you.
I want to die by your side...

Family Death:

Ghosts fill the air.
As your body starts to shiver.
Death races through your mind.
As the zombies stumble in.
Your life starts to flash past your eyes.
You can see the light,
Drawing in closer and closer.
Suddenly there Is no sound,
No thoughts no screams,
No zombies no ghosts.
Just a cold lonely death
Of a messed up child
With a messed up life.
All heaven awaits your arrival,
As hell tries to pull you in.
You are stuck inbetween
Heaven and hells fight.
You look down at hell,
That is pulling your leg,
And you see nothing but
Your father trying to bring you in.
You quickly look up at
Heaven that is pulling your arm,
To see nothing but your mother.
Trying to hold you near.
It's as if you never died.
As if your still living.
You quickly pull away.
You don't want that again.
Then you fall.
With no arms to hold you,
And tell you your all right.
Nothing to grab you,
And yell in your face.
Nothing but falling.
There is no end.
Nothing is ever to be seen again.

Lost Love:

I had you once
You were mine
Where did you go?
What did I do?
Come back to me
I miss you
I want you
I need you
Is it something I said?
Is it something I did?
Why did you go?
Where did I go wrong?
I love you
I miss your love
We're drifting apart
I want you close
But you want me far
Once there was love
In this broken soul
Now there's nothing
Nothing but a broken hall
Everyday I fake a smile
A laugh a joke just so you
Can't find my pain
I want you to return to me
Come home
I'm here waiting with my
Arms wide open
Waiting for you to fall into me…


You're here
I'm here
I love you
You love me
I would do anything for you
You would do anything for me
I would die for you
You would die for me
Why are we still here?
Your staring in my eyes
I'm staring back
I'm burning in your eyes
I'm losing all my control
I just want to be close to you
I want to feel you feel me
Come closer
Hold me
Kiss me
Touch me
Love me
I need you
I love you
I want you
You need me
You love me
You want me
Soon it's over
We fall together
Soon our love has been shown
Now we care for little cries
That come from down the hall
All our love is in one child

How I Feel:

I love you so much
Yet I want you to die
I want you near me
Yet I want you away
I want to hold you
Yet I want to strangle you
I want you to be mine
Yet I want to stab you
Why do you insist on making me fell this way?
I want to love you
I don't want to let you go
But I know I must
You slowly die off
A never ending heartbreak
Suddenly I fell your hand slip off mine
And I fall
Never to be seen
Or see anything ever again…


I fell caged
Like a bird
I sit waiting
Waiting for a miracle
A miracle so great
Not even I
A little caged bird
Can think of it
A prince
A prince so lovely
So nice
With a soft sweet voice and gentle hands
To set me free
Let me spread my wings and fly
Fly away
With him
My prince
So far away
Away from you
Away from your cruel ways
I'm here waiting
Waiting for my prince

My Love:

I love you
With all my heart
With all my soul
I want you here with me
I want to feel you hold me close
I want to hold you and never let go
I miss you
everytime you’re not around
I wish I could hear you say that
You love me
But all you do is smile
I wish I could wake up every morning
And see your loving smile
I want your hand in mine
I want those tender loving eyes
I never want to let go
I wish I could hear you say
That I'm beautiful
Even when I'm dripping with sweat
Makeup a mess and in raggy old clothes
You will still say “I love you"
I've waited so long to tell you
That I loved you all along
Will you love me too?


Here we are
Together at last
Nothing can stop us
Rains our only witness
We hold eachother close
Your hands toughing me
Mine touching yours
You hold me close
I can't escape
I don't want to
You whisper, "I love you"
I hold you closer
I never want you to leave me
Just stay with me tonight
All I want is you
Just you
Tonight is for you and me
To lie here with you
Is where I'm meant to be
We are in love
Everyone stares
But we don't care
As long as I'm with you
Now we three play
Play in the rain
Together forever


Just you and me
No one around
But the rain
No scream
No laughter
Nothing to stop what was meant to be
You and me
Me and you
Tonight is for us
Tonight is forever
You can't leave
You don't wanna leave
Just stay with me
Hold me now
Never let me go
I've been waiting to here you
Say you love me
Not her
It's about me and you
Just me and you
All I want is you
You walk to me
I hold out my hand
You walk out the door


You’re staring at me
I'm staring back
We are together now
She's not around
You say it's not right
I say she won't know
Tonight I'll make you forget
About your girlfriend at home
Just stay here now
Don't leave just yet
I'm not through
You won't forget
She leaves your thoughts
Your dreams
You won't think of her
Tonight the only name you'll scream is mine

Valentines Day:

Roses in all colors,
Couples kissing,
As bees find there mates
I don't see there these things
For I hide away
I hate valentines day
I hate the whole damn thing
Kisses and hugs
Love and romantics
I can live without
No man has ever pleased me
No man ever will
There all the same
Come and leave
They lie
They cheat
That's what I thought
Until you come in my life.


Hold me
Hold me close
Don't let go
It feels nice to feel your hands
Your arms around me tight
Don't leave me
I hold you close
You hold me closer
You rub my back
I just smile
And hold you tight
I don't ever want to leave your arms
But I know I must
Because your not mine
I wish you were
But you love her
Not me
You let go
And I just let you go
I stand and stare
You walk to her
She kisses you
I die inside
You hold her hand
Mine starts to burn
I just stare
You’re gone
And never going to be mine
I just stand
And watch you walk away
With her
I'm dying inside
I wish I could hold you again
But you’re gone
Out of my reach
You’re with her
You've forgotten me
I loved you

Bloody Love:

I'm standing here
In front of you
Just standing
Staring into your eyes
I see a home
A long happy life
You turn to walk away
I grab your hand
Not thinking
I tell you how I feel
I let go of you
To watch you walk away and
Leave me here to die
Die of a painful heartache
It took so long to tell you
Just so you could walk away
I watch you with her
I just want to hold you
Never wanna let go
I feel save with you
But now I'm dying
Just falling
I hope she makes you happy
Like I could have done
I hope you cry every night
Thinking about what you did
As they put me in the ground
You wish you could go back
You wish you could save me
But I'm gone
No return
You run
Run to me
You fall
Fall on my grave
You’re crying for me
You want me back
But you’re to late
You take your pocketknife
You look at it with fear in your heart
Then you see my grave under you
You take the pocketknife and you
Strike it in your chest
You quickly say
"The pain is worth seeing your smile again"
They find you
With a note
That read
"I love her"


I love you
You love me
If you hurt me
I'll hurt you
I love you so much
But I'm no going to deal with s**t
I love you
You shouldn't hurt me
If you treat me right
I'll treat you right
That's all I want
Treat me right
Hold me tight
Kiss me every night
Don't cheat on me
Because I love you
You love me
All I want
Is for you to treat me right
Don't let go.

My Crush:

I love you
Can't you see
How I walk with you
Talk to you
Go away form my friends for you
I don't have to do things for you
But everyone hates you
And I love you
I love your smile
Your laugh
The way you stand
The way you stare
The way you walk and talk
I love every ounce of your body
Every curve
I love your soul
The way you make me feel alive
I love the way you make me smile
When I'm mad you can make me smile
You’re there when I need you
And not when I don't
You don't love me
But you care for me without knowing
I need you
You may not know
But you need me too


Your life flashes past your eyes
Ghosts, zombies, mummies
All gather
As your soul leaves your body
We all wait for your arrival
Here in hell
Heaven opens their gates
But hell starts to pull you in
You don't understand
Hell is pulling you in
When heaven's gates are wide open
You quickly yell "HEAVEN"
Then there's complete darkness
Complete nothingness
Suddenly fire
You’re burning in an internal fire
You don't understand
You didn't do anything to deserve this
You look at your wrists
You see cuts
You’re bleeding
And burning
You’re hurting
And screaming


What's happen to this world?
All the people running around
It's hard to tell who's real
All these shows
I don't follow that
Everyone wants to be fake
With plastic faces
Nails done
Hair dyed, and cut
I just wanna be me
Don't wanna be a doll
Just a rose
So true
I don't want to be fake
No plastic on my face
I'm me for me
That's all I want to be
I don't want to be that girl
Who thinks ten pounds of makeup is her
My body's the way I made it
No plastic on me
I'm the way I am because I want to be
I don't want to be fake
Life's to short to be a model

Three Powerful Words:

I don't know why
But I was scared to tell you
Tell you how I feel
Three words can kill a person
But save someone else
Why is saying I love you so hard?
It's three little words
How can three words be so powerful?
They can build a great wall
Yet they can destroy it
I can tell you everything else
But I can't say “I love you”
When I get the nerve,
The courage
You turn me away
Like an old rag
That was once nice and full of beauty
Now just an old rag
That just wanted to be loved
But now I'm just an old smelly rag
You kick around
I just want you to know
When her pretty face is gone
I will be too.

People Say:

Everyone says
Life is full of happiness
Full of laughs and joy
But those are people
Who never felt pain
Never been rejected
Never had fear
Who get what they want
When they want it
I don't wanna be that
I like waiting for things I want
I have a house
A loving family
And loving friends
That's all I need
No big cars
People kissing the ground I walk on
I love my life
People say be me a model and he happy
I say live life to it's fullest
Life's to short to be something you’re not

Light House:

You are the light house
I'm the ship
You light my way when I can't see
You give me strength
I hear your voice and it keeps me strong
My love is yours forever
Do what you want with it
Weather you want it or not
It will be there
So take it
Embrace it
And remember
My love is yours


I walk down a broken hall
To a bed
Where your quietly sleep
I stare at you
Tears want to fall
But I push them away
I know what must be done
I take my dagger
Stare at it for a moment
Then softly place it on your chest
Your eyes open
You see me standing over you
You start to cry
I put my hand on the handle
Then slowly push it through
I listen to you cry one last time
I stand over you
I pull the dagger out
Then I slowly walk
Down the broken hall
Listening to my footsteps echo
I awaken
To screams of terror
Everyone cries and mourns
I just stare
Stare at your grave
You’re gone
I move on
I turn from your grave
To NEVER look back


I walk down a broken road
To a broken wall
In a town filled
With broken dreams
Broken hearts in every window
Just silence fills my soul
My body
My heart
I place my hand
On the cracks of the broken wall
Love, dreams, and hope once was here
Now just pain
I climb over that wall
With all my strength
I know there's more to life
Then this broken town
On the other side
There you stand
I look in your eyes
I find love, hopes, and dreams
You hold out your hand
I grab it
Together we walk
Walk away form that broken town
Just you and me
Together forever


You take me
And you brake me
Thinking it's all right
But not this time
I'll brake away
Form your abusive hands
And your killing words
You think you’re beating me down
But not this time
I'm going to brake away
Away form you
Away from it all
You’re over
I'm done
I'll stay awake
And watch you bleed
From my eyes
Comes the tears
The ones that won't hide away
As you die
I did this
Because I loved you

No Pain No Gain:

I was walking with you
For the first time
I felt alive
I use to live
By no pain no gain
Until the day he broke my heart
I thought I would never heal
Until you walked into my life
I hope this never ends
I know you won't hurt me
I can see it in your eyes
I can feel it in your touch
I can taste it in your kiss
This was all before that night
With her
I came over to surprise you
But it was me that was surprised
And now you’re gone
With no dread
I walk away from you
A life I once knew

Dead Love:

You’re burning
I'm squirming
You’re bleeding
I'm pleading
You’re dying
I'm crying


If you were to brake
I'd lay in your pieces
There I'd stay
Until it's my turn
To be the pray
Until that day
Here Is where I'll stay

You Look At Me:

You look at me
I look at you
We both know what to do
You walk to the room
I walk out the door
You broke my heart
You said you needed me
I must have been blind
Because I believed you
But not this time
I'm sick off falling
And I won't do it anymore
I guess I wasn't good enough for you
So I know my walking
Out of your life
Won't hurt as bad
As you hurt me
The day you saw
Someone better then me

Teen Love:

The stars are not bright
But the moon gives us light
We know it's right
We stop
It's time
Our bodies crash together
Like waves on the shore
Our lips touch
And it's nothing like before
It starts to rain
But we don't stop
We know what must be done
It's over now
We stare into eachothers eyes
Nothing could have stopped us
We are together
And now we are one
You are mine
I am yours
In one night
We showed our love
With one touch
I felt alive
This was out of love
And nothing would brake us apart
Tonight I stare into your eyes
And for the first time
I feel at home


In your eyes
I see the world
In your arms
I feel at home
In your kiss
I feel love
You mean everything to me
I never want you to leave
Just stay with me
Never leave my side
Because I'm forever yours
And you're forever mine
As we put the guns to our heads
And hands pressed together tight
For the last time we say goodnight

Unforgiving Love:

Your hand is slowly slipping
Off of mine
Your life starts to race
Past your blue eyes
Your body starts to shiver
As you turn pale
Your legs stop functioning
As you fall to the ground
Your mind starts to fill you with fear
As you try to crawl away
As she watches in terror
Your body starts to bleed
As she starts to cry
She looks at me
With saddened eyes
But I just continue
Your arms start to lose feeling
As you’re slipping away
I lay you on your back
And fill your face with dirt
I place the stone that once showed love
As I turned to walk away never to look back

Painful Words:

You know what you should do
As you look at the knife
You place it against your wrist
And quickly remove it
Thinking this isn't right
Then you remember what he said
You remember what he did
You softly replace the knife on the skin
You start to cry
And move the knife slowly down
You want to scream
But you hold it back
The knife is slowly cutting open your skin
You place the same knife on your other wrist
And slowly do the same
Watching it tare open your skin
As the blood comes out
His words keep playing in your head
Like a broken record
You drop the knife between your feet
And look down at your wrists
You look in the mirror
To see the person you hate
You've seen her before
The makeup runs down your face
But you don't mind
You think of their faces
And what they might do
You sit in the tub
And you start to whisper
The words that he said to you
But the whispers turn to screams
As you’re screaming his words
And crying your heart out
You turn on the tub water
And softly slit your throat
In your hand was a note
That read "and now he will pay"

With One Look:

Your hands slip around my waist
As you pull me close
I rub my hands
Up your naked chest
And gentle place them around you neck
You softly whisper in my ear
As you remove my shirt
Your hands rub down my sides
You touch my lips
With your faithful kiss
You gently place me on the bed
My heart starts to race
Your fingers rub up my leg
Under my skirt
Where they are laced on my thigh
My hands gently remove your pants
As our lips touch lovingly
You softy remove my skirt
My fingers run through your hair
As your boxers hit the floor
You remove my underwear
As you kiss my neck
I start to breath heavy
As your body starts to thrust
You give me pleasure
Like nothing I've had before
I start to scream
As my body fills with satisfaction
You give it all to me
Tonight nothing will be forgotten
With one look I took you home.

Not Again:

I sit here
Here on the cold floor
My eyes rain,
Like never before
I stare at my heart
The one bleeding before me
Your words play in my head
Like a broken record
Each syllable stinging
My head begins to throb
As your lies come back again
Every part of me wants to hurt you
But I sit here instead
I stay awake
For the last time
My bloodshot eyes,
See someone better then me
I point a gun at her
Then at me
Then you
I put it back to her
I shoot
Then dead I fall to the ground.

I Need You:

I love you with all my heart
But all you know is that I love you
You don't know how much
You accept me as a friend
And I treasure that
Thinking that's all I'll get
Hoping for more
Reaching out for more
Trying to make you see
I see you everyday
But you barley look my way
I'm changing myself for you
Just so you'll see
No one loves you like I do
I'm the only one
Who will understand
I wish you would love me
Like I love you
You're my everything
And I would do anything to be yours

She Loved You:

You touch me once
This isn't right
You touch my hips
I think I might
Your hands on my waist
My hands on your shoulders
You pull me close
You feel so warm
I shake my head no
You don't belong to me
You slowly rock me side to side
I'm trapped in your eyes
Your touch so warm
You whisper, "come on baby, just a little."
I smile
I remember you’re not mine
And I pull away
You look at me with anger
You throw me on the bed
I look at you with fear
You walk to the end of the bed
I try to get up
But you grab my leg
You start to giggle
This time the giggle is filled with hate
You remove my cloths and then yours
You start to kiss me
My face tries to refuse
But I'm trapped
You stuff yourself in me
I cry and just lay there
I hear a gunshot
You fall off me
In the door stand her
The girl who loved you

Lonely Rain:

Why don't you love me?
I'd do anything for you
But you don't seem to care
You just stare
Away from me
I try to make you see
But you don't want to
I'm the only one who loves you
I'm not asking much
Just see my love for you
That's all
I'm not going to cry over you
You’re not worth my tears
I spent to many nights crying
I'm through
Just know
That I
I love you
Loved you from the start
I'll never forget you
But I know you'll forget me
All I wanted is for you to see
Me standing in the rain
Asking you to love me


I see you
Lying there
I think of how I feel for you
My love
I think of the things I've never told you
The things you'll never know
Like how I watched you dress
In front of your window
I watch you walk on the streets
I've watched you kiss her
I want to be with you
But I'm better off being far
So I just watch you
One day I'll hold your hand
And be the girl that you'll never understand.

Who am I?:

Your hands are evil.
Like a little kids nightmare come to life.
Your eyes are devilish.
Why can't i look away?
Your body moves like a snake.
What's happening to me?
Your lips are like toxic.
I might just have a lick.
Your the sickest thing I've seen.
Who's that in the mirror?
What are you doing to me?
I think I might go tonight.
I hate to love you.
I love to hate you.
My emotions are flying
What is this hold you have on me?
Why can't I brake free?
Let me go.
I want control.
Why am I slowly slipping?
Who will save me?

Sad Sam:

I'm so sad
I don't know why
I feel so broken inside
Like a porcelain doll
Smashed on the ground
By a cold hearted kid
Who never smiles
How did this happen to me?
All I did was love
And this is what I get
A broken heart
With a broken soul
Tonight is the night
I'll face all my pain
Oh the pride I will gain
From this knife against my wrist
To the cold hard floor
Is this truly my fate?
As the blade follows my vain
My life is slowly slipping
My mind keeps on skipping
All the words that were said
Are now ringing in my head
All that you see is
What you did to me.

Your Name In Stone:

Once we etched our names in rings.
A signature of love, and relationship.
I thought we had it all.
But now I etch your name in stone.
A sign of end.
I thought we were perfect.
But I was so wrong.
I was so miss lead.
I fell in love with your blue eyes.
Now my eyes sing, the saddest song.
No one but me can hear it,
And understand it.
Sometimes I feel so alone.
I feel like I can only understand me.
I thought I could trust you.
But I guess I was lying to myself.
At points I couldn't tell if I was lying to myself,
Or if you were lying to me.
You confused my heart.
You used my love.
I thought you understood my pain.
But you only used it for your gain.
My pride fills me,
As I fill in the grave.
It seems to drastic.
To take my rage as far as your death.
But it seems fair.
For you have killed my heart.
The pain inside of me is killing me.
I can't stand it.
Why can you still hurt me?
I thought it would end.
I vent on your grave.
Having the knowledge that it does no good.
I knew from the start,
That you would break my heart.
I was hypnotized by your blue eyes.
You killed my soul.
You ripped you my heart,
And through it on the flour.
Like a child,
Throwing and old toy to the flour.
I feel so cold.
So used.
My hopes, My dreams, My life,
Flashing away.
Like I'm laying on my death bed.
I was distracted by your love,
By your lie.
I couldn't think straight.
I was all confused.
My hands bleed,
From the scares of the etched stone.
I smile at your grave.
I love you now.
Now that you can't hurt me.
I kiss the grave.
My black lips stains your tombstone.
So when they find you,
They'll know that I loved you,
And you'll always be mine.

My Love Is For You:

My love for you is strong.
Stronger than any man.
My love for you is unbreakable.
Like hot steal in cold water.
My love for you burns in my soul.
Like the internal flames of hell.
My love for you controls me.
Like a sick play of mind control.
My love is yours.
For you to keep or throw away.
My love will be there.
When ever you feel lonely.
My love for you comes from my soul,
And is there for you whenever you feel scared and lonely.
My love will be there to comfort you.
My love will never leave you.
My heart belongs to you.

Protection over you:

I will be there with you.
Through the pain and the tears.
Through the laughter and the cheers.
I will be by your side.
No matter how far apart we are,
I will always be there with you.
I will never leave you.
I will always protect you.
I promise you this.
I love you.

Window Pane:

I see you through a window pane.
I just stare at you.
Wondering what went wrong.
We were so happy.
I can't understand.
Why would you do this to me?
The window feels so cold
But your heart is colder.
How could you do this to me?
I loved you.
I gave you my everything.
She did nothing.
Tears stain my face.
You see me outside,
In the pouring rain.
You run outside.
You try to explain.
I just stare at you.
I rip my heart out
I hand it to you
And softly say,
"Here, I don't need it anymore."

You’re Mine:

I see you standing there.
As the blood runs off my hands.
I try to make you understand.
But you don't listen to me.
Just like before.
You never listen.
You never understand.
How can I make you see?
That you belong to me.

Holy One In Hell:

All dreams have escaped.
To either come true,
Or blow up in your face.
All dreams will come true.
Sadly all my dreams are nightmares.
Nightmares so terrifying,
They can kill the human soul.
They'll burn your eyes,
Right out of your skull.
They could make a nun swear,
The demons inside of me.
Nothing can heal my soul.
No holy ghost.
My soul has been damned to hell.
Eternity in a fire pit.
Flesh melting off my bones,
On to the cold hard ground.
On the unforgiving ground.
If there's anything that can save me,
It's you.
Our hearts beat
As we hugged,
I desperately wanted to hear your heart beat.
But I realized,
Feeling it was better.
Your heart is playing our song.
The song of love.
My heart responding.
Our hearts beat as they are one.
Combined by the same unspoken boned.
We stand,
Holding on to one another,
As we did for dear life.
Grab so tight,
Never wanting to let go.
Never having to let go.
As long as our hearts beat,
I will be forever yours.

Flat line:

Death has come.
Over you and over me.
No use trying to stop it.
No use trying to cheat it.
Finally I have found,
One thing you can't cheat on.
Death is beautiful.
Like the sweet sound of a flatlane.
I didn't fear the reaper.
Will you?
I know you will.
If she only knew the truth,
This won’t be so hard.
No matter what she says.
You’re going to pay.
At the gates of hell,
A crimson ghost welcomes you.
As he did me.
Now you'll know,
How I felt.
When I saw her with you.

Damned Love:

You brake me without a cause.
Over and over,
You ripped my heart out.
Now I'm trying to hold on,
To the little bit of sanity I still have,
To pull through.
My friends try to help me.
But I can't see any way out.
I sit here and cry.
I can't see what else to do.
You placed depression in my heart.
I can't find any hope.
All I did was love you.
I always treated you right.
Now all I want to know is why?
Why me? Why now?
How can someone be so heartless?
I can't understand.
This pain is so real.
Just tell me why?
Why do you keep doing this to me?
Why do I keep trusting you?
Why do I love you?


You love me,
But I'm scared.
A unconditional love.
So full and so true.
You reach out to me,
But I always pull away.
Sometimes I want you,
But I always just pull away.
I'm scared of what they might think.
Scared of what you might do.
I know you'll never let me down.
You'll always be there.
I know how your love feels,
I know nothing from you is fake.
Nothing on this earth is as great as you.
You'll always be watching over me.
Always helping me in my life.
Nothing will stand in my way,
When I'm with you.
I know being with you is right,
But I'm scared.

The Silhouette:

Standing alone.
I'm waiting, watching.
They said he would come.
They said he would be here.
Rain falls,
I love the way the rain hits my face.
the way it feels.
Cleaning my face.
Hiding my tears.
I look ahead,
I see a silhouette.
I'm just staring,
my heart fills with life.
I wanted to run to you.
But I couldn't move.
I can't see if you are coming to me,
Or running away.
So I just stand.
My heart is beating fast,
Then slow.
I see that you’re coming close to me.
"Are you the one."
I say with a smile,
"Are You?"
Said by the man,
By the silhouette.
Masked Stranger
Join me.
Here, in the rain.
Dance with me.
Our bodies move as one.
There's no room,
Between you and I.
Lips touch,
Pouring rain,
The only witness.
Hold me close,
Never let go.
Just stay,
Here with me.
Dancing in the rain.
A beautiful element.
Water in it’s prettiest form.
Show me you care,
Show me you love me.
Our hearts beat,
In sync with our bodies.
In the morning we will separate.
I will never see you again.
My wonderful masked stranger.
I'm left alone,
Dancing in the pouring rain.

Love, Depression, And Hate:

Alone I sit with a picture of you.
Smiling with my thoughts of you.
I sit here just staring.
Not seeing any flaws.
Smiling filled with love and comfort.
My heart filled with joy.
You would never hurt me.
I know you won't.
I trust you.
I love you.
You would never try and hurt me.
You do everything you can for me.
I can tell you anything.
You give me so much joy.
So much love.
I can just sit here and stare,
Just at a picture of you,
How can this happen?
So much love without any pain.
We always agree and never fight.
You walk into the room.
I hold out my arms.
You grab my hands.
I smile.
You give me a saddened look.
With what seemed a blink of an eye,
It all feel apart
I don't understand.
You broke my heart.
What went wrong?
What happened?
I can't understand.
Why won't you talk to me?
Why won't you help me understand?
I sit here crying now.
My tears falling on your picture.
Here I sit alone.
So depressed.
It is so surprising,
How fast happiness can turn to saddness.
I'm sitting here crying,
Never understanding.
How I feel so much pain.
You said you would never hurt me
You lied to me.
How could you?
What did I do to deserve this?
All I did was love you.
I feel strange.
There is a weird feeling over me.
What is this?
With one blink of my eye,
One last tear falls.
Rage fills my heart.
I hate you.
I find you with her.
The girl I could never be.
You kiss her.
My hand grabs the blade.
It cuts me softy.
But no blood falls.
I smile at this.
I stare at you.
Then at her.
Now I know why.
Why you left me.
For her.
A beauty queen.
A skinny no nothing.
The blade is filled with beauty.
I will plug it in your chest.
I know how it will feel.
I will hurt you.
Like you hurt me.
You will pay.
So will she.
The sounds of your screams,
Fills me with joy.
How I smile.
For now you won't hurt me.

Vampire Love:

Why are you so scared?
As you step back,
With a wooden dagger held right.
What is wrong?
As you start to throw water of a holy sort.
I hold out my hand.
You hiss at me like a cat.
I look at you strange.
The water hits my skin and burns.
I don't understand.
As you plug the dagger in my heart.
I hold the dagger.
As I cry one red tear.
My face so calm.
I fall into your arms.
Only to look into your eyes.
They are so lovely and so bright.
You say that you love me,
With one lonely kiss,
I die.


Would you understand?
As my victims blood runs off my lips.
Would you believe me?
As I show you this.
My cold heart that never struck a beat,
Hurts at the site of you.
My dead black lips try to make you see.
But you don't listen.
You never listen.
Why won't you listen?
This is why these things happen.
You anger me.
I can't stand you!
You cause me so much pain.
So much agony.
Go away!
Leave here.
Run away.
I never know why.
Why I welcomed you here.
To my house of bloody tears.
A cold lie.
That's all I can hear.
A cold lie.
Playing like a sad song.
So cold.
So lonely.
You seem so frightened.
So scared.
My fangs drip the redest tears.
For tonight my dear,
Your eyes will see,
The darkest side of me.

Blood Stained Face:

Would you see past a masked face?
Could you look and understand?
Would you be able to love me?
A freak without a cause.
A loser with many flaws.
Will you be the first to see more then this?
Or just another on my list?
I see you dancing there,
But I dare not move.

For I know what I am.
I'm nothing of beauty.
Not like any rose.
People despise me.
I'm a child's worst dream.
Yet you can seem to love me.
You seem to care.
I don't know whether to stay or run.
You put your arms around me.
You pull me close and just hold me.
What is this?
What is happening?
A hug you say.
I've never heard of this thing.
My hand fits in yours so nice.
So inviting.
I feel this warmth came over me.
I feel so scared.
I've never felt this way.
I don't want this to go.
I'm scared but I want more.
What is this hold you have over me?
I can't seem to escape.
I'm so confused.
I don't know what to do.
You feel so nice.
But I don't understand,
How you could love someone like me.
Someone with no beauty.
Someone with no soul.
I've given you my heart before.
I've given you everything.
I push you away.
For I don't know why.
But nothing feels right anymore.
You've had this all before,
And left it all behind.
I will never let that happen again.

Love Is Strong:

Love can be brutal.
Like the coldest winter.
Love can be gental.
Like a cool summers day.
Love can be peaceful.
Like a spring morning.
Love may fade away.
Just like life.
Love does not mourn.
Love is not mawkish.
Love is strong.
Stronger then anything.
It can be broken.
Yet love can kill.
Love can create demise.
Yet can stop it.
It is strong.
We just fail to see it.


You bleed on the floor.
My clack colored lips kiss your cheek.
You look at me with pitty.
But I jsut laugh.
For I'm your leader.
I'm your mistress.
You are my slave.
I'll do what I please with you.
But right now I shall hurt you.
Later I will please you.
Like never before.
You gave me your heart.
And I'll tare it apart.
For I'm nothing like you humans.
I'm nothing you've ever known.
You'll never understand me.
But for now just listen to me.
And you'll never go wrong.

Never Said:

My heart is torn in two.
I'll sow it up in lace.
For I know it won't stay together long.
You will come back and brake my heart again.
You've been here before.
You've thrown me on this floor.
I know you're the worst.
But I can't stay away.
The white light in front of me,
Is drawing closer and closer.
I stare at the black surrounding me.
I walk ahead,
Repeating the words you've never said.
As the white light takes me in,
I said the three works you've never said...


As I lay here in your arms.
My head against your chest.
I listen to your heart beat.
I feel warm and save in you arms.
Like when I was in your womb.
You care and nurture me.
Once when you first held me.
I placed a tiny kiss upon your cheek.
From there you knew,
That I was part of you.
And you had to protect me.
I lay in your arms.
My eyes shut tight.
My arms around you.
As I grow up.
I still place,
A little kiss,
Upon your cheek.
To remind you,
How much you mean to me.
You are my shelter.
You held me in your womb.
And knew with all your heart,
That I was worth it.
I love you mom.

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