I don't remember the names of some the people who drew these for me, but know that I appreciate them all, even the ones I purchased. They took their time and came up with amazing drawings of my avie which I love very much.
If you see your art here and it has no name please pm me, I'll add your name on it.
The art is displayed as most recent on top.
By d i n o s u h s s, she's such a sweety, came to my request thread on her own and drew this. heart heart
By I would hit that, love the username, but I love the art even more.
By Tanzaria, wow, just wow!
By .Jelly.Noodles., I love disproportioned body lol
By Sybak, it's so tiny and cute.
ByTheRealZissors, very nice headshot.
By Pukie7, isn't it adorable?
By Fiona Maria. Excellent work, I adore it!
By Sedeuction Curieuse. I'm a KittyMeow
By Keisara, she bunniefied me! I love it.
By Poisoned and Holy again
By Poisoned and Holy, do I need to say anything? I mean come on, look at it!
By Chantal_rocks_6, I love the coloring on this one, it's so cute!
By cow_named-butters, I love her style
By Lady Majestueux. I still owe her a pixel cow.
Bye Rush, lol, I don't want to explain, just enjoy the art.
By Pant Devil, waited a month for this one I think, but it was totally worth it.
As usual, verbie is amazing.
By verbie, I'm the one laying dead on the floor lolz.
By DxSciz.
If you look at both of the "nakey group art I have, you'll see there is a person under a ghost sheet. Sciz drew her uncovered this time. She is my sister 1Ditto_Biznich2
By Alternating Complexion.
By Laykein
By Sirionia
By Vistualviry
By verbrijzel_muis
By Shelagal (Lots of heart )
By Shelagal again (Lots of heart )
By Auztik (My first flob, payed for it)
By Aracellie (payed for it)
By yuki_lily (First custom "Bump" wink
By Shelagal once again(Lots of heart )
By Slash Y 4 0 I (Thankies!! heart )
By P o t a t o F l a k e s` (done very fast, yet came out wonderful)
By Niphz
By Nielle-chan
By Anonymous
By TwilightChibi (lots of heart 's for her)
By kogenkun
By Neko-Maaka-Chan (She was so sweet)
By PeachieMeep (I payed for this one, but I appreciate it tons)
Community Member
btw do u draw all of them r other pplz but nots u i wonder...
O-O whee