Real Name: Alexander Lennonine
Species: Half wolf demon
Age: 20
Gender: male
Height: 5 feet 8 inches
Weight: 128lbs
Residence: Roaming wanderer
Abilities & aptitude: As a wolf, agile, quick, and deadly. As a human, athletic, intelligent, and strong-willed. As a demon, Overwhelming strength, speed, and power.

Weapons: Legacy. a long midevil-looking blade with a golden handle and diamond encreastments. each diamond represents a different element.
Background: Born to the great wolf demon Leon, and a human known as Crystal, Sky adored his father. He knew what his father was, yet it did not bother him.
Leon loved his son, half-demon or not. He left his home for his family, for they rediculed him for having a human son. Leon did his best to train Sky in all he knew. He may have left his village, but he still honored its customs, and that custom was that all warriors must be prepared to fight by the age of eight.
Sky was no more than this age, when Leon's parents came rushing back, telling Leon that the temple their village had been protecting was under heavy attack. The demons had found out what it housed inside, and were as determined as ever to break through the village's defenses. Despite their feuds in the past, Leon's kind heart would not let him ignore his homeland if it was in trouble.
Taking his son with him, Leon set out. Upon arrival, it was mass chaos. Demons were everywhere, killing left and right. The mission was clear, defend the temple.
Leon was a bullet in the midst of battle, nothing could stop him. He easily slaughtered one demon after the next. That was not the surprise. What the surprise was, was that Leon's half-demon son was doing a better job than the villager's best warriors. In almost as graceful movements as his father's, Sky was slaughtering demons left and right. However, two tiger demons managed to escape the chaos and flee into the temple. Sky, being the only one who saw, followed.
Sky had never been in the sacred temple before, but deep at its heart, stood a statue. The statue showed a figure standing on two legs, a heavy helmet worn over his head, showing only two burning eyes showing out from underneath. The figure held a massive claymore stabbed into the ground in front of him. The tiger demons were at the statue's side.
Noticing Sky, they laughed. "It is too late now, boy! Witness the rebirth of our lord! Demons will rule this land once again! Witness the rise of Malechi!" With that, they busted the statue in an explosion of dust and stone. A massive dark presence exploded from the statue, immediately engulfing the two. They screamed as their bodies were set aflame. From the writhing mass of darkness, stood a lone crouched figure. At first glance, it seemed like the figure who used to be in the statue, but as he stood, his armor fell away.
Underneath, the creature's skin was like lava. It had no defined body mass, but rather a boiling mass of dark energy, constantly pulsating, and rebuilding. The figure cracked his 'neck' and turned to face Sky. It's eyes were red like the depths of hell. Its long metal claws dragged at the ground at his feet. It tilted its head to the side. "Don't look so afraid boy. Allow me to give you a first hand experience to the power of a God." The being extended a hand, his eyes glowing brighter. Sky passed out.
Outside, The battle waged on. but as the temple doors opened, everyone stopped, and stared. Sky stood in the doorway, a hand on the door frame. Leon began to break through the crowd towards his son, but stopped. Something wasn't right.
Sky raised his head. No words could describe what Leon saw.
Raising his bloody claws and his face stretched into a hellish grin, Sky leaped into the mass of demons, slaughtering all in his path, whether friend or foe.
Eventually, only he and Leon remained. Sky approached his father. "Worthless scum." He spat onto the body of a decapitated corpse. "They stood no chance." His voice was a blend of two.
Leon looked appalled. "Sky...why... why would you do this?" Sky seemed to look down at his father, almost like he didn't even notice he was there. "Why?" He laughed. "Because," He said, raising his claws. "You were here." And with that, he sliced his claws clean through his father's neck.
Sky went on to destroy the villages nearby, slaughtering every living thing in sight. Men, Woman, Children, it didn't matter to him. But it wasn't really sky. Sky was chained at the back of his own mind, watching as even his mother fell at his own hands. Sky had lost the will to live. He had no reason to try and regain control of his body.
It was Kairi, a longtime friend of his, who finally stopped him. She knocked Sky (who was really Malechi at the time) out with a surprise attack, and restrained him with a spell. She didn't want to kill him, his parents and her parents had been friends for a very long time, and Kairi would not admit it, but she had a crush on Sky. She demanded to know why he was doing what he did. Sky, who had regained temporary control of his body, explained what had happened. "It wasn't me..." He told her. "I'm being...forced to do something....someone..." It was then that the demon, Malechi, surfaced again. "SHUT UP BOY" Sky shouted in another voice. "YPU KNOW NOT OF WHAT YOU SPEAK. RETURN TO COWERING IN YOUR OWN MIND." Kairi, realizing he was possessed, and with the help of her brother Rith, used a spell that would seal Malechi away inside of Sky's body. However, the spell did have its limitations. Sky must practice to keep the demon under control, for if he ever over uses his power, or loses control of his emotions, Malechi surfaces again.
During the ritual, Malechi fought back, causing the spell to only be halfway done. the residual energy caused an explosion that opened a warp in the fabric of space, transporting Kairi and Riku into foreign lands.
Sky, believing they were dead from the ceremony, swore on their lives that he would do what he could to try and live with this the way they would want him to, the way his father would want him to.
Sky was a wanderer for quite some time. It was not an easy life, Many demons picked fights with him because of what he was, and humans were not so kind either. However, Sky used this as his training. He got to a point where he could openly transfer between his human and wolf forms. His wolf form resembles that of his father's. The thought of what he had done still burdened him.
It was around this time that Sky met the wolf demon named Luna. Out of convinience, they travelled together, helping one another to hunt for their food, and they enjoyed each other's company. Over time, a tender relationship blossomed between the two, and eventually, Luna bore a pup. She named him Rovin.
Luna's father, a powerful wolf demon who was controlled at the time, was outraged by this. Not wanting his daughter to have anything to do with a half-demon, Her father killed the pup, and, after a long battle, and threatening to take Luna's life, Sky surrendered, and killed him too.
However, as Sky laid dying, his spirit was not allowed to pass on. It was in this purgatory that he met Lunaria, the goddess of the moon and the overseer of passage to the next life. She explained to sky that while his intentions may have been pure, his soul was tainted by Malechi. He could neither go to heaven, nor hell.
Because of this, she made him a deal. If he brought her 200 evil souls gathered from tainted souls that polluted the earth, then the sins that were passed on to him through Malechi would be forgiven, and he may even learn how to control him.
Sky accepted, and Lunaria rose him to new life. On his forehead, he wears the symbol of a crescent moon, signifying the covenant he made with the moon goddess.
Once revived, Sky suffered from Amnesia. He knew nothing about his past, only the duty he had been charged with.
Through more training, he was able to ascend further into his wolf demon forms without losing himself to Malechi. Over time, he learned he could ascend into 2nd and 3rd wolf demon forms, which served to amplify his power when he needed it.
He once met a powerful demon by the name of Luminatus. Devastated by the loss of his beloved, this powerful demon threatened to destroy the countryside wielding the power of both the light and the darkness. Sky sensed the disturbance, and met head on to stop him.
The battle waged on for weeks, but in the end, sky was victorious. Luminatus, seething with rage, used the last of his energy to thrust part of his soul into Sky's.
Sky gained the burden of wielding both the light and the darkness. A power which turned him into his twilight form. He was not prepared for such a power, so almost immediately his soul was nearly torn in two from the attack. He survived, however. the power of both the light and the dark constantly at battle inside of him takes its toll on his body. whenever he enters his twilight form, he gains immense power, but he can only enter this state for a short amount of time, lest he lose his mind and his soul from the amount of physical stress it leaves on his body.
Training with the powers of light, he also learned to enter into his light form (otherwise known as 'peace' form.). Using his newfound powers, he continues his search for the 200 souls he must collect in order to clean himself of what Malechi has done.