Mike: Steven likes men.
Luan: Hahahahaha 2.3 XP
Mike: Matt!
Matt: WHAT!?!?! I'm TRYING to do my MATH homework.
Mike: Didn't you hear theres no more homework for the rest of the year?
Matt: DAMMIT How come nobody told me...
Mike: Cuz you rape pandas.
Matt: O.o?
Luan: Ha! Panda molester.
Matt: Ack!
Luan: Tiger Woods flying ninja golfer attack! *Jumps on Mike's back*
Mike: Whoa there tiger...
Matt: Potatoes of DOOOOM!
Mike: YESSSS!!!
Austin: What are you sons of blowjobs doing?
Matt: Thats a new one...
Austin: A new what?
Matt: Sons of blowjobs?
Austin: Oh yea i guess...
Matt: Well I was just talking about potatoes.
Austin: Go eat a freakin potato then...
Mike: Matt doesn't EAT them. He has sex with them WHILE eating them. AT THE SAME TIME!
Matt: That made no sense.
Mike: It did in my world.
Matt: Quick look Michael Jackson.
Mike: noooOOOOO!
Luan: I'm gonna go get an eggroll.
Matt: No c***e eating for you!
xXTehNekoXx Community Member |