-Waking a little in the midst of night, Noir thought he heard something -felt something...
-But the night was cold and he thought it to be just his mind playing him tricks -creeping closer to the fire and falling asleep again.

-Noir, a traveler at the age of sixteen, he had ran away from home just weeks ago and now he traveled the lands -aimless and without any other goal than to see the wonders of the world.
-Anything better than a life at the farm, he had thought -and thus he made escape before his bride had been presented to him.

Opening his eyes in the dim light of morning -Noir stretched his aching back, feeling the cold of the last day of winter creeping up on him as the crystals of frost covered the grass around him. -But the stone where he had slept was still a bit warm, cracked where the fire had burnt and Noir found himself at a loss of some coins -lost in the small crevasse which the fire had caused.

-Sitting up, Noir sighed. -He had stolen those moneys from his parents secret stash, saved only for emergency -and now he had been a fool and lost them...
But as he reached his hand to scratch the back of his head, he thought they could at least have spared him that much -now they had a few coins gone -but they also had a mouth less to feed at all.
-Getting up on his legs, Noir felt as if he had a weight about his skinny waist -thinking the rest of his coins had slid down with their small pouch.
Grabbing his staff, Noir shadowed his eyes with a hand -spying over the landscape. Far in the distance he could see strands of smoke -reaching towards the sky, collected by the chimneys of a small town.
-It would take the whole day... -But with a sigh to rise his spirits, Noir set one foot first -starting his long walk to the town.

-As he stepped on the stones between the houses -he felt their smooth, polished surface through his thin boots... -Looking down, he knew he had to get a pair of new ones -soon...

As he walked the streets, he sighed -his all belongings being the staff and a few copper coins -maybe enough for a meal, but not enough to stay in a tavern, even less to get himself a good pair of boots.
-As he walked, he eventually came upon a rather shady looking tavern. -His hopes settling there, the mistress had no objections against such a wonderful youth. -But then her husband joined the conversation -judging Noir to sleep in the barn, a fair trade for some of his copper coins.
-But Noir settled with this, a barn just as it would fit a farmers son in his days of travels. -Curling up in the hay, he did his best to avoid the animals -hiding himself on the very top of the haystack.
Through a crack in the roof, he could see the glistering stars as he lay on his back, feeling the cold of winter leaving it's grasp of the earth -to let the mild weather of spring come forth and bring buds to grow.

Picking some strands of hay out of his hair, Noir felt his stomach grovel. -With a sigh he took out the rest of his coins, counting them briefly on the palm of his hand. Enough for a loaf of bread, maybe some cheese -but definetely not a meal, even less a pair of boots -neither a stay for his next night.
Clenching his fist, he sighed, nearly a small sob heard in his voice. -He had left his father's farm to get away from labor and work!
-With a grim face, he picked up his staff again, glancing at the tavern as he left. But he knew his hopes would be for naught, had only that giant of a man not been there he might have gotten a decent meal...

-Mourning the loss of his last money, Noir had had three coins left since getting himself a breakfast. He had tried his luck with the dice, but again it had been for naught and he was now left poor...
-Lifting his feet carefully, he wished to spare his boots for as long as possible.
Eventually he was out of the small town again, looking to the blue sky he asked for how long he would survive before he'd be forced to take a labor -only to feed himself and provide clothes to cover his gaunt body.
-Frowning, he set foot on the grass again, leaving the paths forged by man to wander into the woods -roamed by animals and devious terrain. -But as night came upon him again, he knew not the way out -but sat on a rock near a small stream, leading its way through the lush green woods.
Aimlessly staring in front of him, the staff as his only ward towards the wild uknown that waited in the dark of night.

Feeling a weight on his shoulders, he woke up -realising he had fallen asleep where he sat, the staff still wielded by his hands. -But what was that unsettling feeling he had? -Twisting a little to brush it off, he suddenly sat still, feeling the slippery tongue run over his raised hand.
The long body still coiled around him, he dared not to move.-A snake had crept up on him as he slept!
He knew snakes were poison, killing a man with just one mere bite of it's fangs...

-Breathing heavily, he felt the long -slim body continuing to explore the insides of his clothes. -But when it eventually left, it crept out through the collar of his shirt, leaving him shivering still of fear on the rock.
But before his eyes, Noir believed himself mad of what he saw next; the snake grew to a man -dressed in shirt and slacks, fine polised dark boots covering his feet and a cape brushing the ground around his gloved hands. -Bowing before him, with his head lowered and the long hair coiling on the ground -stood what could only be imagined as a nobleman. -A sovereign, an elf from the tales he had heard, was the only conection Noir could make and he tried to force himself to bow on the ground, but his body rejected his commands and stayed as it was.
Speaking, the mans voice was smooth as the finest of silk, a silky hymn entering Noir's ears at each spelling said, leaving his mind to drift from his body as he heard the gentle tunes of the man's voice.
"My deepest apologies for startling you. -But..." -he raised his head, revealing a pair of gentle green eyes, reflecting the moonlight from behind a few strands of hair -falling out of their way.
"-Had I not covered beneath your garment -my death would have been inevitable." -bowing again, he let his head fall -kneeling as a knight before his king.
"I thank you... -From the depths of my heart, I thank you for saving my life."

Staring in shock, Noir could not leave the man with his eyes. Was this one of the mysterious elves? -A wizard? But what could a man of such status wish of him -a simple farmboy, and a thief at that!
Realising soon what the man had said, after the immediate shock had settled, Noir parted his shivering lips -speaking with frail voice, unbecoming of any man his age...
"Wh- what are you talking about...?" -he slowly said, trying to trail his eyes elsewhere as the man again looked upon him.
"My apologies..." -he said, rising from his stance to instead stand tall in front of him. -Noir nearly covered, seeing the man stand a well three heads above his own.
"I am the snake who sought cover of you and your body's heat two nights ago. -It was bold of me, I am well aware..." -suddenly gaining a glint in his eyes, he seeked contact with Noir's eyes, leaving the boy no means of escaping his gaze.
-Suddenly moving closer, the man lift his arm to place a hand on Noir's chin -the hand slightly cold beneath the fabric that touched the boy's skin.
-Noir sought to jerk his head from the grip, but the man held him firm leaning closer to him, the breath even tickled his skin.
"But how could I avoid the youthful beauty, alone in the night and exposed to it's vile dangers?" -he said in a breath, leading a pair of cold lips to gently press against Noir's a few moments.

-Jerking his head, Noir leaned back in an attempt to slap the man's face with his palm, but his arm was caught in the air, held firm by a cold hand -willingless to let go and it pulled him forth and he fell frim the stone.
-But he was caught, surrounded by the cool, silky cloth brushing against his skin -the man holding him in an embrace.

-Unable to speak, also to resist -Noir had the man trail his lips over his arm, leading from his wrist and up his shoulder, lastly to leave the cold lips on his own again, another kiss was stolen from him.
-His eyes first opened wide, they soon narrowed -his voice growing to a pinch as the man started draping off his clothes, trailing the cold lips down his body as he did.

The mantle spread beneath them, Noir was laid on the ground, weakly resisting with an elbow atop his chest. -But the man removed it with no attempt, bending down to kiss him again, trailing his tongue into between Noir's still trembling lips.
The hand of the man, slowly sliding down the skin of the warm body beneath, Noir felt the cold fabric over his body and he twitched at the touch, frightened and disoriented he lay there, leaving the man to care for him however he wished his wits to lead him.

-His legs sprawling, Noir felt his heart beat against his chest -fear tightening its grip around his throat and forcing him to swallow as he watched.
Holding him, the man let his tongue gently stroke against the bone of his collar, holding him open and lean to be engulfed by Noir's twitching body.
-A tear parting rom Noir's eye as he felt the man slide into him, it was soon followed by another tear -running down his cheeks as the man held him gently, sinking deeper and deeper into his body...

The night was soon penetrated by the slow moans of Noir's voice, caressed and held by the man, he sighed deeply when he felt the weight of the other body over his own. -His own arms around the arching back, his muscles tense and his legs held high. The man so deep into him it as not possible to be any deeper...
-Throwing his head back, parting from the lips, Noir held himself tight, but could not hold himself any longer as the tongue caressed his chest and his body twitched once again, leaving him to hold his breath a few moments.
But it did not become the man, he momentarily held his movements -opening his eyes to see the young boy in ecstasy beneath him, feeling the twitching of the loins to his sides. -As Noir let out a long breath, he was again caressed, thrust by the man as he had been now.
-But the boy held no more strength, just breathing heavily -moaning slightly at each time the man moved him. Before long, the man gave him a final kiss, leaving him -parting with a fine strand of white as he embraced him.

"I don't know your name..." -Noir said, held by the strong arms and swept in the cape around the two where they lay.
-Kissing his forehead, the man brushed some of Noir's hair away from his face.
"I have no name. -Just snake." -was his reply.
Trailing a strand of the long hair between his fingers, Noir felt the hearts through theirs chests -lying so close to the man he could almost believe his chest to have two hearts...
"Then I will give you a name... -Blanc."
-Leading his fingers through Noir's hair, Blanc thought -gazing not at the stars, but only at the boy lying on his body.
"Blanc..." -he repeated.
"That's a good name."