its about a 15 yr old boy named Tomonori Iwaki who has a thing for older women if u noe what i mean. and he was inlove with his teacher Natsumi-Sensei but she gets engaged and his heart is broken. when he gets home he sees a girl named Rizel who looks like a 12 yr old but shes not *no spoils* and she tells him shes his new wife. according to the government, rizels papas' A B and C, rizel has to be his new wife. Rizel is a protohuman made by the government and her tears r bombs. altho Tomonori treats Rizel like a piece of crap towards the last episode love begins to bloom from him. Rizel can not grow into her adult form until she learns true love and she already tries to give Iwaki-kun love and affection and hugs and he throws her around and insults her and stuff like dat.
Well thats sort of what the show is about u can watch all 24 episodes on veoh or youtube except part 2 to episode 17 or 18, sum crap like dat cuz youtube blocks somethin idk why
I'm XDestiny_Kawaii_AnimefanX I love all sorts of anime such as haruhi suzumiya,lucky star,ouran,ranma,sailor moon,inuyasha,slayers,nurse witch komugi and naruto
I ❤Hare Hare Yukai
❤XDestiny_Kawaii_AnimefanX❤add kawaii_koyori my other acc that i use

I ❤Hare Hare Yukai
❤XDestiny_Kawaii_AnimefanX❤add kawaii_koyori my other acc that i use