Chapter 12 loneliness.
Hender had been locked up in a large cage for the past twentiefour hours with a throbing pain in his side. He carefully shifted his body so that he could lay down.People came to the Zoo the previouse day and he was the main atraction. People just gatherd and stared at him.He felt like a side show freek.He was fed an entire cow fore dinner and now he was trying to sleep and enter his nightly recaps of the past.But he was used to sleeping in a soft bed not a hard, cold metel of a steal cage.
He could break steal with this strong claws but he wouldn't be able to fly back to the house due to his wound.
I'll break out in three days. He said to himself then he layed his head down and sleaped.
Hender dreamed of the war. He was flying in a canion with his rider on his back and surounded by the sight and smell of blood. He was swooping down and up again taking down the dragons of the other side. He then was ataked by a red dragon it's claws barly touching his long, greenish neck when he woke up with a loud roar.He was panting and sweating.It had been over two hundred years since he had dreamed of the war.It was allredy day and there wer children outside his cage shivering with fear. He smiled at the kids and yawned. The kids laghed and edged a little closer. They stood there for a few hours watching him.The keepers roled a tire from a monster truck into the cage for him to yuse as a toy.He roled his eyes at first but saw that the children wanted to see him play. He desided to amus them so he looped his tale thrugh the tire and spun it. The tire flew off and bounced agenst the wall and flew tword him. He ducked and pult his clawes over his head. The kids and ther parents wer lagheing like crazzy.Hender loved to make people laghe espesally kids. He was allways joaking with Zeth and the others.Zeth, Karn, Jesse, and Marrion.He missed them all.
The tire stoped infront of him and he pulled it tward him and started to chew on it.It tasted horible but he still chewed to vent the anger from geting locked up.Then he recognised the long, silver hair in his audience.Karn. He stoped chewing and looked up. Karn was there in the croud allong with Zeth and Marrion.
"Hender."I wispered."Are you okay?"
"Yes"He wispered back"what are you doing hear?"
"We came to see if you wer okay."Zeth said matching the volume."And to get you out."
"No need."Hender said with a smile."I'll be able to get out of here and back home in two more days."
"Are you sure?"Karn said with wory in his lovely gey eyes. Hender knodded and wet back to playing with the tire.
"What the hell are you doing?"Zeth said watching in amusement.
"Entertaning."He wispered then thrugh the tire into the air and cought it around his neck. We claped with the rest of the croud and he continued to do funny things like that. He stoped and rested awile then tried to stand up. He let out a boan jaring roar of pain and then colapsed to the ground. He layed ther groaning whille a Zoo keeper came to the croud.
"What happend?"He asked starteled.
"The dragon's in pain."Karn said like a little kid.
"What?"The zoo person said then went to the back of the cage and opened the door.He squesed in and went over to Hender.He knelt next to the dragon and examened the wound.Hender opened his eyes then his breth froze.His beautiful seagreen eyes grew wide with fear that I have never seen before.Hender lunged at the man snaping his fangs.He got up and roared, he then swung his claws at the bars breaking them.The croud started to screem and scater as Hender jumped out of the cage and landed bloking the people.
"Tison!"Hender yelled revealing to the people that he could talk."Tison show your true form!" Ther was a slight snickering that grue to a boan chilling laghe. We turned to the smirking zoo keeper.
"I bet you would like that wouldn't you Hender."He said with a wicked toan."I bet you would."
"Show your form or I will kill you with out breaking a sweat." Hender said with ice in his voice."You know the law! If we ever met again we would fight in our true forms!"
"Yes Hender I know.I Just don't want to."
"Then I will kill you.If you don't you won't have a chance to fight."
"Okay then. You want a fight? You got one!"
Chapter 13 A Duel of fate
A strong wind surounded Tison and he erupted as a crimson dragon with smoke coming out of his nostrals.He let out a loud roar and leaped at Hender.Hender quicly leaped into the air and flew high above us Tison followed and then they wer in an all out dual.Hender sank his fangs into Tison's neck and Tison clawed Hender's face.It was horible, there was dark red blood raining on us.
"You don't stand a chance kid!"Tison tawnted as Hender fell too the ground due to a blow to the right wing.Hender stagered up and looked at the slightly disfigured wing he made a discusted face that instantly turned to sorrow and shame.
"You are right Tison"He said in a verry sad tone"Even though I beleve my side wound made the match unfair you have won. I can not fly nore can I fight. Kill me. Finish me off."
"Hender!"I said in absolute shock.
"Do not worry my friends.It is what must be don.When a dragon duals with another they fight in the air and once a dragon falls it stands no chance and the duels are allways to the deth." He said looking back to us tears falling from his seagreen eyes."Weather or not I live is up to Tison now and I know that he dos not show mercy.I am sorry."
Hender then looked back to Tison who still flew up in the sky with a proud look of victory.
"I will not kill you but I will make sure that you receve ingorese that could be fatall."Tison said starting to circle."If you fight back in anny way I will kill Ma theoth."
Hender looked at us then slowly transformed into his human form.He looked down then up at Tison,he turned away and mutterd in a voice full of fear,sorrow,hate,and defeat"Okay."
Tison grined and dove in tword Hender.He grabed Hender with his claws and thrugh him agenst a large tree Hender just stood up and wated for the next atack.Tison landed and walked over to Hender with an evil smirk and then started to snicker.
"Hender."He said with pure pleasure."You have gotten stronger.Last time we saw eatch other you would have died at the impack.You have a stronger will to live.You remember the last time we saw each other?"
"Well let me bring back those memories of a long time ago shall we?"He then transformed into his human form. He grabed Hender by the neck and thrugh him face first into another tree.He tore Hender's shirt revealing a bare back then went back to his dragon form.He took a deep breth and blew fire at the pale skin scorching it.Hender yelled out in pain and clenched the tree.
"Hender!"I yelled tears flowing from my eyes.Tison stoped and looked at me in suprise."Pleas."I beged."Pleas stop."
"Why should I?"He said in a sort of a giggle."I could have just killed him but he agreed to this.And I don't show this mutch mercy most of the time."
"Mercy? What mercy? Your torchering him."
"With his determination he will at least live.Be grate full for that and shut up,I don't acsept interuptions."
"I said shut up!"
He then swung his huge tail and hit me in the side sending me flying.I landed next to a bench and I gasped for air.
"Tison!"Hender yelled standing up strate."Leave her alone.She dosn't know our ways."
"Fine but if she interupts one more time I will kill you under stood?"
I knoded and sat up on to the bench.
Tison then turned back to Hender and stared at him with diskust and then motind to the tree with his head.Hender glared a little longer before he turned around and let Tison torchure him as he wished.Instead of using fire he rand his long claws doun his back ripping the skin.He then thrugh him around more then stoped as Hender got back on his feet again.
"Transform Hender."He orderd."It's getting boreing just beating your human body up. I want to rip your real flesh."Hender obayed and transformed.Tison instantly started to claw and bite at Hender.He then flew up into the sky and dove in landing with his fangs and clawes in Hender's neck.He then picked Hender up and thrugh him into the sky then flew up,did a flip and hit Hender on his allready reopened wound sending him plumeting to the ground.Hender layed ther then transformed back to his human form.He was unconsios and was totaly betan up.Tison was laghing in the sky.
"You can take him back home now and tend to his wounds.He will live."He then flew off.
Karn,Zeth and I all ran to Hender's side.
"He's in bad shape."Zeth said, carefully examoning his wounds."We have to get him home."
"How?'Karn asked."We can't carry him."
"I'll transport him in one of my darck sphers. Marrion this might be a little creapy."
Zeth then closed his eyes and a black sphere started fo form around us.It lifted us up and verry quicly flew us home. It was verry creapy.
Chapter 14 Lessons of Importans and Desire
It has been three days cince the zoo acsident and Hender still hasn't left his room and acording to the others he hasn't eaten either.I was realy woried about him.
"He still won't eat."Karn said coming back down the stairs carrying a tray with the food we made for Hender.
"Will he talk?"Jesse said with hope that dissapeared when Karn shoolk his head.
"I'm woried about him."Zeth said staring into space."We have important buisnes to discus and it would be hard without him."
"Important buisnes?"
"About Marrion."
"About me?"The two stared at me as if they had forgoten I was in the room.
"Well"Karn said coming out of the kitchen."You see you'r the first human to lern our secret."
"And we need to keep a low profile."Jesse chimed in sort of depresed.
"People try to kill us."Zeth said more strictly."Or, as you have seen, try to pult us in cages.We need to hide."
"You know what?"Karn said."Maby we should wate fore Hender he could say it easier."
"But he's mute"
"Maby he'll talk to Marrion."
"I'll try."I said.
I slowly walked up the stares and with in minutes I was infront of Hender's door.I have been hear for over a week now and I have only been to five rooms.I havn't been in Hender's room and I was sort of scared too.I was woried that I would make it wors.But I jentaly knoked on the door then opend it and peaked in.Hender was laying down on a mat stareing at me.
"Hi.May I come in?"
He nodded.I entered the room and quietly closed the door.I went over to him and sat on my knees beside him.
"Hender."I said in a wisper."I'm worried." He then jumped up starteling me.He looked aroun and then back at me as if we were being watched.I then realised what he was doing."Were not being atacked."I said solomly.He relaxed but looked at me in question."I'm woried about you."Hender looked down in apology."The others say that ther's somthing to diskus about me knowing your secret."
"I'm sorry."Hender wispered in a husky foice that starteled me."We cant let you go home."
"Why not?"
"You know our secret. If annyone els knew they would kill us."
"We have two choises.One is we force you to stay hear and take kare of you like I would a sister.But you still could be misearble."
"And two?"
"Is to kill you."
That made me stiffen.Kill me? They might kill me?
"If you chose the second how would you,you know,kill me?"
"Well first of all the desision will be left up to you,and if that was your choice we would probobly do it as painless as posible."
"Well you see I could break your neck but I couldn't kill a freand.Zeth could use his black fire and kill you instantly but it hurts him to kill.Karn saved your life and couldn't kill you enless he transformed and that would be pain full.The only way would be for Jesse to feed off you.It dose not hurt mutch and Jesse will if I refuse to let him feed off me but that is sort of grusome."
"But if I stay I still will die won't I?"
"Well Jesse could bight you and turn you into one of his kind or Karn could but I would prefer another vampire then another wearwolf.
But the choices are yours."
"I think I'll stay if it's not to mutch trouble."
"You wont be able to see your parents again."
"I don"t care. I lived with my mom and the only reson I'm in this forest is becaus she tried to kill me.I never want to go back."
"Realy? I'm so sorry I had no idea."
"Don't worry about it."
"Well how do you..."
"If it's no problem I would like to stay human"
"If you do you'll die."
"You don't want me to die, do you?"
"No, you know my secret and I want you to stay.I don't get to make new freinds often."
"Well I guess I could let Jesse vampafy me."
"It means to be turned into a vampire."
"I know it's just a funny word. Okay that should suffice you will have to feed off of me."
"Oh yea."
"It's okay.I have enogh blood for another vampire.Actually he can turn you into a half vampire so that you could still go out in the day but still be imortal.You will need more blood but not fatal to me.Shal we go and tell the others?Besides I'm hungry now."
I got up and when Hender removed his sheats I realised that he was wearing a black tank top and black pants.
"What?"He asked after a wile.
"Nothing.I was just thinking how young you look in black.How old are you annyway?"
"I turned one-thousand last month."
"Human years.In dragon years I'm only four-teen."
"Yea I'm still a little chick."
We walked down stares and the others wer suprised wen they saw Hender and even more suprised when they herd about me staying and wanting to be turned into a half vampire.
"Are you sure?"Jesse asked looking woried.
"Well it was ether this or die."
"Good point.Okay hold still and don't talk."
Jesse tuned tward me and leaned me on the arm of the coutch.He tillted my head a little and moved my hair out of the way.I saw his wings emurge out of the corner of my eye and then I felt a sharp pain as he sunk his fangs into my skin.I felt him suck the bloodout of me and I started to feal weak when he pulled back and sat my head on the cushen.He then used his sharpe nails to cut his wrist.He held it up to my lips.
"Drink." He told me.I pult my lips to his wrist and I drank the blood.It was salty and thick. I wanted to stop and I was happy when he pulled back.I licked my lips and wiped off the blood and sat up.I was realy dizzy and realy hungry.
Hender came and bent over me.He tilted his head and pulled back his hair.I opened my mouth and bit his neck.I was drinking Hender's blood.It was smooth and sower.I drank untill I quenched my hunger.When I pulled back Hender fell to the ground gasping.The others went over to him laghing.
"You wer realy thursty wernt you?"He said playfully.
"Yea sorry."
"Don't worry I'm just a little dizzy.You should wipe your mouth off though you look like a monster from a horor film."
I laghed wile I wiped my mouth.
"Are you sure you'r okay Hender?"
"Yes.It's already stoped bleading."
"Did you enjoy biteing me?"
"A little."
"What!?"Hender,Karn,and Zeth all yelled together.
"I'll kill you."Karn warned.
"We will kill you."Zeth also said.
The two started to chase Jesse around the room with Hender and I laghing and watching.I wanderd why they wer geting all worked up over it.
"Don't worry Marrion."Hender said siting next to me."Ther just jelose that Jesse got to bite your neck before them."
"They all have a fealing tward you."I'm a dragon Marrion.I can read minds and comunicate thrugh them.
My eyes went wide wen I herd his voice without his mouth moving.Realy?
He nodded and looked at me in a mischivious way.Want to play a joke on them?
I nodded and I listend to his plan.
"You idiot how could that have been fun?"Karn asked.
"Yea."Zeth agreed.
"I'm a vampire what do you expeckt?"
They nodded in agrement and turned back to Hender and me.I was looking at Hender with hunger.
"Marrion?"He asked backing away slowly."Marrion is everything okay?"I then unflured my own demonic wings and bared my fangs.I moved tword him slowly and within seconds I was on top of him. He was stareing up at me in fright.
"Marrion?"Jesse said looking at us."What are you doing?"Then I slowly tilted Hender's head and moved his hair.I then bent over and bit him.
"Marrion!" Zeth yelled pulling me off.I foght back and thrugh him up agenst the wall. Karn then came at me and I did the same. Then the same to Jesse.I then went back to Hender who was runing out of the kitchen with a woulden steak.I leaped at him and grabed his wrists.I pushed him up agenst the wall and went in fore the kill.I stoped with my fangs barly toutching his skin and then we bothe broke out laghing.The three others looked at us dumbstruk.
"You should have seen your faces."Hender said pointing at them.
"I was a joke?"Zeth asced and then they all started laghing and then started to chase us.Hender and I ran all over the house trying not to be cought.We then berst out the door and started running thrugh the woods.
The three finaly tackled us and draged us back home.We sat there doing nothing.Not even talking.I was just sitting ther studying the detale of the large rug.It was verry beautifull.It had the desine of a wolf on it with simbols on the border.
"You like it?"Hender said startelling me."The rug."
"Hender made that himself."Karn said joining the conversation."Ther's a rug in all of our rooms exept yours.He actually built this house and every thing inside."
"Yep.He also made the temple and planted the garden."
"I'm actualy working on a rug for you."Hender said."And a few more outfits plus your armor."
"We have to teach you how to fight.And we all have armor incase we ever realy need it."
"Why would we need armor?"
"Incase we get a chalenge that we have to go to.Or have to fight in a war."Hender trailed off at the word "War."
"Okay."I said still a little curiose but wanting to change the subject."Hender you haven't been to the temple in three days."
"Yea I know.I will go in a few minets but it might take a while.I have to katchup.Do you want to come again? It might take a few hours."
"I would love to go again.I get a verry relaxed fealing wen I'm there."
"Allright then."
We walked to the temple again and prayed.It took a while, and Hender prayed alot in the dragon language.We left some time around midnight, and I was verry tired.
"I'm sorry."Hender said.
"For what?"I asked startled by the coment.
"For worrying you like I did.I was ashamed that I lost.Pride is important to dragons."
"Don't worry about it.I was more woried about your ingories."
"Those wer mear scratches.It was my aponent being Tison that made me afraid and weak."
"Who was Tison?"
"My master."
"That was why I was angry when I saw him.The law said that a dragon's master is not to go near them and if they do they would fight in ther true forms.I lost and I was expecting him to kill me.You remember when he said that he would kill Ma theoth?"
"Ma theoth is dragon for 'your girlfriend'.He was speking of you."
"So you didn't fight back becaus he would have killed me?"
"Speaking of the dragon language, I think we should start the lesons tomorow moring?"
"Meet me in my office."
"Yea it's down the hall from your room.Eighth to the left."
"Why dose the house have so manny rooms?"
"Because we all have our own rest room, office,bedroom,Karn hase a cage,Jesse has a wood workshop,I have a metle and wood workshop,thers a library,Zeth has a meditation room,a dark room,a wrighting room,ther is also a sparing room,an observitory,an atic, a basement,a den,a pool,three guest rooms,your room,and alot of rooms that you could pult what ever you want in...."
"Forget I asked."
"Okay.Well I will see you there tomorow and maby we could give you a tore of the house."
"The tore might take a while."
When we got back to the house Karn and Zeth wer sleaping on the coutch.
"Took you long enogh."Jesse greeted."will you help me get these two to bed?"
"Sure Jesse."Hender said and picked up Karn.Jesse picked up Zeth and I went with them to pult them to bed.
Zeth's room was scarryer then Jesse's and Karn's was a verry relaxing room.Hender walked me to my room and even opened the door fore me.
"Marrion?"Hender asced standing at my door"May I speek to you?"
"Sure.Come in."
He came in and sat next to me on the bed.
"Do you remember when I told you I was one-thousand?"
"Well in Dragon years I'm no older then you are."
"Well I was wandering.Would you like to go out some time?"
"Would you like to go out to dinner with me some time?"
"Are you asking me out?"
"I would love to but...."
"It's my age isn't it?I knew this would happen.I am only forteen."
"No it's not that it's just......What are the others going to think?"
"That were going out for dinner?"
"I mean what are they going to do while wer gon?"
"Oh you don't have to worry abot that.They'll probably follow us."
"No. They'll read or wright or somthing.So will you?"
"Sure. Why not?I would be glad to go out with you."
"Lovely.Um how about next saterday?"
"Thats fine.Good night Hender."
"Good night Laddy Marrion." Hender stood up bowed and kissed my hand and left.I sleaped verry well that night dreaming of next saterday.
I woke up the next day feeling verry releved.I don't know why but I was verry excited.Probably because I would start to lern the dragon language.
I got dressed in a red shirt and black pants and went down stares.I walked into the dining room to see Karn setting the table.I looked around and saw that Zeth and Jesse were playing hangman in the living room and Hender in the kitchen cooking breakfast.
"Morning."I said and three heads rased and looked at me."What?"I asced Karn,Jesse,and Zeth.
"Is it true your going out with Hender on saterday?"Zeth asked sitting back in the coutch.
I had almost forgoten about my date.that was probably why I felt so good that morning.
"Yes."I said wandering why they wer all ackting so weard."Is that a problem?"
"No I just needed to make sure that Hender wasn't playing another joke on us."
"Lier."Hender moked as he came in carrying five plates and puting them on the table."There just jellous that I got the guts to ask you before them."
"Shut up!"The three others said together.
"What ever, breakfast's ready."
We all sat down and ate.We had a nice conversation and I told them about my lerning of the dragon language.They wer serprised but they left it at that.
"Marrion we should also teach you how to fight."Zeth said eating an egg.
"Okay."I said exited to lern how to fight.
"Well marrion since you have finished your plate would you like to start the lesons?"Hender asked standing up.
"Yea sure."
"I'll take kare of dishes."Karn said taking all the empty plates.
"And I'll go to sleep."Jesse yawned and left the room.
"You know, for a vampire he comes out in the day alot."I said standing.
"He never got into the nockternal thing.He has an unsteady sleap patern."Hender explaned as we walked up the stares and down the hall.
We enterd his office and took seats at a desk.
"Okay lets start with the basics."Hender said pulling a sheat of paper with odd flewing symbols on it." 'Hello' is'Kah."
"Meh 'Yes."
" 'Tom'good."
The lessons went on for a few hours and at the end Hender said that I was a natural and that we will start the more dificult words tomorow.We then went to the sparing room to teach me how to fight.
The sparing room was huge.There wer wepons on the wall along with armor and mats.I walked in on Zeth and Karn batteling eatchother with marchal arts.
"Hello."Karn said not stoping.
"How'd it go?"Zeth said ducking a kick.
"It went good."I said amazed at ther speed and fighting skills."You two are realy good."
"No wer not."Karn said finaly stoping after Zeth had nocked him on the ground."Not compared to Hender atleast."
"Yea."Zeth agreed."He teaches us everything.Not to menchion he has a dragon's strength,speed,and not to menchion read minds."
"I don't read your mind when were sparing Zeth."Hender said as if afended."I can just dodge or block quicly."
"Never mind.Marrion why don't you grab a staf over there and we'll see what you got."
I grabed a wooden staf about my highth and I stood in the middle of the room Hender standing oposite me.
"Hender Why don't I test her? You could hurt her."Karn said nerves.
"The most she could get is a small bruse but if she would prefer you Okay.Marrion?"
"Your allready hear and besides,how can I fight if I don't expeckt to get hurt?"
"Well pult.Ready?"
Then he lunged at me.Quikly I rased my stalf bloking his from hiting my soulder.
"I'm a green belt in karaty."I said to him.
"I'm a black belt."He said mokingly.
Whell crap.I thought as I jumped back.Hender leaped again.I blocked his stalf from hiting my side, and his fist frome hiting my jaw,but he then lifted his feet off the ground and kicked me in the stomach.I stagerd back breathing heavy but had to block another atack to the legs and got a fist to the jaw.I then shot back on the offensive striking at his legs and head.He was extremly fast and was able to block and doge all of my atacks.
"Marrion!"Karn yelled at the side lines."Use your new strength!Your a half vampire!"
Oh yea.Thats right.I then jumped back and I unflured my oan demonick wings.I leaped at Hender again but I was so fast I almost couldn't stop to atack.Hender doged and then jumped into the air about ten feet,he held the stalf out horazontaly infront of him and started to spinn.He started to fall,he leaped of the flore ecelerrating tward me, still spinning.I tried to dodge but he was to fast and hit me in the side.I fell to the ground and Hender pult the stalf to my neck.
"I win."He said proudly."Are you okay Marrion?"
"Yea."He then healped me up.I stagerd and triped over my own feet,Hender caght me under the arms.
"Maby you should stay off of your feet for a while."He said looking at me with a conserned smile.I nodded.He then lifted me up and carried me over to the others and layed me agenst the wall.I was in a load of pain and it hurt alot wen I folded my wings back in.
"Want some water?" Hender asked me.
"Yes please."I croked.Hender chucled a little and nodded.He pult his hands to gether and opened them slowly,and between then an orbe of water was growing.I rubed my eyes and blinked.He gave me the small orb and I didn't know what to do.He took it frome me again and held it up to my lips.It opened a little and some water flewed into my dry mouth.Within seconds the orb was gon and I was resting.
"I'm sorry Marrion."Hender said a little solomly."I should have let the others fight you.You would be in better shape."
"It's fine."I answerd."I now know not to get you angry." We all laghed at that fore a few minites.
"You are a verry good fighter."Hender complimented."But you don't have mutch experiance.It may take a while,but you will become a good fighter."
"What's going on?"Jesse said coming in thrugh the door."Are you okay Marrion?"
"Yea.Hender was testing me."
"Hender, you bully, how could you fight sutch a frail creatchure?"He said nealing down next to me.
"Shut up.This'frail creatchure'could have hurt me if she hit."
After they stoped bickering the boys showed me the wepons and how to use them.They all spared with eachother, Hender coming out on top every time.We then stoped for lunch and afterward they gave me the grand tore of the house whitch took the rest of the day and by dinner time I was exosted.I ate and then Hender escorted me to my room again.
"Did you have fun today Marrion?"He asked shuting my door.
"Yes."I answerd."But I am totoly exosted."
"Well you will have to get used to it.And it was actually one of oure least buisy days, usualy Karn would have been asleap on the coutch by noon."
"How do you do it?"
"I'm used to the work.Because of Tison and the law and not to mention the war."
Hender didn't realise he said war and was quiet for some time.
"Well...."He stared."About five hundred years ago there was a war.It was a war betwene dragons but humans healped.Manny dragons,incuding my parents and brother.wer killed.I was only about ten wen I was drafted into the army and was givin a rider.I had killed manny dragons and I saw even moor.I saw my mother fall out of the sky and into the snow,and my father burn.My brother was riped to shreds.Well my side lost the war and that was how I became a slave.My freinds survived and are now somwear els in the world.And my sister disapeared."
"Oh, I'm sorry Hender I shouldn't have asked."
"Don't apologise.I like being able to talk about my past to you.Now I beleve I'm keeping you up good night Marrion."
"Wait!"I ran up to him and he turned around,but we wer too close and we acsidentaly locked lips.We bothe pulled away slowly.Hender's usualy pale face was a brite red and I bet my face was the exact same.Hender gave an apologetic smile.I smiled back.We keped our eyes on eachother then slowly we moved tward eachother.Hender pult his hands around my waste and I pult my arms around his neck.I closed my eyes and within what seemed like hours we wer kissing.We broke off and stared at eatch other Hender quicly removed his hands and pult them by his side and, a second after, I did the same.
"I'm sorry."Hender said embarest."I"
"I know."I said blushing."I...We.....Me...too."
"Yea. Well goodnight."
"Good night."
Hender left the room quicly and I went strait to bed.
![]() MarrionHV94 Community Member ![]() |
Community Member
its really good! you should make a book or something