Nimrods, Family, Disappointment?
For me they are all pretty much in the same category.
Most of my cousins are pathetic from the start. Who are you to judge? is what you're probably thinking. Well I can have my own prospective on others too, thank you very much, you hypocrite.
Anyway, I've been thinking about the direction of most of my cousins and how they grew up to begin with. Apparently a good family bond is one where all the children under 7 years old can gang up on a 4 year old and attempt to make her cry for a feeling of being triumphant. For my cousins, that was a game. Yes, for them, playing "a game" meant the same thing as beating me up making me feel hideous. One of them even put a plastic bag over my head in my sleep just to see if it would really kill me.
So with that said, you can already imagine the extreme dislike I have for most of them. Well after avoiding them for so long, and not seeing them, I have come to realize how pathetic almost all of them truly are now.
I'm not going to namedrop them, but I'm going to describe what's so pathetic about them. To begin with, there's this one cousin of mine, who is the biggest lunkhead I've ever grown to know. He use to be the one who called me a stupid, ugly, and loser all the time. Now that he's grown up a little more, I expected him to be more mature. But he still goes at trying to make me feel horrible about myself because he knows how indecent he truly is. He pretends to be Korean, and even lies about who he is. He's such a compulsive liar to the point where he actually believes his stories. He talks about his multiple girlfriends, and brags as though it's something special, when to begin with, it seems almost as if he can't tell the difference between a science partner and an actual girlfriend. He actually jacked off one of my cousin's dogs one time, because he felt that "He needed to feel good". He sounds like someone who can't figure out the differences between love, admiration, and cockteasing.
My other cousin, who is also a male, that I dislike enough to even talk about, is the son of this mother who I refer to as "Pig woman". Anyway, this guy, before had the nerve to tell me that just because everyone hated me for no damn reason, I was going to turn out to be a bad kid. The funny thing about telling me that is, he turned out to be what would be considered a bad kid. This idiot got involved with drugs, gangs, and hitting his parentals just because he thinks "I'm gangster like that", no really. He even ******** bought some "grills" as they're called. Anyway, the way he lives his life is shameful in my opinion. He's hardly even living it. Being drugged and living life are two different things, because when you're not yourself, how do you know you're even still alive? He brings everyone around him down, and yet he looks at them as though they're letting him down for trying to restrict him from messing his life up more, I can hardly believe I tried to help him at some point, because he has screwed me over to the point where I just don't know if I even want to help him anymore. I cared about him though, because he wasn't as harsh to me as everyone else was.
Oh blah.. it's 3 ******** a-m. I'll type more tomorrow after I rest, because I have a lot to say about my family.