What else is there to do besides write in here ? Blablabla laalala Hi!
Hm imma ask questions
- Are you happy ?
- Who are you with ?
- Do you love someone ?
- Whos your bestest friend ?
- Do you have any secrets ?
- How old are you ?
- Where do you live ?
- What are you feeling right now ?
- Whos your enemy ?
- What makes you mad ?
- What makes you cry ?
- What do you imagine ?
- What is your fear ?
- Whats your worst memory ?
- Whats your favorite memory ?
- What point in your life were you the most happiest ?
-What would happen if....
- I jumped off a cliff ?
- I killed myself ?
- Got severely injured ?
- Was kidnapped ?
- Did drugs ?
- Drank ?
- ODed ?
- Ran away ?
Answer :3
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