Name: Maito Gai
Age: 27
Height: 184 cm
Weight: 76 kg
Rank: Jounin
Village: Konoha
Chakra Element: N/A
Clan: N/A
Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Nin-Kame - Spiritualism Technique: Ninja Tortoise: This tortoise is the personal summon of Maito Gai. Like Gai, it stresses responsibility and hard work to Rock Lee and seeks to correct Lee when the young Genin makes mistakes.
Asakujaku - Morning Peacock: Gai first opens the sixth Celestial Gate Keimon, which gives him access to an enormous amount of chakra. Using this tremendous burst of power and speed, he will approach his opponent in a distinctive stance. When near enough, he will kick his opponent and launch them into the air. He will then strike them multiple times, causing the distinctive peacock fan to develop. His opponent will then fall back to the earth, covered in the strike's aura.
Dainamikku Akushon - Dynamic Action: Gai will launch himself at his opponent and then use a barrage of strikes and kicks.
Dainamikku Entorii - Dynamic Entry: Gai will throw a kunai to distract his targets attention, he will then use his speed and agility to quickly approach and attack his opponent from their blind side.
Gouken Ryuu - Strong Fist Style: The Gouken form focuses on injuring the body and breaking bones, dealing primary damage to the outer body. Attacks like Konoha Dai Senpuu, Konoha Gouriki Senpuu and Konoha Shoufuu fall into this category.
Konoha Dai Senkou - Leaf Great Light Rotation: After charging his opponent, Gai will unleash a powerful kick which will spin his opponent away.
Konoha Gouriki Senpuu - Leaf Strong Whirlwind: Like the normal Senpuu, Gai uses his quickness and agility to deliver a powerful roundhouse kick to his opponent.
Konoha Reppuu - Leaf Violent Wind: Using his quickness and agility, Gai moves low to the ground and spinning kick to sweep his opponent off their feet.
Konoha Senpuu - Leaf Whirlwind: Using his quickness and agility, Gai charges at his target and spins his body to do a flying round house kick on those opponents within his range of attack.
Other Skills:
Hachimon - The Eight Gates: Hachimon are eight specific points on a person's chakra circulatory system. They limit the overall flow of chakra within a person's body. The basis for the idea of the chakra gates comes from the body's limits on the functions within it. This makes the body much weaker, but it keeps the body from expiring too soon. By opening these gates, the user can surpass their own physical limits at the cost of extreme damage to their own bodies. Opening the final gate will grant the user enough strength to surpass a Kage; however, the result of opening the final gate is that all the energy from the opener's cells is used up, resulting in the user's death. The state where all eight gates are opened is called Eight Gates Armor Release Formation (Hachimon Tonkō no Jin).
Weapons: Kunai, Shuriken, Makibishi, Exploding Tags, Nunchaku.
Might Gai was the Jounin sensei of Hyuuga Neji, TenTen and Rock Lee. He is also an old friend and rival of Hatake Kakashi. Gai is one of the most distinguished characters in Naruto, known for his bowl-cut hairdo, prominent eyebrows and his strikingly over-the-top personality which leaves others around him speechless. He refers to himself and Kakashi as "eternal rivals", despite Kakashi’s aloofness to the matter. Often, he will begin a grand speech to Kakashi, who will simply be looking at or listening to something else, causing Gai to become infuriated by Kakashi’s "hip" ignorance.
Gai appeared first of all during the Chuunin exams after Lee attempted to use a forbidden technique on Sasuke during a simple sparring match. Lee’s bandages were pinned down to a wall with a toy pinwheel, apparently thrown by Nin-Kame (Ninja Turtle), a talking turtle that wore a Leaf forehead protector around his neck. After chewing Lee out, Gai suddenly appeared in a puff of smoke on Nin-Kame's back, striking a bizarre pose and proceeding to deliver a heavy punch to Lee’s face as punishment for his use of a forbidden move. Seconds later, the two embraced in a hug and Gai lectured Lee on the mysteries of being young and ordered a punishment of 500 laps. Team 7, utterly astonished and horrified by the display, stood dumbstruck as Gai explained his rivalry with Kakashi to them.
Gai had been introduced to Lee several years earlier. As Gai and Kakashi watched over a class of young ninja at the Academy, they discussed a young "hot-blooded loser" with big eyebrows like Gai's own. Gai encouraged the young man to hold on to his passion and ambition. Soon enough Lee was placed under the leadership of Gai. Lee was unable to perform Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, and felt he didn't stand a chance against geniuses like his teammate Neji. Gai explained Lee was a genius of hardwork, because he performed extensive Taijutsu training of his body to become stronger. Watching the young man develop Gai chose to pass on his Taijutsu secrets to Lee, much to the young man's happiness. Gai felt Lee was the only one capable of handling such techniques and helped Lee become deadly in the use of his body alone. Over the following year the team would go on several missions and Gai would enter his team into the Chuunin Exam.
During the exam, official duties placed him in the central tower of the Forest Of Death. Here he stood as a support for his students and enforcer if needed, as was such the case when having to grab Neji around the neck when Neji almost made a post-match killing strike on Hinata. Prior to that, he warned the Sand siblings about Lee after their confidence in beating Tenten. When it was Lee’s turn to fight Gaara, Gai’s goofiness came through again when stating the obvious, telling Lee that Gaara’s gourd was suspicious. As Lee’s physical strikes were useless against Gaara’s sand, Gai explained that Lee was incapable of using Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, originally also as useless at Taijutsu. Realizing Lee’s limit, he instructed Lee to remove the training weights he had on his legs, which dropped to the ground with incredible force. With Lee’s speed now reaching levels where his movements were a blur, he finally broke through Gaara’s shield
Although the odds were still against him, Lee and Gai realized the best way to strike was to hit Gaara with attacks that deprived him of his sand shield, then land a critical blow. With a move in mind, Gai silently nodded to give approval to use it. Gai began to pray as Lee kicked Gaara up into the air, then looked again as Lee came down again and cracked Gaara’s skull on the ground. However, at the moment Gai’s eyes closed, Gaara substituted himself and escaped, taking his revenge on an almost incapacitated Lee.
With only one trick left, Lee recalled Gai’s early training days where along with his Taijutsu skill; Gai burned the art of perseverance into Lee’s mind, reassuring Sakura that "the lotus of Leaf blooms twice". Kakashi recognized his double-entendre, referring to Lee opening the Eight Celestial Gates, a dangerous strategy in itself, then using a high-risk move, the Ura Renge (Reverse Lotus). Kakashi initially considered Lee knowing the move to be overkill, reprimanding Gai for teaching it to him, but Gai explained it as being more than just a technique to win a fight, but to protect his very way of life as a ninja.
As Gai gave running commentary on the move, Lee performed it, only for Gaara to just barely slip out of taking the full impact. Enraged, Gaara crushed Lee’s arm and leg, but Gai broke his grip, since Lee was no longer able to battle. Even though Gaara was declared the winner, Lee stood back up on the most primal of instincts, forcing Gai to finally call him off in tears. However, he was visibly shaken as a medical team arrived; stating Lee might never be a shinobi again after such injuries. Kakashi offered an apology, and Lee was taken away. As Lee recovered in the hospital, Gai would arrive to once again stop Gaara from injuring Lee further. Lee and Gai later came to watch the finals as spectators, with Lee limping on crutches and yet still amazingly in high spirits. Gai observed that Sasuke was as fast as Lee without the weights, but wondered why Sasuke was also using Taijutsu alone, since the strategy failed against Gaara before. As the fight progressed, it became apparent to Gai that Sasuke had increased it to compliment a Ninjutsu skill, the Chidori.
However, as it struck Gaara, Gai and Kakashi noticed that a Genjutsu was occuring and quickly drove it off themselves as it forced everyone else asleep. An ambush followed and the two found themselves fighting to protect their own lives as well as the sleeping spectators as a combination of Sand and Sound ninja invaded the village. As a Sound ninja was about to sneak attack Naruto, Gai showed his superhuman speed and strength, pinning the enemy against a wall with his fist, then smashing him through it with a second strike. Amusingly, even under such circumstances, Gai was keeping track of how many ninja they defeated. While the Sound ninja were eventually defeated, Gai would next be seen at the funeral of the Third Hokage, mourning.
Gai next appeared after delivering a strong kick to Hoshigaki Kisame as he and Uchiha Itachi came for Naruto. With Kakashi incapacitated from Itachi’s Genjutsu, Gai explained there was a way of fighting even a Sharingan user. One must avoid eye contact and focus on the movements of the user's feet, something developed fighting Kakashi. While Kisame was eager to fight, Itachi called a retreat, leaving Gai to attend to Kakashi. Gai would later pursue the Akatsuki duo and mistakeningly deliver a powerful kick to Jiraiya, who had just driven Itachi and Kisame off. Gai apologized to the man and carried an injured Sasuke back to Konoha for treatment.
When Tsunade returned to Konoha she would attend to Lee, still near-crippled from his injuries sustained by Gaara. Gai pleaded with her to examine him, even during her examination of Kakashi. However, the crushing news came that the operation to repair the damage was 50/50, with the results either promoting recovery or killing Lee. After a lot of soul-searching and a heart-to-heart talk with Gai, Lee agreed to take the surgery. It turned out to be a success, although Lee still needed a lot of rehabilitation. After returning from a mission, Gai went to check on Lee and he was overjoyed at the good news. However he soon learned Lee was not there, he had run off without permission to aid in Sasuke’s rescue.
Even worse, Gai made a startling discovery that Lee may have become intoxicated. After Gai successfully trained Lee in the use of the Reverse Lotus, the team went to a restaurant to celebrate. Mistaking alcohol for water, Lee took a sip and became violently drunk. Thanks to a mistake from Tsunade, Lee had taken her sake bottle instead of his medicine, causing Gai to shudder at the force of a completely drunken Lee. After the mission, Lee’s rehabilitation with Gai continued, despite Gai commenting that he was having difficulty keeping up with Lee’s youth.
In the 2.5 years that passed, Gai was the subject of much comedy, firstly being impersonated by a pair of amateur ninjas disguised as him and Lee, attempting to also disguise himself with a handlebar moustache and afro wig to enter a dojo Lee had built for martial arts challenges, while also receiving a challenge of his own from someone seeking revenge for a man he defeated a long time ago.
Gai would next appear backing up Team Seven as they answered a call for help from Hidden Sand. As he and the rest of his team approached the meeting point, Gai came across Kisame once more, still feeling vengeful for the kick. Gai had no idea who he was, comically raising Kisame’s hopes and then dashing them with completely blatant observations about him instead of his name.
The entire team had a tough time with him, reaching the point where Gai was left alone to face him and even after attacking Kisame with a nunchaku and disarming him, found himself at a major disadvantage. With no other choice, Gai opened the 6th Celestial Gate and pummeled Kisame with a series of flaming punches, with the visual display resembling a peacock’s tail and earning the move name of Morning Peacock. However, when they examined the corpse, it was merely another man that had been transformed into Kisame. Gai simply concluded that he did not indeed know the man, hilariously.
The team then set about breaking into one of Akatsuki’s caves, having made it to the rendezvous point. Several tags had been set up at points around the cave, requiring removal to open the seal. As each was removed, a copy of the remover formed to combat them. However, the copies were inferior and Gai eventually won, as did the rest of the team. When the mission was over, Gai slid off his backpack, put it on his front instead and offered an exhausted Kakashi a piggyback ride home. Lee then did the same with Neji, who blatantly refused.
Gai has since taken a seat as a member of Konoha's Nijuu Shotai in a brutal attempt to show the world the "power of youth" and the "worth of heart".
Gai is, at heart, a comedy character. He is goofy, excessive and an even more exaggerated version of Lee. The two are a perfect comedy duo, with Gai making an overly enthusiastic statement and Lee taking it literally. Gai also has a ridiculous habit of setting himself unreasonable tasks as self-punishment, but claims the method to his madness is more like self-discipline, which strengthens him. His other major partner is Kakashi, who he holds a mostly one-sided rivalry with, even going as far as to keep a win-loss record of challenges he sets Kakashi, who often comes across as the straight man of the duo, ignoring his most outrageous speeches. Despite his comedy, Gai is among the elite of the series, astoundingly powerful and fast with experience to back him up, even if his battles end up amusing the fans more than amazing them.