The Knife throwers
Character Name: Shadow Eri Age: ranges from 16-18 Gender: female Orientation: Bi and sometimes Pan Personality: Shadow is just like the element darkness Dark and shadowy. Though she is upbeat and loud. She's sweet to her friends and mean to those who she seems threatened by Likes: Sugar, sour candy, the dark, spray paint, drag car racing, stealing winning learning magic Knife throwing Dislikes: Geting her stolen stuff stolen, school, talking to teachers or counserlers, spicy food, losing Being told she can't do something Weapon/s: Tends to verie between a Scythe and two hand guns to well truthfully loads of weapons. Always has at least a few daggers hidden on her Rps used for: Element and Vampire hunters Bio: Elemental: Shadow lives by herself in a large house that use to belong to her family. Little is known about what she does inside there or really what's hidden inside. She also tends to live in apartments, Shadow's main family, an older brother, a mom, a dad, and her same age cousin, all died and left her alone. The rest of her family hates her because they believe that she's the oman of bad luck. Sad as it is Shadow leaves things to herself and hates to be told what to do. She's a theife and loves to steal. In fact most of the things in her house is things she stole from the rest of her family Vampire: Shadow lives by herself in a small apartment she made her family buy for her. Little is known about what she does inside there or really what's hidden inside. She also tends to live in apartments, Shadow's main family, an older brother, a mom, a dad, and her same age cousin, all were killed by vampires, when she was five, leaving her alone. The rest of her family hates her because they believe that she's the omen of bad luck. Shadow spent her time training to become the best vampire hunter there ever was. There's one slight thing about her though. She drinks vampire blood. It's really adicting to her so she can't stay with out if for to long. By her drinking the blood also gave her some abilities that are like vampires Appearence: [[Hair is blue instead of grey]]
Character Name: Iris Age: ranges from 16-18 Gender: female Orientation: Bi Personality: Rough and hard headed. Iris is anything but normal. She loves her friends and will do anything for them. You mess with her you die. Mess with her friends and you die and go to hell. Talk s**t about her you die, go to hell, and come back. Talk bad about her friends you die,go to hell, come back, and get sent back. Likes: Surgar, candy, sour candy, racing, fights, scary movies, her dad, stealing, knife throwing Dislikes: Weapon/s: mostly daggers and throwing knives Rps used for: Sleep over gone wrong rps or Game rps Bio: Iris has a bit of a past. She was in two gangs, two cults, and a police bashing. Even though she's only 17 she has quite a few tattoos. Fire spiraling up her left arm for one cult, Darkness up her right for the other cult, a black Dragon on her left leg, a white dragon on her right, and daggers over her heart for the police basshing. Her dad was fine with the cults just not the gangs and the police bashing. In fact her dad is so cool He let Iris get wings tattooed on her back. A black and red one on the left and a white and blue one on the right. She lives with her father because her mother ran out on her when she was younger. Actually both her parents did. She was adopted by a man she now calls her father and to her he'll be the only one who's her father. Appearence:
The Adict
Character Name: Sara F Age: ranges from 16-18 Gender: female Orientation: Bi Personality: When Sara was a kid she was shy and caring. She didn't really hate a lot of things but turned into someone new when she entered highschool. She a bit gothy, she's now loud and up beat. She's still quite at times. and when she's being told off she just stands there acting like she's taking it. Then she throws it all back in their face. She's fiesty and isn't scared to say something that's ment to offend people. She's still very shy Likes: + Cameras + pictures + Her sketch book + Her car + nail polish + spray paint + sun glasses + being alone + people Dislikes: - The color pink - charcol - bright places - drugs - knives - Moms - being alone -crowds Weapon/s: Rps used for: any really when I need one Bio: Sara was the quite girl in middle school. She had met a boy she believed to be her everything. And he thought the same. On day when she had gone over to his house, while his parents weren't home, something bad happened. A man brok into the house, tied, and agged Sara and her boyfriend. Then he took them upstairs were he rapped Sara's boyfriend before her. Then he went downstairs. Her boyfriend had been stabbed before that, scared that it would happen to her Sara struggled with her bonds she finally got free, climbed out the window, and ran for her life. When she returned with help the man and her boyfriend's body was no where to be seen. From then on she changed from shy to up beat. Scared of her past. She curently lives with her dad and his boyfriend. Yes you read corectly, boyfriend. A tattoo artist who makes a lot of money. So Sara had him do a tattoo of a grey wings that say SINFUL on a feather. She also use to be a user. Of drugs that is. But her dad sent her to rehab so since she's come back she hasn't been caught around drugs Appearance:
The Twins
Character Name: Jake and Alex H. Age: ranges from 1617 Gender: Both male Orientation: Both are Bi Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Weapon/s: lighters and explosives Rps used for: Any rps that need guys I mostly like to use them in Demon rps Bio: Jake and Alex are twins. Highly skilled twins who are demons and who have never been fully caught in an act of in-justice. The brothers had been abused when they were kids so they ran away. Alex was sexually abused and Jake was physically abused. Both by their mom and her friends. They had no clue who their dad was. The figured him to be just be some guy who their mom got drunk so she could have kids. Though Alex has a slight fear of girls he still likes them. Fair warning though these twins always carry around explosives and Alex caries around a lighter all the time. They love challenges. Challenge them and they’ll accept faster then you can breath. The funny thing is Jake has the personality of a darkness demon and Alex has the personality of a Light demon Appearance: [[Jake is the one with red jacket]]
The Twins Not Twins
Character Name: Jake J. Age: ranges from 16-18 Gender: male Orientation: Bi Personality: Jake is a daring guy. He'll do any dare any time any where. He's all about looking good and isn't scared about telling someone something that's true. He hates being trapped some where and thinks his home is a cage. He loves to run around all over the place. He's also very cocky Likes: + flirting + pictures + fighting + sports + running + getting out of his house + freedom +crowds +dogs Dislikes: - being rejected - being told no - small places - being alone - home - not being able to do something - not getting to take pictures Weapon/s: haven't picked yet Rps used for: any rps that need a guy Bio: Jake's parents died in a car acident and he now lives with his stuff old aunt who hits him whenever she believes that he did something wrong. He owns a call husky he named Alex. He loves his puppy and will do anything when asked. It doesn't matter how stupid he still does it. Love it or hate it he doesn't give a ********. Appearance: 
lady wolf fire29 · Sat Jun 28, 2008 @ 12:34am · 0 Comments |