Yet it seemed that Amythyst couldn't help but to make snide remarks about the various people in the room and Danielle just couldn't help herself, she had to laugh because a few of those comments seemed to dead on and they were more than just a little funny to her. And that was proably due to Amythyst's close proximiny. Danielle felt as though she was acting extremely stupid around Amythyst, but she was in fact doing an excellent job of copying nearly every move Amythyst made and the teacher had told her as much but Danielle just discounted what he said as something he told nearly everyone during their first class with him.
And then the bell and time for lunch, finally. As she was pelting in what she thought was the direction of the lunch room and she ended up in an unfamilar hallway. She felt lost and disoriented, so she asked a teacher for directions to the lunchroom. She then arrived without inccident and got in the hot lunch line because 1) She didn't know they had a snack bar & 2) even if she had known, she wouldn't have the money to eat out of that line anyway. So by the time she got out of the hot lunch line she had no idea where to sit not to mention who to sit with, when a girl from her 2nd period saw her and enthuasiastically starts waving at her to come and sit down with her. Danielle's thinking, "What can it hurt?"
So when Danielle reached the table the girl introduced herself as Onyx. Then another girl sitting at the table pipes up and says, "Don't let her fool you, her name's actually Kat." Onyx A.K.A. Kat simply glares at her and then turning to Danielle says, " Why don't sit and eat with us?" Danielle replies,"Sure why not?" Before sitting down though she looks around the room to see if she can find Amythyst's face and sure enough she finds it. "Are you alright? Because you look like you've seen a ghost," Onyx asks worriedly. "I'm fine," Danielle replies. Onyx gives Danielle a look like she doesn't exactly buy what she's saying but is willing to let it pass for now.
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I know the last in line is...
Just talking about this and that. You know, random stuff.
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