Negatives... i said Negatives. Thats all I have.

▬ Ambrose ▬ Lee ▬ Parker ▬
In my Book
- Nicknames Rose, Lee or Puk
Character Second Youngest Son
Age Eleven
Date of Birth November 9
Gender Male
A little more Insight
Sexual Orientation straight
Get into my Mind
+I am the second youngest son. I felt so left out being born so far away from the next son. 18 and 11 thats to far. Thanks to ma and dad I wasn't left to the sharks called my sister.
+ Family is a big thing. I try my hardest to make them proud of me.
+ I was born almost two week late with many other complications. Someone gave the doctor the wrong due week and maybe forgot to eat loads of berries.
+ I was recently laid up in the hospital due to the fact I was hit by a red car. I had my arms broken, one leg was nearly removed. So I was on high stress. My mind was spared from brain damage. I now suffer with a fear of red cars. Shopping with family is now a taboo unless I am blind folded in parking lots and lead inside.
+I have a odd sense of taste. I like various textures too. Tapioca with not honey but mustard would be my example.
+ My collection is practically of nothing but Blanket. At any given time I demand six to sleep under. Am I really a human?
+ My older sister got me to enjoy reading books. Easy short stories to thick chapter books. While she reads things like Alice in wonder land I am reading Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. Too bad I have to ask her for help when I don't understand a sentence. I even learn odd thins by reading.
+ Mischief is one thing I try to avoid. If and when I get into trouble I tend to be the only one.
+ I want a Pet but I'll wait till I can actually run on my own two feet.
+ Before the hit and run I was in various sports. I was very competitive though not to the degree of want to beat the crap out the other team. I just want to glorify my team. Soccer is a favorite of mine.
+ Family is a big thing. I try my hardest to make them proud of me.
+ I was born almost two week late with many other complications. Someone gave the doctor the wrong due week and maybe forgot to eat loads of berries.
+ I was recently laid up in the hospital due to the fact I was hit by a red car. I had my arms broken, one leg was nearly removed. So I was on high stress. My mind was spared from brain damage. I now suffer with a fear of red cars. Shopping with family is now a taboo unless I am blind folded in parking lots and lead inside.
+I have a odd sense of taste. I like various textures too. Tapioca with not honey but mustard would be my example.
+ My collection is practically of nothing but Blanket. At any given time I demand six to sleep under. Am I really a human?
+ My older sister got me to enjoy reading books. Easy short stories to thick chapter books. While she reads things like Alice in wonder land I am reading Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. Too bad I have to ask her for help when I don't understand a sentence. I even learn odd thins by reading.
+ Mischief is one thing I try to avoid. If and when I get into trouble I tend to be the only one.
+ I want a Pet but I'll wait till I can actually run on my own two feet.
+ Before the hit and run I was in various sports. I was very competitive though not to the degree of want to beat the crap out the other team. I just want to glorify my team. Soccer is a favorite of mine.
Get to know my Inner-self
~ Loyal
~ Battered ((for the time))
~ Odd-ball
~ Patient
~ K.O.O.K. ((Keeper of Odd Knowlege))
~ Docile
~ crabby
~ Battered ((for the time))
~ Odd-ball
~ Patient
~ K.O.O.K. ((Keeper of Odd Knowlege))
~ Docile
~ crabby
Want more Information?
Due to the morphine i have been having night terror. Lucky me! I never remember any of it but it's affecting me quality of sleep.
I'm crushin` on you Cuddle Bunny no one at the moment
My body was Formed By xdivision_whitey