Name: Saya
Alias: The Basilisk's Right Fang
Age: Twenty
Rank: A
Village: Iwagakure
Chakra Element: Doton - Raiton - Fuuton
Clan: Bakudan
Kekkei Genkai: Buryoku-Te - Force Hands
The Bakudan clan uses the Buryoku-Te or "Force Hands" fighting style. It is a style that is completely unique to the Bakudan clan and cannot be learned by anyone outside the Bakudan clan. Buryoku-Te allows the user to concentrate their chakra into their hands, causing the hands to glow a brilliant red. The user will then come in direct contact with a non-living object (usually rocks) and transfer the bakudan chakra or "bomb chakra" into said object. Then, by snapping their fingers the user can pulse the chakra, causing it to explode. The size of the explosion depends directly on the size of the object compared to how much chakra the user transfers into it.
Original Jutsu:
Hachi Hashira Sodate Makai - Eight Pillars Raising Hell
A variation of the Retsudo Tenshou, combined with the Buryoku-Te Kekkei Genkai. After preforming the necessary hand seals Saya will slam both palms to the ground, causing eight large pillars of earth to shoot up from the ground around the opponent, attempting to impale them. No matter if this attempt fails or not, Saya will release the Bakudan chakra sealed within the pillars, causing them all to explode simultaneously.
Gan'yuu Bakuha - Contained Explosion
A variation of the Retsudo Tenshou, combined with the Buryoku-Te Kekkei Genkai. After preforming the necessary hand seals Saya will slam both palms to the ground, causing the earth around the opponent to swell up and cover them in a dome of which each wall is nearly three feet thick in stone. Once they are trapped within the dome Saku will release the Bakudan chakra sealed within the stone dome, causing everything within it to explode, leaving the remaining stone to turn to scolding dust.
Shi Goshujin Masturo - Remember Your Fate
Saya will runs circles around the opponent, crouched towards them with his fingertips barely touching the ground. He will then Shunshin to a safer location and snap his fingers, causing the earth around the opponent to explode violently. Saya may also throw several pebbles towards his opponent from various directions and cause them to explode in small velocity as a distraction to stop them from realizing the larger plan.
Bakuretsu Bunshin Kouji - Exploding Clone Decoy
One of Saya's more mischievous techniques. From the very beginning of the battle Saya will have an animated boulder, controlled by chakra and transformed to fit his appearance perfectly, fight the opponent. Because the rock is imbued with Bakudan chakra and is being perfectly controlled by Saya through invisible chakra threads, it can use the earlier stages of Buryoku-Te, such as throwing and detonating exploding pebbles, dust particles, etc. When the Kouji is physically hit a total of five times it's fake exterior will fade, leaving only the rock to explode in the opponent's face. Because of the constant use of chakra Saya has to be quick at controlling the Kouji, being sure to dodge nearly every hit until he is sure he has tired his opponent out enough to reveal himself to them.
Ninjutsu Techniques:
Bunshin no Jutsu - Clone Technique
Henge no Jutsu - Transformation Technique
Kai - Release
Kawarimi no Jutsu - Change of Body Stance Technique
Kuchiyose no Jutsu - Spiritualism Technique
Shunshin no Jutsu - Body Flicker Technique
[Doton] Doryuu Taiga - Earth Flow River
[Doton] Doruudan - Earth Dragon Projectile
[Doton] Retsudo Tenshou Revolving Split Earth Palm
[Doton] Iwa Yado Kuzushi - Stone Lodging Destruction
[Doton] Doton Kekkai • Dorou Doumu - Earth Barrier • Earth Dome Prison
[Doton] Domu - Earth Spear
[Doton] Dochuu Eigyo - Underground Fish Projection
[Doton] Tsuchi Kairou - Earth Corridor
[Doton] Yomi Numa - Swamp of the Underworld
[Raiton] Kage Bunshin no Jutsu - Lightning Element Shadow Clone Technique
[Raiton] Gian - False Darkness
[Fuuton] Daitoppa - Great Breakthrough
[Fuuton] Reppushou - Gale Wind Palm
[Fuuton] Kaze no Yaiba - Blade of Wind
Fuuinjutsu Techniques:
Fuuja Houin - Evil Sealing Method
Fuuka Houin - Fire Sealing Method
Gogyou Fuuin - Five Elements Seal
Gogyou Kaiin - Five Elements Unseal
Explosive Tags
Fuuma Shuriken
Satchel of Pebbles
Miscellaneous Information: Having once been the Shichibi Jinchuuriki, Saya retained some of it's abilities after losing it. He can manipulate any earthern surface that he touches, using a small amount of chakra, without the use of hand seals. He can also transform so well that only the Sharingan and other Jinchuuriki can tell the difference.
Biography: When Saya was born his chest was infused with the spirit of the seven-tailed badger, Shichibi. Because of this, he had a natural affinity for the earth element, granting him quite the advantage over his classmates at the academy. He was a bit of a loner in his academy days, chosing to be so, not seeing the use in things like friends. The only person he managed to get along with was Kiltaiomaru, a young boy who showed great potential as well, and shared the same values as Saya; trust and wealth. He passed the academy exam on his first attempt, using a remastered Henge no Jutsu to astonish his Chunin teacher. He was then placed in a squad with Kiltaiomaru, whom he had hoped to be paired with, and Nemu, the silent boy who never spoke unless spoken to.
When Saya first introduced himself to his Jonin, she gave him a cold look. For the first few weeks, she seemed to hate him, giving him horribly tough training, beyond his abilities to comprehend. However, through all of this, Kiltaiomaru and Nemu were there for him. They helped comfort him, telling him that their Jonin was simply jealous of his gift. Saya didn't truly believe this of course, but accepted it as a worthy excuse after a while. The combination of the woman's horrifying training regimens and the care of Kiltaiomaru and Nemu, actually helped to strengthen Saya in a large way. His Jonins training greatly increased his strength, and he built a strong bond with bothe Kiltaiomaru and Nemu. When the time for the Chunin exams came along, he was ready.
He, Kiltaiomaru, and Nemu passed the first section of the exams with little trouble. Then, when the second round came along, it was time to fight for real. After winning his first fights with ease, Saya was pitted against Kiltaiomaru in the final round. Whoever won would become a Chunin. After giving eachother a respectful bow and a wish for luck, they started their fight. It went on for hours, both of them fighting to their fullest. Then, Shichibi attempted to take over Saya for the first time. Taken back by the pain of forcing it back, Saya was unable to counter Kiltaiomaru's attack; Dochuu Eigyo - Underground Fish Projection. Instead of defending, he utilized his clan's power for the first time, disregarding all of his parent's warnings. His entire life they had told him not to use it unless it was absolutely neccessary. Slamming his right palm to the ground while snapping the fingers of his left hand, Saya decimated the ground beneath him. The force launched him high into the air, while blasting Kiltaiomaru under ground, breaking many of his bones in the process. Needless to say, Saya was declared the winner. When he looked into the stands to see his parent's reaction, they weren't there. After asking around, he discovered that they had left just minuted before the final fight began.
Returning home after the promotion ceremony, Saya called out for his parents. When they didn't answer he began to worry. After looking all over the main floor, he entered the basement, a room where nobody in his family ever ventured. There, he found his parents, both unconscious, clenching a folded piece of paper. When he read the paper, he found that, as part of Shichibi's wrath for sealing it within Saya, he swore that both of the boy's parents would be ravaged by disease if he ever attempted to use the Buryoku-te (Force Hands) of the Bakudan clan. A full exam revealed that his parents suffered no physical damage whatsoever, but were simply robbed of their essensce. Saya was immediately placed in an orphanage while his parents were sent to hospital, believed to be in a permanent coma. Thier disease was curable, but would cost far more money than anyone could obtain. Saya accepted this, and moved into the orphanage.
After a few years of living off the orphanage food, Saya decided he'd had enough. He approched the owner of the home and formally asked if he may please leave the building and live on his own. He was denied the privledge, causing him to grow some rage towards the man. That night, while he slept, Shichibi plotted. The next morning when he awoke, the orphanage lay in ruins around his bed, burning to ash. There were ANBU just arriving on the scene, carriying the injured away. Right away, Saya was hand-cuffed and dragged off to the ANBU HQ. He was charged with high treason and was sentenced to be executed by hanging. He attempted to explain that it was Shichibi that did it and not him, but he was laughed at and told to learn to control the beast in the next life.
The next day, fifteen-year-old Saya was on his way to the gallows, his head veiled by a dark sack. Two executioners walked along side him. As he climbed the stairs to the gallows and the rope was hefted over his head and around his neck, his thoughts drifted to his days as a Genin, and his time with Kiltaiomaru and Nemu, who he had not seen since the Chunin exams. Then, he heard a farmilliar voice in the back of his head. "We're getting out of here ..." it said. It was Shichibi, trying to take him over again. This time he didn't fight it; this time he welcomed it. He blacked out.
When he awoke he was in the desert of Sunagakure. Immediately he began to train. For two straight years he trained, harnessing the power of Shichibi into his Buryoku-te technique. He wouldn't let the death of his parents be in vain. After about a year, he gained complete control over Shichibi, having it heed his every whim. Another year soon passed, and he felt he had mastered his art beyond perfection. Within this time he also mastered some Fuuinjutsu and unlocked all three of his chakra elements. Along with this, he studied projectiles and physics until he felt he no longer needed to study. He had truly become a master in his own eyes.
He traveled the desert for another year, until he came across an old military base. He took refuge there, thinking it would be a more private place to live, rather than in a tent in the desert like he had been doing for two years. After a mere two days at the base, someone approached the doors. When Saya went to investigate he was shocked to see Kiltaiomaru. His former team mate explained how he had been out looking for Saya for over a year and a half, and finally came across tracks, nearly burried in the sand, that lead him to the old military base. He also explained that Saya's parents were still alive, but getting closer to death every day. It was then that Saya knew what he had to do. He and Kiltaiomaru formulated a plan.
After traveling back to Iwagakure, Kiltaiomaru managed to convince Nemu and several other shinobi to join the cause. They also wrangled up some shinobi from Kirigakure and Kumogakure, as well as one or two Konohagakure shinobi. And, within two months, Gorotsuki was formed. Gorotsuki was a group of rogue shinobi that would accept any mission as long as the price was right. All of the proceeds went towards helping Saya's parents. The group worked hard for a year, completing some very horrendous missions, and finally managed to get the money neccessary. That night, they held a party to celebrate, however the party was interrupted by a pair of peculiar men dressed in strange attire.
These men were Hoshigaki Kisame and Uchiha Itachi. They were there for Shichibi. Immediately, Kiltaiomaru and Nemu stepped in front of Saya, but were both ordered by Saya to stand down. Saya then offered them a drink. Kisame greedily grabbed a bottle of ale off the table and chugged it down. As he wiped his mouth, Saya snapped his fingers, causing the bottle to explode in Kisame's hands, rendering him unable to preform hand seals. The rest of the group, save for Kiltaiomaru and Nemu, then ran at Kisame, attacking him with everything they had. However, they were all swatted away like flies with a single swing of Samaehada. They all got to their feet and took a defensive stance. Nemu and Kiltaiomaru then darted at Kisame, pulling off a double Gian (False Darkness) technique. Itachi jumped in the way, impaling both of them through the jugular with a kunai. As both of them lay dying, Saya's rage built. With one last outraged cry, he lifted the entire base into the sky using Shichibi's abilities, it being made of earth, and made it spin rapidly. Itachi then jumped high into the air as Kisame fled on foot, jumping off into the desert before the base got too high. Once in the air, Itachi's eyes mutated into the Mangekyo Sharingan and the entire base, save for the ledge that Saya was on, was burnt down to nothing, killing all of Saya's comrades instantly. Saya, nearly exhausted of chakra, fell to his knees, all seven of Shichibi's tails streaming from his back. Without a word, Itachi waited for Saya to lose consciousness, before taking him to the Akatsuki base.
When he awoke, everything was shaded. He could tell that he was in a room made of stone, and there were nine people standing around him, all wearing the same attire as Kisame and Itachi. As he looked at them all, one of them caught his eye; Deidara. He knew Deidara as a criminal of Iwagakure. It was then that he knew ... this was Akatsuki. They each formed a hand seal and he could feel Shichibi being ripped from his body. He knew that if he didn't stop them soon, he would die as well. With the last of his strength, he placed his hand against the base of the giant statue that seemed to be eating Shichibi's chakra. With a light cough, he snapped his fingers, causing the bottom of the statue to explode, while using Shunshin to escape the base as the door closed. He escaped with his life, but without Shichibi.
He then decided to continue training. He wouldn't let them get away with what they did. He would kill them all and get Shichibi back. He returned to Iwagakure to find that his parents had died just a day earlier. He was allowed to stay for the funeral, but asked to leave immediately afterwards.
Now, twenty years old, Saya has heard that a new person has Shichibi within them. He wants to find this person and defeat them, in hopes of gaining Shichibi back. He travels the lands alone, fighting anyone who gets in his way. A cold and emotionless wreck, he will stop at nothing to get what he desires ... justice.