OMG!!! I NO WHT MY CAT KEEPS WANTING ZTO GO OUT SIDE!!!!!!! HE'S IN LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!! OK so theres the oringe Taby cat that lives out side, and she was out side my window and my cat rex was on the window seal, and i went to see and rex was stareing at this adorible cat! i begged my dad to bring her in but when we went oout to get her she was gone!!!! no~!!!!
crying i really wanted to ssee them happy^^ there so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heart heart heart 
Oh! and^_^ i do draw rose's and anime sometimes^_^ but im better at roses i think if u want i could draw u a rose for free^^ just what color and if its all the way bloomed or not (lol im better if its not ALL the way bloomed.) and dont expet em to be that good XP there better then what u can probably do thou (lol jk)^_^