Aryll Misutaki

Lady bat

real name: unkown
Aryll ran cross the beach as fast as she could. "Oh crap! I'm late!"
"Awww man! stupid part-time job!"
She mummbled to herself. Not paying attention, Aryll tripped over a little stone on the beach. "Eeeyah!"
Aryll closed her eyes. She thought "hmm I hanvn't fallen yet? strange..."
She opned her eyes. "Oh!"
She was caught by a man with a long pony tail,beuatiful lavender eyes and bat wings.
"Ah, I-I a umm..."
Aryll blushed. "Are you okay?"
The man looked at her. "Y-Y-yes!"
She stutterd as she stood up. "Hmph you should watch were you going." He played with his hair as he smirked at Aryll. Aryll stared at the boy. "HEY!"
She yelled " ITS NOT MY FAULT I WAS IN A RUSH A- Oh my god! I totally forgot! My job!"
Aryll freeaked out. "Hahaha you silly you know that?"
Aryll stared at the man and began to blush again. " Ah, may I ask what your name is?"
The man smiled "lady bat."
Aryll stared at the man for a few seconds... "LADY BAT!? AHAAAAHAAA!"
Aryll began laughing till she cried
Lady Bat yelled at her "Its not funny!"
Lady bat looked away from Aryll. Aryll stopped laughing and got closer to Lady bat. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you-"
Lady bat turned around grabbed Aryll's hand. "Eh!? what are you doing!"
She screamed. Lady bat didn't answer. Fwoosh Fwoosh! He flapped his wings. Soon they were in the air flying. "Heheh, I did'nt get the chance to ask you what your name is."
Lady bat played with his har again. " Aryll."
Aryll said. Lady bat's hand slipped and Aryll soon started to fall. "Eeeeeeah!"
She screamed as she fell. Lady bat quickly flew down and grabbed Aryll's body and held it close to his. "Ooops hehe sorry my hand slipped"
He smiled. Aryll's heart started beating fast. She stared at him "IDIOT! I COULD HAVE DIED! AND WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME ANYWAY!?"
Lady bat winked at her "Where you wanted to go."
Aryll looked at Lady bat in confusion. "Where I wanted, to go?"
"Ah there's the place right?"
Aryll looked at the building ahead. " Ah! The cafe!? But how did you know I needed to go there?"
Lady bat smiled "When you tripped you dropped a flyer saying the cafe was hiering and I heard you yell about needing to go to your 'job'. And when you laughed about my name I turned around to check the poster and found out where it was. So I thought you know why not drop you off I mean I have nothing better to do."
He blushed. "Oh it looks like where here."
He flew down right in front of the cafe entrance. Aryll held her hand out "Thank you~"
Lady bat stook out his hand and shook Arylls "your welcome."
Lady bat began to flap his wings "Until we meet again!"
Aryll yelled "Bye bye!"
She waved to Lady bat. " Hmm nive person flyi-WAIT FLYING!? HOLY PASTRIE! I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE 'TILL NOW!?... Idiot!"
"Oh well, I'll just have to talk whith him again"
She smiled as she walked into the cafe.
Community Member
Yes Lady bat looks like a woman but he is actully a man.
He is from the anime Mermaid melody pitchi pitchi pure.
If anyine whants to be in the story I'll add you but I only have room for
15 people. the rest are all made up people who wont show up much
people in story
_______________ O.o no one yet spaces left 15