I just finished playing a really old PC game called LOOM and it is AMAZING!!! A friend of my mum's let us borrow it when I was little, but my mum never let my sisters or I install it because it had "magic in it" (and King's Quest didn't??? as if...). So yeah, I was always drooling over it, it looked so fun! And I was right! It was surprisingly short, but it is very unique in its way (for one, you don't actually have an inventory of items you take and carry with you, you have an inventory of "drafts"--spells that are cast via playing musical notes with your distaff [makes perfect sense to me]).
This was so much fun! It wasn't difficult at all (I never had to use hints or a walkthrough, and I'm not exactly the best adventure-gamer), though I wouldn't call it *too* easy, you do have you use your brain a little bit. One thing about it is that you can't die... which can be a good or bad thing, depending on how you look at it (most Sierra adventure games kill you off in a variety of humorous fashions), but this game has plenty of humor!
Another thing is that LOOM is filled with mythology and mystical references, which ends up giving the game its own special atmospheric "feel" that I've noticed isn't present in most of the games I play. LOOM really brings you into its game world and leaves you wanting to know more about it.
Fun, magical and witty, this game brings a lot of interesting things to the table, so yes! If you like adventure games, check out LOOM!!!

Available for free at: www.abandonia.com
I'm not sure where you could get the talky version from.

Note: You will probably need to run this game on DOSBOX (or another emulator) for the sound to work.
DOSBox is available for free at: www.dosbox.com or www.abandonia.com.
Abandonia also has an emulator called ScummVM, which is a little easier to use than DOSBox. Available here.