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stuff.... things....ppl....places.... & junk
~Emotions take over it all starts here~ chpt 0
~* Emotions take over, it all starts here. *~
******************~*~*~Chapter 0 ~*~*~ **************************
A beautiful woman leaned, against a kitchen sink, sandy dark arms crossed tensely, blue waves of anger tumbling & thrashing in the crystal sea of her eyes. Slipping past the dark red curtains a thin ray of sun danced over her shoulder lighting soft curls of blue hair like cold fire. Jaw clenching her elegant features hardened as she stared evilly at the man in front of her. Across an ashy oak dinning table the man, with an air of appealing mystery met her gaze, beaming intensely at her with eyes of blazing red infernos. He struggled to contain his rage, leaning heavily against the arced kitchen entrance, clenching, & unclenching his fists, his kind hard set features frozen in a cold stone faced gaze.
To look upon them they appear in their mid 20s but young bodies have you fooled, 36 years of war lay embedded in their eyes. Still glaring at her, standing coolly in faded black jeans, with her ridiculously worn tank top, his frustration grew, & her muscles flexed against her skin in a slightly scary fashion, as if in response to his mounting aggressions. His head started ringing as he held his breath which threatened to be an aggravated wail.
“Ha! So now you’re going to ******** exploded like a big fat red balloon aren’t you?!” The woman said dryly. He looked at her darkly, he just wanted to reach out & crumple her up like a wad of paper then light it on fire. Forcing himself to look away, he clenched his fists harder drawing blood. “Well hot head aren’t ya!?” Turning wildly with an aggravated shout he kicked over a chair, & punched a hole in the wall, it shook & with the upsetting vibration child draw pictures rattled falling to the floor.
“Aaauugh! You’re such a ********” he punched another hole in the wall. Astonished she watched the stalky broad shouldered man, with bronze skin & dark hair; an easy 6ft, in work jeans, & a red T-shirt explode in a fast frenzy of movement, fist smashing the wall blood droplets flinging from his hand.
“Wa-wa?” she stammered stunned, did he… the wall?, her anger sunk in. Tilting her head downward she clenched her fist, two slow deep deep,( really deep, so deep you thought her lungs would explode before she exhaled & she’d suffocate before inhaling again) breaths later, she looked up with venom & authority. “Stop acting like a damned fool before I beat you down,” she didn’t yell but she didn’t need to.
“You’re such a b***h! You really are, you know that?!” he said loudly voice shaking with fury, he slammed his hands down on the table, locking her eyes with his. Moments passed as they glared at each other intensely, the magnitude of dark emotion emitting from their eyes seemed to thicken the air between them,(one would imagine experimentally poking a stick through that space only to see it burst into flame).
“What’s wrong with you? Are you a ******** lunatic stop acting like this!” she yelled pulling her self out of the staring contest.
“Oh yes, I’m the lunatic alright. Yup, local mad man at your service……NOT! Ha, your one to talk….no actually your not, very far from it because, yelling is the only way any thing ever breaks your numb skull! Am I right smartass?!” he said to her turned back. Hair swinging viciously she whipped around,
“What did you say a*****e? Who is the one who just destroyed the kitchen, hmmm?!” she waved her arm indicating the mess he made. “Oh wait, wait, wait, I forgot everyone from the Fire Lands punches holes in the walls & acts like maniacs, right?!” she spat sarcastically.
“Oh, really now? I guess that’s just like how everyone from the Iceland’s of Waves is a thick headed dib s**t, hu?.......No wait… that’s just you!” he retorted loudly pushing himself from the table to the entrance with a harsh laugh. A small moment passed & he felt the mood shift.
“Is that so Mr. Know it all, Mr. I'm always right? Hmmm, is it, is it really?” she said with a dry sarcastic bite, pretending to be unaffected, but her rage was brewing.
“yes it is Mrs. Ratty old tank top wearing-unreasonable-wench!” he stated coldly, & she flinched as the words hit her like a splash of cold water. All her overwhelming emotions clawed their way from inside her & boiled over, she burned with emotional flames. Aggressively she grasped the neck of an expensive looking, hand crafted vase, home to roses of many beautiful blue hues, & with one jerky swing of her arm flung them at the man.
Missing by a hair it swooshed past his head crashing on the hall wall behind him in a great burst of water, glass, & flower petals. It all seemed slow & blurred; (maybe it was just her angry tears), water trickled down the wall like clear glistening blood, to the fallen remains of vase on the floor. She did this knowing the true emotions beneath their anger, but the words of hate were said, & they bit strong. The pain was real . She focus on that feeling of release, embraced the dissinigration of pain & rage, it all shattered so instantly in the single moment the vase collided with wall. She was left wanting more, yearning deeply, as if in finding a new addiction, to release herself of all her burdens in this way.
Turning stunned he looked at the remains of the vase on the hall’s white carpet, & he gaped at her, jaw so stupidly wide it could have touched the floor. That hit home on him & hit hard, she knew it, because that vase wasn’t just some pretty little thing to sit up on her white marble counter. Nope that vase, those flowers, like their wedding rings held sentimental value to them both, in some unspoken way it represented their love, & she had shattered it, she shattered their love.
“Yea that’s right a*****e the vase!” she stated nastily emphasizing her words red with rage.
“What ever….So what, about it? It’s just a stupid vase & your just a stupid un reasonable wench.” he shrugged coolly with a changed composure, tone & expression. Inside it all hurt like his heart was being suffocated, as if it was grinding between two sand papery stones. He felt it with every wretched pulse, so powerful he could almost hear the grinding, he suddenly felt small, cold & breathless, the color cleaned from his face,( although she couldn’t tell). She was appalled, how could he? Did he actually dare? That wasn’t just a vase, did he say just a vase? That had to be an act, its not just a vase… to me its not just a vase, to him…me just a wench…She stepped back from her thoughts & away from him as if he was a repetitive odor & quickly reestablished herself. Rigidly he waited in unraveled shock, his mind had some what froze. Never had it been taken so far, she smashed it. Why not just pawn your ******** wedding ring or better yet auction off the children while your at it.
It seemed they were just yet again, rolling down the now too familiar road of rage full quarrels that stretched back three weeks, but this time felt like the first raw & tough to swallow. In the beginning, it was a horrid new experience for them both, worse than the goriest & countless battles each had witnessed in life, because this wasn’t the enemy they were aiming to take down, it was each other & the later realization of exactly what that meant, it was beyond comprehension, it was scary. They fired words off like bullets, it was shocking, it endowed upon them a new weight, a new understanding of struggle That’s how it was at first but, the first time is always the hardest, & ease comes with experience. Now almost daily they dragged themselves down the road of routine word shootouts, different words shot each time, but they grew tough to the bullets, the softer more sensitive emotions of the first battles some how lost in the darkness of experience.
“Oh, if that’s so you wouldn’t mind if I did….THIS!? Now would you!?” she barked a little pain crept in her voice cracking a bit. Shoving him aside she repeatedly stomped the glass, digging in her now bleeding heal to mash the massacred flowers deep in the white carpet, to see his pain, to release her rage. As this site continued, unwelcome sounds of summer drifted dully through the open window. So casual, as if there were two friends inside discussing the latest trends over ice tea. Never would anyone have suspected a battle in a war of words to be taking place, on the verge of fist bashing. Gliding in, the unknowing breeze pulled with it the outside world; friendly remarks from the store down the way, sounds of kids creating daily rounds of innocent havoc, fresh flowery aromas, the scent of newly cut grass, & of course the thing furthest from this families mind , melodic laughter like a treat to the soul, brightening sprits sprouting smiles & handing out a contagious warmth, another thing this family lacked at the moment, even in 90 degree weather.
All so cheery, so natural seeming, but the presents of an omen hung like a heavy cloak thick with the smell of decay beneath the fresh summer air. Inside the cool dark glow of the kitchen, air prickled standing on edge, every thing else in the house held its breath awaiting the next moment at which to be sliced through by emotional shrills.
“STOP!” he finely broke out in a loud demanding manner, the suffocating scene was too much to bear, it was just too much, it all went too far, the anxiety clutched him heaving his chest, & the choking pain wasn’t doing much for his breathing . The foot rising, the stomping, the grinding, it was too far over the line.
“Why Hun? Does it bother ya?” she swerved her head eyes bugged nearly spilling out, she felt the bubbling insanity trying to break her, tear her apart, it had fully set in strong like a fresh burst of adrenalin. She liked it, she had convinced her self this was what mad her happy, the wiled aggressive insanity draped in false joy was her new high. His heart halted in mid beat, his shirt clung against his built body dampened by a cold sweat, she looked like a cracked out cat with rabies, over the edge of insanity, her eyes pleaded for an end, her voice held hate, & her expression was wiled even just taking it in with a glance, weird angry emotions would burn in you too.
Is this what a heart attack feels like, he thought rapidly, it felt like something had painfully exploded in there, he gripped his chest partially for relief, & also to make sure he really hadn’t exploded, he wanted to break, he wanted to cry. Forcing a sigh he looked away every thing about what just happened was wrong, he knew Crystal was far past easy clarity of thought, he knew it was an act she knew it was an act, it wasn’t real, none of it was, because they knew they didn’t mean the hate, but it changed nothing at the moment. “It does, doesn’t it? …..Admit it bothers you! It does, doesn’t it!?”
“No it doesn’t! …bother me in the least…” he lied fairly well, not about to retreat no matter how far over the line things had crossed, cracked out cat or not it was still said, it was still done, & it was still going strong. He hurt, he was hurting bad now it was her turn for pain. The subject had strayed so he made & effort to pull it back on track, but he wasn’t going to be soft about it, being pissed off was left in the far distance, he was now at a numb boil, & his heart had exploded as far as he could tell, cooling down wasn’t exactly an open option. “I do believe we got a bit off topic though. I coulda swore we were talking about you being an ignorant, insensitive, stuck up pri-,” he said in a choppy tone of sass making short hand gestures.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, me I’m the ignorant one? Ha! That’s a laugh when you’re the one who’s not open to change!” she blazed with exaggeration pointing & staring at him down her finger as if suddenly that would make him agree with every thing she said & apologize. With one last stomp, she pounded across the kitchen’s watery floor tiles to the sink in three angry strides. An after shock wave of anger came & she slammed her fist on the counter, insanity of a crack head cat lost for the most part, driven in to the brutal crime scene of the abused dead flowers. A stronger breeze blew in thrusting up curtains, tossing around her hair, making the situation no better; Breathing like a mad bull she furiously slammed the window with a loud, shuump. The air tightened taking a sharp breath, as if insulted.
“Fine if that word doesn’t seem to fit try on this one, inconsiderate, don’t even try & say your not! Don’t even go there because you are. Your not asking to go to the other side of town, not even to a different near by town, no not just move to a whole other nation, lets not do that , oh no you want to move to my rival nation giving me what ……3 days notice. Sorry hun but that aint gonna fly with me…….I-I mean yea if things had been different but-,”
“But nothing! You should be willing to do any thing for us, me, our kids, and our family at the drop of a hat! BUT NOTHING!” did he really try to get off on that with me right now? Who the hell does he think he is, he don’t know s**t, she thought.
“Don’t you pull that crap on me you know damned well why this is so hard for me! How do you think it will be once we get there hu? They despise you for marrying me you’re an out cast to them & your full flesh from the Iceland’s of waves plus your royalty. Do you think they’re really going to welcome me & the kids with grinning faces & open arms!? Yea that’s a fat load right there!” the image of being pelted with stones as a boy visiting that nation briefly swam across his mind. “....Ahhh! What’s wrong with you? Don’t you see it, don’t you understand?! Our kids are only half flesh… Lil Nikko’s older he’ll adapt better, Chrice is young she’ll grow to the customs, bla, bla, bla,” he moved his hand in a soc puppet manner. “But still, so what!
“Chrice did you even think about her, that she has more of me in her, & has both powers, & hardly even begins to understand any thing about this whole royal, race, war, crap-s**t-stuff- Damn it?!” he ended his hissy fit by pounding the wall again for having a lack of words.
In the way back corners of her mind something smiled, royal, race, war, crap-s**t-stuff- Damn it, ha say that ten times fast, but the humor was lost to her in the present.
“Wh-What’s wrong with me?” she asked a little shocked. “What's wrong, with….me?! Do you even think about me?! It’s not like I asked for this to happen!! It’s not as if one day I woke up & was just like; I want my grandpa to die, I want to be queen of the Icelands of waves, I want to be at war with my husbands father & nation, I just want to move to the Icelands of waves to totally piss my husband off, I want to force hard ship on the family, & I want to put supreme strain on my marriage…. Yep that’s exactly what I did this is my god damned dream come true! You have got some ******** nerve to look me in the face & tell me I don’t care about my family!” she rasped flailing her arms choked by the raising clump in her throat, why did her emotions always have to get involved each fight, she should be use to this by now, regardless they always surfaced some where bringing her to tears.
“I didn’t say that….” he whispered totally shot down.
“Oh & what did you say?!” she said shakily on the verge of tears, arms crossed standing expectantly, her heart bulged adding to the chocking glob of hurt in her throat.
“I just said you were inconsiderate…..& you are” he huffed arms crossed leaning against the kitchen entrance.
“Yea & so what the hell if I am ok! You’re just going to babble on about it & make that stupid pouty face of yours each & every time this is brought up. This is a life changing decision …..yea that’s real nice to know I can depend on you when things get tough, that we can always ‘talk’ it out, really reassuring Nikko! Nice to know you can really man up & step up when I really need you. Its just really ******** great to know you ca swallow your pride & find your balls when the time calls for such-” Crystal was just like a tiny little dog yipping & snapping at your fingers it was at the point were he couldn’t just shrug it off he had to say something.
“You know what?! You need to shut the hell up! You have the decision lying in front of you to end the war, so stop bitching, when you could just solve all our problems!” he knew that didn’t really do much but it was all he had to put out there.
“Ha…” she shook her head & rolled her eyes. “ So in the end it always comes down to this, to you…..no to your father.” she blinked tears rolling down her face. “You know just as well as I know, I’m not going to surrender my home land to your father no matter how bad it’s people have been to me. Just as you wouldn’t surrender the Fire lands to me if your father, Neal, & what’s her face died!” it was Nikko’s turn to roll his eyes, bla, bla, bla home land, bla, bla, bla, father, bla, bla, bla yak yak yak he thought.
“My sisters’ name is Rachel, & if I was ruler there would be no war,” he said calmly in mono tone, but her last words had rattled him like a giant violently loud maraca.
“I don’t care what her name is, she can suck my toe! But, there is a war Nikko, & you need to stop this….. Oh you still love your ‘father’, oh you still have faith in him you want him to love, you… Your father tossed you out with yesterdays paper, why do you care why does he matter to you! Face it your dad is a dead beat loser & he could care less if you rolled over & died, he will never truly care & he never has!”
“Shut up that has nothing to do with anything right now!” it was a fat chubby hand to the side of his face those words, they made his head ring & his eyes water, I should have just let her keep babbling. Crossing his arms he forced down the growing ball of emotion scrapping inside his throat, he forced back the aggressive sorrow. Suddenly his head ached, no pounded & he wished to do nothing more but plop down on his bed & sleep for eternity, dismissing it all everything about anything with war. Smoke a cigarette eat a cookie, just relax, this urge was so immense even the soft carpet looked tempting to lay on, he half motioned to do just so before turning the movement into an inpatient shift.
“I’m not the one who brought it up, but it seems it has a lot to do with every thing. Nikko get over it your dad he wants your family dead, he wants me & the kids dead, do you care about that?” She questioned, curious, a little hurt that his father of all people would be in the way of their marriage, & sorry that it affected him so much to this day. Looking at him he seemed an old shadow his true years showing through, but his expression was blank. “Probably not, hu? ‘Cause everything you’ve said has been a disguise…You’re using your kids as a disguise, a lie, to hide your own greedy wants, you self righteous d**k!” She scoffed now deeply & genuinely hurt, why it hurt so much she didn’t know but it was there. “Yea seems to be you down to the letter, I just left out the part about you being a mindless monkey who cant face a challenge, refuses to face truth, cant drop the past, cant pull it together when needed, is controlled by others,…… oh & cant put the toilet seat down, … hmm any thing I missed?!” she listed coldly, firing lame stones from a sling shot desperately trying to be a gun of strong bullets, she struggled with the heavy brick in her gut forcing her to sink slowly like sand in water.
Just stop the nagging I don’t want to do this right now just let me go to sleep I want a cookie & a cigarette &-, he wanted to moan. Wait, he slowly drifted away from the, I want to sleep part of his mind, what did she just say to me! Oh that blow was way too close to the belt, he couldn’t hold it in now, or brush it away, she pushed all the wrong buttons & she knew how to keep pushing & pushing & pushing. He felt such a strong yearning to yell in her face, in fact he knew he was going to belt it out at her, time to unleash the atom bomb, but he was surprised when one simple icy phrase rolled off his toung, gliding naturally past his lips, as if talking about recent weather to a frequent acquaintance.
“Tsk, you’re just like your ******** parents especially your mother,” he said hurt & bitter, this was the revenge the small phrase offered big pay back. Staggering a little she stepped back pushed up against the counter as the words hit her like flaming daggers driven slowly through her body. Surprisingly, that was the atom bomb, or the closest thing to it, little things matter most & little things hurt the most as well. Who said words didn’t hurt….ha what a bag full of bologna that is. Turning pale she squeezed her eyes & hung her head now she too had that miserable down bringing scream of a head ache, she longed to do nothing more than walk out & say I’m done bye, bye, I'm going swimming be back later make me a sandwich & put it in the fridge for me I’ll be hungry when I get back, but she wasn’t going to let him stomp her down like this, no indeed.
“H-how dare you, how dare you say such a retched vial thing! How dare you?!” she screamed shrilly at the floor, how this mad thing better for her, she couldn’t really see but that’s all that came to her that’s all she could say in her defense, a petty counter action to an atom bomb of words. A thin nervous smile crept across the corners of his mouth, the sheer fulfillment in knowing he got his payback, & had some how redeemed the explosion of his heart was shown in this wicked smile
“Get out!” her voice now a high pitched rasp as if she just got out of a concert, still directed at the floor. “J-just…Just get the hell out! Get the ******** out of this house b*****d!…. Now!” She yelled shooting him a death stare & pointing towards the front door.
“God damn it to hell, whatever you damned difficult crazy broad! ..... ******** I’ll go!” he shouted glaring at her he turned on his heels, he stepped past the lifeless flowers, & stomped down the hall.
“Yea go! Who needs your dumb a** any ways, I don’t! Damn it leave!” she yelled caught in her fury.
I’m already ******** gone,” he called behind him.
“Great just peachy ******** keen, ok!” she screamed furiously, throwing the plate she snatched from the strainer near the sink after him in a mad rage, tears streaming down her cheeks red with anger. Like the vase the plate hit the wall & shards of glass ricocheted through the air.
“Yea love you too hun,” he said teeth clenched, after the loud clash of wall meets plate. Veins popping out of his neck he threw open the door & made a big effort of slamming it behind him after stepping into the blinding light of the out side world

I care less but before U judg & point the finger kno arrogance & ingnorance go hand in hand

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