Or why I giggle,
or why my eyes sparkle when I see you.
I've heard that I glow when I'm with you.
I think that needs no explanation.
Bu how to explain why I feel warm inside,
why I feel like I overflow joy,
or the want to stop time so the moment will never end.
How to explain the heart racing,
or the luck I've been graced with.
Maybe it's because you're the best thing to happen to me.
You continue to amaze me.
Always caring for me and wanting the best.
When you put your arms around me
words cannot explain how safe I feel.
When I warp my arms around you in return
know that I want to spend forever in your arms.
When you kiss me I can't hold back a smile
because you're all mine.
You mean the world to me
and I'd have it no other way.
Maybe it's all because I love you.
Questing to craft the Guardian Totem. Bad Dog Leashes needed. Donations are welcome with open arms~ emotion_bigheart