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Well, this stuff that I will write down is usually about what I'm thinking, my lyrics that I write, poems or just random things that come to mind.
1.) What's your nick name? Karma-Choas or Noodlez
2.) How old are you? The sad and pathetic number... 16
3.) Are you old enough? *Sighs and nodds* yes -.-
4.) Do you feel like an old geezer? Lol, only when I try to get up from my bed.
5.) Are you listening to music right now? I would but lil sis has on Dinosaurs <<Rawr>>
6.) What kind of music do you like? Rock, Metal, Techno, Trance
7.) What kind of food do you like? Chinese or Itallian
8.) Who is your favorite singer/band? Ville Valo of H.I.M ^.^
9.) What is your favorite animal? a komodo dragon
10.) Do you watch television? *Drools* Thanks to television I cannot remember what I just watch 5 minutes ago.
11.) If so, what are you favorite shows? deathnote, code geass, TRUEBLOOD etc
12.) Do you like to read? Of course :3
13.) What's your favorite book? The Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series
14.) Who is your favorite author? Laurell K. Hamilton, Dean Koontz, and Stephan King
15.) Have you ever done anything illegal? who hasn't.
16.) How old do you wish you were? 18-21 (you probably know why)
17.) Are you happy with your life? ******** To The No... -.- Some things, though, I'd never change.
18.) Which Emoticon do you like the best? This one right here ninja
19.) Which Emoticon do you like the least?
20.) What item do you want for you Gaia avvie the most? I want...something that will blow me away
21.) Have you ever donated to Gaia? I do, but... no....
22.) Have you ever left Gaia for over a month? no this is my part of my life, if I lose this I will cry and then croak over and twitch
23.) Do you have a house on Gaia? Yes, but it's not very good -.-
24.) Do some people on Gaia REALLY get on your nerves? The people who are always complaining about n00bs
25.) Have you ever set up a quest? *looks at siggy* yep
26.) Have you ever donated to someone else's quest? Of course :3 I'm a nice girl.
27.) Do you believe in ghosts? We have one living in my house... Seriously
28.) Do you believe in fairies? *smiles* I want to say yes... but no on this one
29.) Do you believe horoscopes? Of course Gemini all the way Babeh!
30.) Do you believe there are microscopic munchkin gnomes on the ground that untie your shoelaces? yes, and because of them I always fall during school hours
31.) Are you insane? yes, thats what my parents, friends, and my treatment doctor said.
32.) Have you ever been accused of being insane? of course at my school...I'm the quite one that creeps the hallways stalking my prey
33.) If so, did you giggle madly and call them a silly goose then ramble on insanely? Maybe... maybe not @.o
34.) If so and you did not, are you going to next time you are accused of being insane? *staring mindlessly into space* huh?
35.) Are you enjoying this survey thus far? This is a survey?
36.) What would you do if someone handed you a cup of whipcream? *licks at white mustache* That's for me to know... 0.o you don't want to find out...
37.) Do you like to draw? Who doesn't... -. -. Don't answer that
38.) If so, what is your favorite medium? Just a regular pencil, man.
39.) Do you like to do crafts? Sometimes
40.) If so, what kind of crafts? something that deals with popsicle sticks I'm good with popsicle sticks
41.) Have you ever tried to lick your elbow?-.- yep and never was able to..
42.) Have you ever broken a bone? yes...I'm in a out of the E.R like every day/week
43.) Have you ever dyed your hair a crazy color? yes, because I have multi-colored hair. I will regret it in the future
44.) Have you ever had a moehawk? Hehe... I tried but my hair is too long
45.) Are you answering these questions based on you or your Gaia character? Nah
46.) Cute or cool? both?
47.) More or less? um um..more more more, how do you like it, how do you like it?
48.) Light or dark? Defo Dark
49.) Dull or bright? If dark then Dull, Duh!
50.) Heavy or light? light
51.) Sweet or sour? Ooooo sweet
52.) Food or drink? Drink
53.) Pepsi or Cola? Cola
54.) Sprite or Mountain Dew? Sprite
55.) Water or Flavored Water? Flavored Water
56.) Do you paint your fingernails? hell yes they have been painted black since 4th grade and always will be
57.) If so, do you paint your fingernails yourself? Yes
58.) What is the coolest color to paint your nails? I got really detailed once but we had a water fight and they got ruined.
59.) What is the coolest color to dye your hair? GREEN!!!
60.) Do you hate or like mathematics? Maths a breeze... it's my best subject
61.) What is/was your favorite subject in school? Culinary Arts all the way
62.) What is your favorite thing to do? I like to cook and read...
63.) Are you "married"? Almost engaged
64.) Do you think you are sexy? You're funny... I'm dead sexy... :=.= not really
65.) Do others find you sexy? Sometimes
66.) Do you think you are going to dominate the world someday? mwahahah...*cough cough* HELL TO THE YES!1
67.) Do others think you are going to dominate the world someday? -.0 YES! and if i do the people that always dissed me will become slaves forever and my right hand man will me GIRR!!!
68.) Ever had a random person tell you out of the blue that you were pretty/hot/sexy/(any other positive word about your physical appearance)? Yes, I have actually
69.) And you had NEVER met the person before? Nope, never
70.) And you hadn't even seen them before? No!
71.) Did you think it was totally cool that they did that? It was... amusing
72.) What is your favorite breakfast food? Cocoa puffs cereal
73.) What is your favorite lunch food? um chicken
74.) What is your favorite dinner? Rice, with a side of a cocaine line, cigarette and to top it off and bottle of coke.
75.) What is your favorite snack food? Yum... Popcorn
76.) Have you ever had any disorders? Making myself throw up...s**t i still do today
77.) Have you ever wanted to eat someone's arm? *sighs* yes I bit someone that put their arm by me and i didnt know the person.
78.) Have you ever wanted to kill someone? attempted three times.
79.) Did you kill them? Um... >>...<<"... almost
80.) Do you find Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh and Dragonball Z utterly repulsive? DBZ, no, the rest, yes
81.) If not, why the hell not? I grew up watching DBZ as a young girl.
82.) Do you think some of the Pokemon are cute? nope... well Mew ^.^
83.) Even though you despise the actual show? *sighs* it's just too childish with plots
84.) Are you going to say anything about my not using an "e" with an accent for Pokemon? Yes... WHY DIDN'T YOU
85.) Are you a grammar nazi? Depends on what kinda day I'm having
86.) Do you have a grudge against any group of people? Nah... just the people :3
87.) Are both of your parents alive? Sadly enough... yes
88.) Are you male or female? HELLO? I'm bisexual ... that is what a quiz said... but I'm a girl *looks down pants* yep
89.) No, not your Gaia character. You? I think Decieved could be drag
90.) Are you masquerading as the opposite gender because you like their avatar better? um... no I'm not that insane yet
91.) Have you ever been to a masquerade ball? No, but I still had that brownie once
92.) What countries have you been to? U.K. and Europe.
93.) What country are you currently in? USA
94.) Are you on the run? o.0 pigeons stole my soul
95.) Are you getting tired of these questions? Uh huh
96.) Are you a vegetarian? Nah, not quite... but I do love my veggies more than meat
97.) Do you think vegetarianism is dumb? Nah... killing aminals when we have nice fruits is dumb
98.) If so, why? Well *flips hair* I forgot
99.) Do you have anything against homosexuals? They are sexy
100.) Bisexuals? HELLO? I am bisexual... and I own it
101.) If so, to either one, why? *sighs* I love them!
102.) Are you a homophobe? Nope ^.^ 100% supporter all the way
103.) Do you know what a homophobe is? yep... -.- and it's a very sad excuse too
104.) Are you a Blonde? no... but at this moment I have multi-colored hair
105.) Do you think the blonde stereotype is absolutely ridiculous? It's actually true...
106.) But refer to ditzy moments or people as blonde anyways? um...
107.) Are you getting bored with these questions yet? of course.. you gave me a headache, but I'm bored.
108.) Do you like free gold? Um DUH!
109.) Do you like free avatar art? I guess... I have never really had any
110.) Have you ever bought avatar art? nah, not worth it really
111.) Have you ever bought a pet for you signature? uh-uh
112.) Have you ever owned a minishop? mini-shop? is that like a mini-mall?
113.) If so, what kind? um... Cocaine?
114.) If you were to open a minishop at this very moment, what would it sell? I'd like to sell... drugs have to be at 16+ wink

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Shika Sumisu
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Oct 23, 2008 @ 06:53pm

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